A Happy List

Things that make me happy:

1.  Costume earrings.

2.  Chatting with a good friend whilst drinking coffee.


Even chatting with a mediocre friend whilst drinking coffee.

3.  Being able to pretend like I don’t really know what I weigh, seeing as how my scale is acting like a Looney Toon.  I gained 10 pounds in one day! I would like to state that, for the record, I had fully recommitted to Weight Watchers again (don’t laugh.  I’m serious) on the very day that I mysteriously put on those 10 pounds.  So I ate pasta.   Then I lost 6 of them, and now I only have one pound more to lose before I am back to my weight from Tuesday.

Such progress!

4.  Homeschooling has been going splendiferously!

5.  In honor of Mabel, we planted 3 apple trees.

6.  Popcorn and a diet soda.

7.  The cocoa butter lotion my bosom friend, Amanda, gave to me.

8.  Bimlissa is having her baby in 6 days!  My soul can barely contain it’s excitement!

9.  I had two, count them TWO, friends drive out to my homestead this week.

10.  I have lots of cyber-friends who stopped by to say kind words when my heart was so sad.

11.  My heart does not feel so terribly sad anymore.

12.  Since my husband gets to go hunting, I get to go on a trip to see Bimlissa this winter!  Look at me with my “big-girl-flying-on-a-plane-to-a-faraway-land-all-by-myself” pants on!

13.  We have had wonderfullly, unusually warm weather this week.  I even got frisky and pulled my capris out of the summer box!

14.  We are going to MindyLouHoo’s house for dinner tomorrow night!  Turns out I might not be so lame after all!

15.  We are planning on kicking the snot out of MindyLou and Mr. MindyLou at pinnochle.

16.  My husband *should* be home at a reasonable time this evening.

17.  There are two, unopened Netflix DVDs on the counter.

18.  And a fridge full of Diet Pepsi.

19.  And a pantry bearing much popcorn.

20.  Handsome Dude has not lost his glasses once since he got his new pair.

21.  Green beans.  Oh, how I love green beans.

22.  And brownies.


And now, it is time for this week’s COW.

It has been awhile since I did the COW, on account of all of my mourning.

But, here it is!

Since no one ever knows what a COW is, and always assumes I am being rude, I will again reiterate, that the COW is short for the Comment of the Week.

It is a good thing.

It is, however,  quite pointless and means nothing in the grand scheme of life.

Yet, COW, we shall!

This week’s winner is Melissa K.

Let us give Melissa K a moment to recover from the thrilling shock.

**Thank you**

Melissa wrote:

I always have to laugh about The Ides of March, because that’s the day my husband proposed to me. On a non-scary downtown street corner, in the rain, under an umbrella, on one knee. So romantic.

But now that I think about it, maybe that’s the reason the photographer (who was concealed in the building across the street to take pictures of said proposal so that I would receive a beautiful framed portrait as a surprise wedding gift) had a malfunction with his camera and all the negatives came back blank. (Insert sob.) Hmmmm…

That is a great proposal story, although it had a tragic ending.

Dear readers.

Would anyone else like to share their proposal story?



Yes you do. 

Be brave.  Just put it in the comments.

It will be fun!

Do it!

You know . . . for kicks and grins.

Or don’t.

The choice is yours.

Happy Weekend!

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66 Responses to A Happy List

  1. christine c says:

    Glad your starting to feel like your old self again. Not that I think you are old considering I’ve got 10 years on you:)

  2. Martha says:

    I like happy lists. 🙂 Glad you’re starting to feel a bit better.

    My husband gave me the ring at 5am christmas morning. I looked at it, told him it was too early, and went back to sleep. I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the reaction he wanted!

  3. Jill says:

    I’m glad things have been going better this week. It’s good to see you cyber smile again. : ) My husband proposed to me in a horsedrawn carriage in downtown Chicago by the lakefront. It was very romantic.

