When last we spoke, the boys and I attempted to save the life of a sick and down heifer calf. The next day, she was alive and would not drink anything or eat and we had to leave and go to school. During the day, I was able to email back and forth with our vet-which is just plain lovely of her. She gave advice with no charge. It is extremely difficult to find a vet willing to take on large animals these days. She is about an hour away and I appreciate her giving advice. Honestly, if we paid for her to come out, I think the bill would be more than the total value of the calf.
I mean. If I ruled the world, I would be like, “BRING IN THE VET!” any time there was something wrong, and David and the kids would watch me run the farm into the ground. But, I digress.
David and I got home Thursday evening. She was alive. I got her to drink a big bucket full of water and David gave her a shot of a mineral supplement (vet recommended) and then, together, we lifted her up.
And then she fell.
So we waited a bit and tried again. And she stood up! And she stayed up! And then I looked at her and decided she was a he. Because I know these things now.
So, our sick heifer is a steer.

Mr. Steer started walking around the hay barn. It was all very exciting. David and I decided to bring in a water trough and heater for the water and then build a barrier with hay bales so the calf would not wander out of the hay barn.
As we were moving the hay bales, we came across one dead Norma Jean Riley kitty.
So, I shall have this day for mourning. Poor kitty.
She never went outside, so I think she knew something was wrong or she was sick because she had burrowed a hole into a hay bale and was tucked away inside of it.
David had to get working on other farm chores. Our skidsteer is broken down-story of our lives-so he was working on that and I was in charge of filling the water trough. This required me taking buckets to the house and going one by one to fill it. But I did not mind at all-I was getting some nice steps in and my calf was up!
This morning.
I am once again, home alone, and before leaving, I decided to go check on Mr. Steer. He was laying down and I worked for about 40 minutes and could not get him up. I am not strong enough and need David.
So, here is his photo op for the day-

I hope he will fully recover.
Happy Friday!
I am hopeful Mr. Steer will recover and go on to do his steer duties 😁
Oh dear. I hope your steer has survived the weekend and you have too. Farm life is not for the faint of heart.
It is very odd, but there is some kind of malware attached to your blogsite. When I type in the name of your site, a “man” shows up and “says” “click ‘allow’ ” to go to the blog. IF I click “allow” which shows up in a little extra page, nothing happens, then Norton shows up and informs me that they have stopped a malicious attack on my computer from the recent site I visited.
But I outsmarted them. I went off to google search, typed in your blogsite, and arrived here safely. Congratulations on being able to know a she from a he cow baby!
I still can’t read anyone else’s comments, not even my own previous one.