Category Archives: Questions and Their Answers

Answers on a Friday Morn

Here is part two of the questions and answers.  If you missed the first, click here. *** 1)  From Gianna: My question is: will you please answer my question first so that I don’t feel like you forgot about me? … Continue reading

Posted in Questions and Their Answers, Uncategorized | 15 Comments

Luscious Locks.

Welcome to another exciting edition of:  Questions.  And their answers. Thank you to everyone who asked a question.  Here we go! 1)  From Rachel Spin: Do you have any large ferocious beasts in you woods? Like bears or mountain lions … Continue reading

Posted in Questions and Their Answers | 13 Comments

9 Pairs of Underwears.

  Here is your daily snow picture: I saw a bunch of frantic turkeys the other day.  Poor animals.  I wonder where they go in this arctic tundra? I am finally going to finish answering all the questions.  I hope … Continue reading

Posted in Questions and Their Answers | 24 Comments

Wabbles and Snow

I have discovered the biggest perk to homeschooling. When the weather outside is frightful . . . I don’t have to go anywhere! Besides. I neglected to plug in my ginormous rig.  So I can’t go anywhere. Win-Win! *** Last … Continue reading

Posted in Questions and Their Answers, Uncategorized | 20 Comments

Snow, Starbucks, and Answers.

Do you know what this means? This means that on this, the 18th day of November, in the year Two-Thousand-and-Ten-of-our-Lord, I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahblah, will be lucky enough to try and prepare four children for outside-fun-snow-cold-fun-wet-white play. It will … Continue reading

Posted in Questions and Their Answers | 28 Comments

Here Comes Trouble!

Hello.  Good Morning. How are you? I trust you all had a fantastic weekend.  We had our first snowfall.  We watched Dumbo.  Dumbo is kind of a weird movie.  The Lumberjack was dumbfounded that it was made in 1941 and was … Continue reading

Posted in Questions and Their Answers | 24 Comments

Ah. The World Wide Web.

For many years, months, weeks, days, I have been hoping my husband would bring me home a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Tonight he brought home the next best thing:  The World Wide Web. You know what happens when you don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Questions and Their Answers | 31 Comments


Let’s try something new this morning, shall we? Come on. It will be a funky adventure. Instead of a post where you ask me questions, hows abouts I ask you  questions? Huh?  Eh?  Yes?  No? Well.  I think it sounds … Continue reading

Posted in Questions and Their Answers | 38 Comments