Just Fire a Gun in the Air!

I am having a day.

A “DAY,” I tell you.

Let us begin.  Because I am assuming you want to hear all about it.  Yes?


Someone down the road has a dog.  This dog gets loose often and terrorizes my chickens, rabbits, and kitty cat.

He scares our cute kitty, Mr. Poppers, and makes him get stuck in the tree.  Of course, Mr. Poppers is too ignorant to climb down.  This causes my children to weep and wail for all the injustice in the world and “why can’t mom get the kitty down?”

The dog also eats our chickens and tries to eat the girls’ baby bunnies.

Me and this dog are going to get into a fight.

This dog has been coming around since November.  Now, I am not one to judge someone for their animals getting out.

I mean, I myself have been known to have my swine running down the road.

loose pigs

I shan’t not judge.

However.  This has been going on for months now and it is getting a tad old.

So, today we were trying to do our school work when Little Dude looked out the window and proclaimed,

“That naughty dog is here and he is eating a chicken!”

Well.  He was here and he was eating a chicken.  So we stop school and go outside to catch him.  This takes about 45 minutes and we get him all tied up to the mailbox.  We leave a chain at our mailbox and these people come and get their dog.  This is the arrangement we have, even though we have not spoken.  And it happens so often, I just leave the chain there.

The dog got loose three times after that.  And all three times, I would have to stop school and tie him up.

Three hours later, the owner comes.  The dog is not at the mailbox because he is too busy trying to eat another chicken.  She almost drives away but I wave her down and she drives up.

She does not seem to be bothered by this at sitch at all.  And she is sure that I will understand that she, herself, who is apparently a fellow homeschooler, was busy doing school with her children and forgot all about the dog.

She also said that next time I should just fire a gun in the air because guns scare the dog.

Because that sounds like something I have time for.

“Alright, kids.  Let’s pause this science lesson whilst mother goes outside to fire a weapon.”

Anyways.  I am annoyed and don’t know what to do.  Meanwhile, David is calling me often because we are trying to coordinate the picking up of our broken down minivan, dropping off of a rototiller to his sister, and taking a pig to the butcher-all tonight.

We start school again around 2 and I am bound and determined to get through my lessons when I glance at Little Dude.

Little Dude has decided to cut his hair.  As little boys are wont to do.

 ld haircut

And I quit.  I am quitting today.  The end.

I chose to blog instead of fix his hair.  We are from the Ruralville.  People won’t bat an eye at the boy’s new look.

What.  A.  Day.

Fire a gun in the air.  Ha!

Happy Tuesday!

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20 Responses to Just Fire a Gun in the Air!

  1. Rachel Spin says:

    I would attach a bill for all the dead chickens to the dog’s collar the next time this happens.

  2. You are much better than I. I, instead of shooting in the air, would shoot the dog after he ate any of my critters. Maybe I’m just mean.

    You could just shave dude’s hair, military style. Problem solved!

  3. Carol-Anne says:

    Oh my….that IS a day! I agree that you should attach a bill for the chickens. And shave the boy’s hair.
    …..and consider taking up drinking wine in the afternoons!

  4. Susan says:

    Why oh why do they all cut their hair? Why?
    So sorry about your bad neighbor dog.
    I hope the evening pick ups and deliveries went much better than the day time activities. I also hope there was a scheduled stop for ice cream.

  5. Amy says:

    I know. With all the free chickens David seems to get, you should set up a chicken coop (something simple) between you and the neighbor. Then, when the dog gets loose, he or she will go to those chickens instead of yours. That way, you save your time and chickens. I think you should shave the boy’s head in a reverse mohawk because that’s all the rage in ruralville, or so I’ve often observed. He could be a trend setter. I’m not sure how your church folk would react to that though. 🙂

  6. Joyce says:

    The dog situation is a toughie. I have extra bedrooms if you decide to run away for a weekend : )My youngest cut her hair in first grade- it was comical, but only in hindsight

  7. TJ says:

    I agree with attaching a note and bill for time spent chasing their dog and the cost of the chickens or whatever else he kills. The problem is once he started killing he will keep doing it unless THEY take control of their dog and it sounds like they really don’t care. Believe me if you had a dog doing this to them they would let you know their displeasure quickly. I can only imagine how frustrating this is for you! Hope today is better.