    Once we got married, the only romantic thing he did was buy me flowers. Oh yeah, I had to actually give birth first, but every time I did he bought me flowers.

  4. Andi says:

    Studmuffin proposed to me in the doorway to his apartment bathroom. I had came to fix him dinner, was washing dishes and he was looking at me weird, with something hidden from me. Of course, I chased him and bullied him until he whipped it out from behind his back to show me…

    Yes, I was always quiet, shy, and restful to be around.

  5. Christina says:

    I thought for sure my Blues song would make the Comment of the Week…I suppose it was kind of long, though. 🙂
    I, too, am glad to hear that you are heading back to happy. Sometimes I find that if I fake it, I make it. Not always, though. Oh, well.
    And I have some Pepsi in the fridge, too, but mine is full strength.
    Our proposal? We picked my boyfriend (now husband) up from the airport in D.C. since my family lives in Richmond and his was in Fl. We drove to my house (my parents’ house) and he asked my dad for my hand. Then we had to drive to his college so he could clean himself up (flight from Israel…long, long time on airplane) and then we were supposed to head to a weekend retreat for leaders of our Christian fellowship. Before we left for the mountains (where the retreat was going to be, at someone’s house) he asked if I wanted to go for a walk. I said sure, but it was REALLY cold (VA in January) and a snowstorm was coming…we needed to get on the road! We walked down to the lake, and it was freezing, the sky was black except for the moon, and we were pretty much the only people on campus, since it was still Christmas break. It was a beautiful night. We sat on a bench by the water, and he wanted to pray; he prayed about us, about our future, being godly husband and wife. Then he told me to keep my eyes shut. He put something in my palm and said,”Christina, I love you. I always will. Will you marry me?” I opened my eyes and looked at him. I said,”Mike, I love you. I have for a long time. Yes, I will.” I had prayed while he was gone on his trip for the right time to tell him I loved him, since I hadn’t yet. It sounds strange, but…there is a background story to that. I said it in other ways. I didn’t want to say it flippantly. And here was the perfect moment. Then we left for the retreat and drove on mountain roads in snow! It was a little scary, but we made it. That was almost 14 years ago. Crazy!

  6. Melissa says:

    yea for you coming here to see me!!!!! i can hardly wait =) i talked about you a lot tonight with our new friends – missing you!!

  7. Jessy says:

    In reference to number 12 – I am officially blacklisting your blog. Sorry, it’s been fun and all, but I do not think I can contain my envy. Ok, probably not. But if you post pictures I will refuse to look at them. HA! Take that!

  8. So glad for a happy day! God’s blessings are new every morning! And, being the great blogger friend that I am, I will go and check out Bimlissa’s place first and then give you all of my travel pointers for a safe trip.. I am only going for your sake you know.. oh yeah, and maybe that new grandson:)

  9. MindyLou says:

    Bring it on, woman!! You and LJ better have your game face on. Oh, and I STILL don’t know what I’m making for dinner. I’m all stressed out about it to impress you! AAAAAHHHHH!! 🙂 xoxo, see you tomorrow

  10. Wendy says:

    I’m glad you are not so sad. That sounded like it came from a Dr. Seuss book!

    I have a weird proposal story..meaningful to us, but weird to everyone else I think! Maybe because we were so young…well, not as young as you and the LJ! We were 25 when we got engaged and married. My husband proposed to me on the 1 year anniversary of the day we told each other we loved the other, in the local wave pool, where it all happened the year before. He had the engagement ring tied to his swimsuit so he wouldn’t lose it in the waves! This was the end of January, and we got married the first weekend of August. 7 years and 3 kids ago!

  11. Melissa K says:

    Woohoo! I’m a cow–Moooo–I’m a cow.

    (Does anyone listen to The Wiggles anymore, or are my kids just behind the times?)

  12. Amy VanHarten says:

    My nubby and I were also really young when we got married, me 21 and him 19 (almost 20). He proposed by telling me a story about sea turtles how they go their whole lives finding that certain one blah, blah, blah… come to find out he made the whole story up. It was sweet anyways and the kid was only 18.

