I have 24 students this year in my first grade class, and getting to know them at the beginning of the year is always fun.
As always, there are a couple who stand out.
I have this new gal. She is new to our school, and maybe new to Earth? I cannot be certain. She is a hoot and a half and I am still trying to figure her out. We’ll call her Sally.
We were reading The Ugly Duckling. Of course, as soon as I breathe the word ugly, 24 first graders gasp in horror.
“That’s rude, Mrs. M.”
“People should not say ‘ugly’.”
Me: Remember how we were talking about opposite words? Can anyone tell me an opposite word for “ugly?”
Sally’s hand shoots up in the air, and she is basically ready to fall over.
Me: Sally?
Sally (with such confidence): mmmmmmmmmmm
Me: Well. Sally. M says “mmmmmmmmm.”
Fear not. Other pupils saved the day with opposite words galore.
Later that day-
We were doing our Social Studies. We were looking at the first flag of our country and noticing similarities and differences. Of course, the smaller amount of stars and the circle shape stood out to them.
Me: Let’s think about this. The first flag had 13 stars because our country had 13 states. Now, our flag has 50 stars. How many states do you think are in our country now?
Sally (quite proudly): 24!
And I was pleased that it was at least a number.
Sometimes when my students are not listening to me (like all the time), I break out in song.
One day, I composed on the spot a Mrs. Mal original that addressed my desire for 24 6-year olds to get in a quiet line to go to music class. This song was so original that I don’t even remember it.
One kid is like bopping his head as he makes his way to the line.
Kid: Mrs. M! That’s a sweet beat!
Me: A sweet beat?
Kid: Yeah! Your song! It is a sweet beat!
Me: Well, maybe I should record it and they can play it on the radio.
Kid (serious as a heart attack): You should do that today after school.
Me (even more serious): Absolutely, I will.
Every morning, 5th grade students get on the intercom and read the annoucements and tell a joke at the very end.
Most days the joke goes over 1st graders’ heads. They do, however, laugh uproariously regardless.
Intercom Kid: What is 4 apples + 2 apples?
And, Reader. I kid you not. There was a chorus of children calling out the number 5.
You know.
To demonstrate their knowledge of addition and what 4+2 is.
The answer was, in fact, “A second grade math problem,” and I felt quite discouraged about the math journey ahead of me with these little learners.
One of my little guys was having a rough day. Instead of participating in our phonics activities for the morning, he was sort of grunt/growling and rolling and hiding and the like. The rest of us were ignoring him and having a grand time chopping words up into syllables. As first graders do.
While we were doing this, the assistant principal comes in to address the rolling student. She speaks quite firmly with him, gets him up, and takes him to the hallway where some intense fellowship occured. The other kids are trying to keep their eyes on me and not show fear.
At this point, we had gotten to the point in our program where I say a sentence and the kids count the words in that sentence. And, Reader, I kid you not, but at that very moment when the very stern-acting principal closed the door, our sentence was:
“The principal is very kind.”
Here is my first day of school with my two very close teacher friends.

We taught first grade together for one year, loved it, and called ourselves The Dream Team.
We were only together that one year. But we still choose to believe we were the dreamiest.
Even though summer has ended, we tried to get a few last minute river trips in during September.
So, let’s look at pictures of the dogs at the river and marvel at their cuteness, shall we?

Did you marvel?
David and I decided to take Charlie out for some farm chores and to see if we could get her to become one with her DNA and help us herd some cows.

Well. She did chase cows. But all she did was just make them mad and scatter. We tried for about 2 hours and gave up.
We shall rate her 2/10. Because at least she put forth effort.
Later that evening as I was making dinner, David and I watched from the windows as every single cow willingly walked from the old pen into the new pen, making our rodeo from earlier in the day completely pointless.
I grew my own sunflowers!

This weekend I was cleaning out the garden. I was growing fatigued with dragging my garden debris over to an abandoned pigpen when I noticed that the cows were on the other side of the garden fence.
So I just started chucking cornstalks and such over the fence.

Matilda. Such a beaut.

Don’t know who this gal is, but she was sure hopeful I had more treats for her.
Someone from my parents’ church noticed HD was in the paper for Student of the Month!
Me: Dude! You are student of the month!
HD: Whose student of the month?
Me: Your schools!
HD: I didn’t even know they had that.
There was a lovely write up about him-this summer he installed luxury vinyl plank flooring in a few of the rooms at school and knocked the socks off of everyone with his ability to do it professionally.
And I do not know who took this picture of him, but this is the giddiest he has ever looked in a photo.

And lastly, but not leastly.
A little tip for all of you.
Are you feeling stressed from all the pressures in life?
Is your “to-do” list bogging you down?
Are you responsible to teach 24 first graders a multitude of math concepts, and they come to you thinking 4+2 is 5?
I recommend playing the song “At Last” by Etta James, and shout/sing it with all your might.
You will truly feel better.
Oh, I wish you could see LD’s eyebrows every morning on our way to town, trying to politely ignore me.
He fake sleeps. Bless his heart.
The girls would have yelled at me.
Happy Tuesday!
I enjoy your writing as much, or more, now as I did some 13 (?) years ago when I first started following you. 😁 And the only reason I know approximately how long is cos of the age of LD ! 🤣
AND I bet teaching those 1st graders is a hoot every day !
“The principal is kind” WOW!! So you and David taught the cows where to go in the afternoon, and they did it in the evening? Mad teaching skillz!
The grass looks fantastic at your river property!
At Last was my wedding song and yeah, it’s a good one!
Your babies are all grown up! I’m sure all the kids want to be in Mrs. M’s class. Hope you have a great year with your first graders!