Asynchronous and Synchronous

Here are two words I do not believe I ever heard before August 1, 2020:



And now, both words are spoken to me no less than 47 times a day.  Have those words always been around, or were they created for teachers for such a time as this?WAT-TK-Words-Feature


I am back to work!  I am still not confident in my ability to tell you that I know what is going on.  And I have found a new GIF to reflect my feelings for you:

I feel it accurately portrays my current mood.

Before, I felt like this:


Kind of an excited, anticipatory type of confusion.

Now, I have accepted my confusion and am much calmer about my stress.  Plus I am eating snacks to soothe me.


Good times.

The boys and I went and did “The Family Interview” at their new Christian school.  Naturally, I had to bribe them and told them if they behaved well they could have a Dutch Bros.

They knocked it out of the park, Friends.

So.  I upgraded their treat to a 4 for $4 from Wendy’s.  Which in retrospect, is most likely cheaper than Dutch Bros.  The boys seem a bit happier about their new school decision and the new principal won them over when he told them they would be allowed to eat a snack for five whole minutes at the beginning of third period.

HD:  That’s pretty cool about that snack thing, huh?

LD:  Yeah.  Pretty cool deal.

And just like that, they are ok with things.


Kate started her senior year, if you can believe such a thing.


Here she is with Tank the Dog.  Tank has been around for many of her first day of school pics.  Such as this one from Homeschooling 2012

2012-08-20 08.38.45

And this one from last year:


We tried to get him on the deck for this year’s photo, but it was too scary for him.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . .

Let us have an animal update.

  1.  Babe the weaner pig lives!
  2. Mama Hen and the 8 little chicks also live!
  3. Ep the new bull arrived on our property:


He is very full of pride in himself and his manliness.

Mama Cat moved the kittens and I cannot reach them.  She enjoys drinking water from our water fountain.


I like her.





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3 Responses to Asynchronous and Synchronous

  1. Beth says:

    You are still alive. Good goin’.

  2. Nicole says:

    Happy start to the crazy school year!

  3. Ruth says:

    Much better to stay calm about school. You can’t know everything. I like that pretty white flowered ‘tree’ at your water fountain. Hurray for kids who are ok with a new school! Good Luck to you eTeacher!

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