Category Archives: Questions and Their Answers

The post in which I reveal I am super-lame in real life.

Welcome to another thrilling edition of “Questions.  And their answers.” Please. Try to contain your excitement. 1) From Amanda: Lets see…. what curriculum are you using for homeschooling? I was thinking of doing a combination of $1 store finds and … Continue reading

Posted in Questions and Their Answers, Uncategorized | 29 Comments

COPS!, stress, love, and general hillbillyness.

Happy Anniversary to us! Thank you all for the questions . . . they were most helpful. LJ’s answers are in green and mine are in purple. Fun Fact:  I got slightly confused and I think I used numerous shades … Continue reading

Posted in Questions and Their Answers | 33 Comments

Questions. And their Answers.

 From Erin, a blogger from Idaho: Here’s a question: Who is your favorite blogger who lives in the great state of Idaho and is married to a really hot fighter pilot and who’s name starts with the letter E and … Continue reading

Posted in Questions and Their Answers | 25 Comments

Madame Librarian.

I am going to try a Random Dozen post this week. My cool blogging friends, Joyce and Jill do this all the time. So, therefore, it must be all the rage. Ha! I probably just made it uncool. 1. Ever … Continue reading

Posted in Questions and Their Answers, Uncategorized | 40 Comments

Pull my finger, and other such tales.

Alright. Here is the post you have all been waiting for. Well, you probably didn’t even remember this post was coming. But let’s pretend. You know. For kicks and grins. Thank you for all the questions for Mr. Lumberjack to … Continue reading

Posted in Questions and Their Answers | 31 Comments

Unprotected Left Turns

Hello, all! Welcome to another exciting edition of: Questions. And Their Answers.  Do you freak out when your son pees on your major appliances? Yes. Yes, I do. Why do I freak out? Because having someone pee on your washing machine is … Continue reading

Posted in Questions and Their Answers | 28 Comments

Rock on, Dad. Rock on.

Happy Thursday, one and all! We are still deep in the throes of Birthday Bonanza Week over here, but I thought I would take a break from all that nonsense to bring you another exciting installment of: Questions and Their … Continue reading

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Happy Vernal Equinox! 100 (meaningless) points to anyone who knows what the vernal equinox is. I am home safe and sound and I had a fantabulous time! And I gained 2 pounds. Such is life. Thank you all for the … Continue reading

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