Today, in class, we were playing Zoom hangman.
Boy: I guess “j”
So, I write a lower case “j.”
Boy: No! I meant the OTHER “j.”
Me, staring at my lower case “j”: Bud, I do not understand.
Girl: He is talking about a “g.”
Boy: Yup.
And we all just accepted this.
This is where we are now, Friends. It is May the 21st. I shall send this boy to second grade thinking there are two “J’s” and I am too tired to to care.
It is what it is. I have fought the good fight. And let us discuss the letter “g”, reader.
Think about it.
Say it outloud.
You hear the “j” sound. Why do the people do this to the kids?
Same with the letter “c.”
Let’s move on.
I have had a rough couple of days being a parent. It happens.
For reasons unbeknownst to me, I decided to fall back in love with the soundtrack of the movie, “Oklahoma.” Ok, I know why. It is because I remembered a song. The song “People will say we’re in love” while I was drying my hair yesterday, so I became all obsessed like and decided I loved all the songs for all the day.All the way home from church last night, I belted out Oklahoma songs while LD pretended like I was a normal human adult. And I asked him if one day he would watch Oklahoma with me. And he said no.
When I got home, I continued to sing “With me, it’s all ‘er nothing” while I was unloading the car. Hazel heard me, became infuritated, and started literally screaming my name at me.
So, I continued to sing while I made her a bottle and was informed by one teen that I am so annoying because I sing stupid songs to annoy him/her on purpose.
But, Reader. I wasn’t. It is just my goofy personality. I would describe me as “merry.”
Anyways. I was being dealt a whole bunch of sass and so I waved the white flag and told David to take over and then I bought “Oklahoma” for $15 on the Amazon Prime and watched it for 30 minutes and fell asleep. But it’s ok, I am going to try again tonight.
The last time I was sass-attacked by teens, I purchased “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” I am going to get a whole collection of my favorite feel-good movies soon. Next: “Music Man.” And if anyone suggests to you to have four teens at once in your life planning, please smack them upside the head post haste.
This is why I love teaching first grade. They like me and appreciate my “dorky” qualities. Today, I had the kids copy a few sentences from Charlottes Web and then we did something totally un-Taylor like and did a bit of “art.”
Reader. I am terrible at “art.” Like, so way bad.
But I was so proud of me and I told the kids I was proud of me and I put it on my fridge.
I cannot WAIT until one of my teens declares that I put if on there to purposely annoy them. I shall keep you abreast of the situation.
Just because I want my long time readers to know how far I have come in life:
I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahblah, hauled a new skidsteer for David home to our homestead.
Here is what I do not understand:
- David has been fixing his old Bobcat for years.
- Taylor tells David to just buy a new one already.
- David refuses and invests half of his life repairing the Bobcat.
- David finally decided to take the Bobcat to a mechanic.
- It will be there for two months.
- Great. Grand. Wonderful.
- Then he buys a new one.
- ?
- Why did he finally take a Bobcat to the mechanic and simultaneously buy a new one?
- I have no idea.
- But I shall keep you abreast of the situation.
- Happy Friday.
You should have come over this way last weekend and watched my kids in The Music Man. It was delightful. We even had a real miniature horse pulling the Wells Fargo Wagon.
Well, at least you’re singing decent soundtracks ! You could be doing the Psycho soundtrack, with that knife-in-the-shower bit….EEEEEEEEEEEEE !!
“sass-attacked by teens” oh. my. gosh…..perfect description although I regret to inform you does not stop when they exit teenage years for the world has changed and teenagers are still teenagers in their thirties and apparently with covid, even while turning forty. We oldsters apparently know nothing. Our existence of breathing seems to be intentionally annoying to them.
Last year I remember trying to sing all the words to “With me, it’s all, er nothin'” Is it all er nothin with you… I remembered all the words and sang it around the house for a day or two. Empty nester = no one got irritated.
Maybe David is going to sell the repaired Bobcat? Wait, I don’t think he’s ever sold a piece of repaired machinery…saving it for the next generation?
It could be a piece of machinery for one of the girls dowerys.
I jest, I kid, I tease. The guy at the machine fixing shop told David his could not be repaired any more, just use it for parts. and a spare.
*dowrys ..I still jest.
Yup. Yup. Yup! All the same. All the exhaustion. All the ‘wanting to care about what didn’t get learned’ but still having to move on. Fortunately, much easier in-person and we were blessed to be in-person all year (7 days left). All the teen-sassing here too. And last year about this time I went through an “old movies” phase and forced the family to watch classics with me while quarantined. And they really had no choice.
No worries. I’ve been singing “YellowSubmarine” by the Beatles for 2 days-even in the grocery store.