He Snuck a Smooch

Yes.  I am aware snuck is not a word.

No, I do not care.

LD and I had a wonderful little road trip to Alex’s wedding.  I discovered that having only child with you is peaceful and pleasant.  Who knew?!  He stayed awake the whole time and was my co-captain.  I thoroughly enjoyed our time together.


A few weeks ago, I asked my precious nephew if he could be my date for the wedding.  He agreed.  He is Jason’s son.

Remember Jason?

Remember Jason?

Poor Jason.  That photo is probably 15 years old.

Anyways.  Precious nephew was to be my date, and then I canceled, but then I un-canceled.  LD and I arrived a day later than everyone, but right in time for the ceremony.  When precious nephew saw me, he ran to me and we had a picture together.


Could he not be any cuter?  I mean SERIOUSLY.

And then.  He snuck a smooch.


All the heart eyes for that little man, I tell ya.

Alert!  The teen daughters liked my shoes.  I repeat.  The teen daughters liked my shoes.

I have a shocking picture for you all.

You might need to sit down for this.

David smiled.


I wonder if he wasn’t ready for the picture?  Perhaps he didn’t have time to un-smile?

Oh, well.  Worked out well for me.

It was a lovely wedding and LD and I were very glad we were able to make it.  I made Lauralee (Alex’s new wife) snap this photo with me, Lisa, and Amy.  Lisa is the Maliblahblah boys’ sister.  Amy, Lauralee and I are all married to one of the Maliblahblah boys.

From left to right Lisa (sister), Amy (Jason), Me (David), and Lauralee (Alex)


We deserve recognition.  Those boy/men are a lot of work.

Well, except for Jason.  He isn’t too crazy.

Remember Jason?

Remember Jason?

So we were enjoying the wedding and I was like,

David!  We close on the rental Monday!  And we still have stuff in the dang rental!

We drove from the wedding (6+hours away) to the rental and got all of our junk.

I made everyone remake a photo from ten years ago.

Here is the picture of all six of us on the day we closed on our rural house ten years ago:


And here we are today, ten years later, finally selling the town house:

The astute reader might notice HD is wearing glasses.

They are an old pair of my mom’s.  His new glasses won’t come for a few weeks.

He prefers to wear hers.  Because, and I quote:

“At least I can kind of read!”


And here’s a more real picture:


Kate’s boyfriend took the pictures for us and he got like all the way down low to the ground.  Is that how you are supposed to take pictures?  Because if so, I have been failing all my life.

Was I sad when I locked the house up for the last time?

Did I feel like crying?

A little.

Do I want to keep it?

Tomorrow is the first day of eSchool.

Am I ready?


But I did dust off ye olde planner, so that is probably a good sign.

Happy Sunday!


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5 Responses to He Snuck a Smooch

  1. Beth says:

    Who is that handsome dude with the smile and a tux?
    Great idea on the photo.

  2. Anna says:

    Phew! Steady on!

  3. Sarah says:

    So glad you made it to the wedding! And he smiled (though I notice he reverted to form later in the post). So glad for the joys that came your way this weekend!
    All the very best for teaching this week.

  4. Nicole says:

    Good luck with online teaching, you will do swimmingly!

  5. Ruth says:

    Awww, such a cute smoocher! I think David was so glad that you made it to the wedding that he smiled as he stood beside you with his arm around you!! It is So Nice to only have one child travel with you. They can really be helpful then. You have had a great weekend.
    Good Luck this week! The virtual schools in my area have the parents/grandparents tearing out their hair already.

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