  8. Suzanne says:

    Time to switch your afternoon coffee for wine 🙂 Also, I agree with the bill for the chickens. What a nuisance. I hope your evening deliveries went better than the rest of your day!

  9. Debra D. says:

    I must be having a “day” today because I cannot decide which is worse, the dead critters or the unfortunate haircut…..

  10. Wichiepoo says:

    I agree, I would attach a bill for the chickens and bunnies etc. Also, for your time, since you need to spend HOURS running after their dog.

    This dog shall be back often since he knows there is a free buffet lunch right there. What if this dog gets aggressive one day? You never know.

    Seriously, people should learn to respect their neighbors, I would also let them know that maybe, just maybe you will call the SPCA, maybe that will help them learn to take care of their dog.

    My son also cut his hair like that, boys will be boys.

  11. Christina says:

    I would be more than ticked about the dog situation. That is just not right. I like the idea of calling an authority (or telling the owner that is what you plan to do next time). I hope you find a solution to that issue. Not. Cool.

  12. Julie S says:

    I am afraid I would have to shoot the dog, and by “I”, I mean my husband or the older boys. Who has time to go shoot in the air, if you have time to do that, you have time to shoot the darn dog too.
    Oh the hair! My niece cut her hair several times. It’s always in the front, isn’t it?
    I hope your Wednesday is better.

  13. In the homesteading world what you need to do about the dog is called SSS: “shoot, shovel, shut-up.” I agree with above comment from TJ; once a dog starts killing chickens, it won’t stop, especially since the neighbors do not seem to care. Don’t let it go on any longer…you won’t have any chickens or bunnies left. It’s a serious issue.

    Last month here at an auction they sold a bunch of laying hens for $16 a piece! Start making out the bill!

  14. Vesta says:

    My brother (18 months older than me) cut my hair the week before my sister’s wedding – I was flower girl & brother was ring bearer. My mother was not happy!

    Agree with others on neighbor’s dog — he needs to be stopped!

  15. Kendra says:

    Just say you took half a day for teacher appreciation week.

  16. Ruth says:

    I can hear the convo now – “I decided to shoot off a gun in the direction of your dog the next time he comes up here and terrorizes any of us.” “No, no! Fire in the air! He’s afraid of guns.” “No, no! I will fire in the direction of your dog because he is trespassing and eating my animals.” “No, no! I will keep him at home.” “I will shoot in the direction of your dog and I will call the Animal Control person to come and get him.”
    Of course, you would have to actually express your opinion out loud to these people…

  17. Christine C says:

    I also agree that maybe a bill for the chicken her dog eats is in order. Good grief, what is wrong with people? I know you are trying to be “neighborly,” but this is ridiculous.

    I think you should have your lumberjack build a pen for the dog and just keep him as a new pet. Then if she comes looking for the dog (which I doubt), you can point out that since he was always running loose looking for food you assumed they didn’t want him anymore.

    As for the hair, summer is coming. Time for a buzz cut and a baseball hat!

  18. MegA says:

    In my opinion, you are being far too nice, and accommodating toward your neighbor’s dog’s behavior, and their response. As tough as it is, this is a chronic problem, with no end in sight with the current situation/response. And, I agree, with a number of the other posts, this dog now has the taste for killing your chickens and rabbits. I would suggest that you nicely, but firmly tell them that they need to take control of their dog, or you will have no other choice but to shoot him, as he is trespassing on your land and killing your livestock. Then, the hard part will be, following through with it. I am sorry for your neighbor issues.

  19. datenut says:

    Lady needs to keep her dog in, or tied up. Shooting a gun into the air is illegal here. So is letting your dog run around free. Send her a bill for organically grown free range chicken and then she’ll stop. Here it goes for about $6.50 per lb.

  20. Kate says:

    Taylor, don’t ever stop blogging. Still laughing here!

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