  13. Joyce says:

    My hubs proposed in our favorite restaurant. As soon as we arrived he went to the mens room and I was annoyed. We’d just left the house! Anyway, soon a waitress starts walking our way and has a tray with a big balloon, champagne and a little wrapped box. I comment that ‘oh look, someone’s having a birthday’ (I’m so observant) She stops at our table and I start chatting with her, not realizing this is for me. (again, observant!) The tables around us are all looking because they all know what is happening because it’s obvious this is gonna be a proposal. I’m still not getting it. Finally he gives me the box and asks. Everyone cheered. And we lived (mostly) happily ever after. The end.

  14. My proposal story is on the tame side. Can I make one up? I’d like to include sky-writing and possibly a tropical isle.

  15. Sunset in Florida

    National Wildlife Refuge Observation Tower


    Thanks Giving day

    A man who would NOT leave the observation tower

    One fidgety “husband to be if he gets a chance to ask”

    Park closes at sunset…It is getting dark
    Man finally leaves…one knee…YES…tears…pretty little ring…more alligators and a few pretty birds.

  16. rebecca d says:

    We too were young… I was 17 (three weeks from my 18th b-day) and he was 20…. He was in the Army and about to head out to desert storm. We were sitting on a bench by the river walk and he said there was a question he wanted to ask me but he couldn’t decide if he wanted to ask me now or when he returned… I being the romantic asked if he was going to ask me to marry him and he said yes… “WAIT” I said… “Do that over.” He did and I got to say yes that time… I was so happy and excited to share our news I was walking a little to fast on wet grass in flats and fell flat on my back…(longer strory… I’ll spare you) Romantic huh… Anyhow others (parents. etc) were not as thrilled as we were since we were so young and had know each other a relatively short time… We ended up eloping when he got home from the war (seven months later)… We will celebrate our 20th anniversary next spring. (PS… As the mother of 18 & 15 year old daughters, I know 17 is too young… It just worked for us…)

    • Lumberjill says:

      Were you relatives upset that you eloped? I got married at 19, which seems way too young for my girls! 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

  17. namacura says:

    My most wonderful DB proposed one evening saying and I quote “I do not have the proper paraphernalia but would you consider marrying me”. I am not sure if that meant he was afraid I would say yes or no? It was certainly memorable!

  18. Michelle Brandel says:

    First I have to say that I love Pinnochle so I am so jealous you get to play today. Second, J was going to propose to me at home plate for the Seattle Mariners in the Kingdome (because I loved baseball). We were just touring the Kingdome. But the bummer thing was that they were switching the field for football so we couldn’t go on it. So we went back to my grandma’s house. Then we ended up going to the Space Needle and he proposed at the top. The funny part is that I had figured it out while we were standing in line at the Kingdome and felt his pocket secretly. So while it was a surprise that weekend, I knew it was going to happen. We were young too but when it is right, it is right and don’t let anyone ever tell you different. I am glad we have had all of our experiences together rather than apart. 12 years and one baby later we are just as happy.

  19. Jessy H. says:

    We had gone out for ice cream and then to a park to swing. While he was swinging he said “Hey Jessy look at me”, and then took a drink of his banana shake and pretended to throw up spiting it on the ground (don’t be jealous). A few minutes later he called me over to him and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.

    • Lumberjill says:

      🙂 Now that’s funny!
      I will do my best to not covet your story. 🙂
      Banana shake? Who drinks banana shakes? That sounds wrong. 🙂
      I kid! I jest!

  20. Calfkeeper says:

    Boring engagement story. We’d never been married before and we were old, seriously. I was 36, he was 46 when he proposed. It was over the phone. I was in Oregon, he was in Missouri. We’d met online, known each other for year and a half. Only been together in person one week, when I came here to visit.

    He said; “I promised myself a long time ago I’d never tell a woman I loved her until I was ready to marry her. I love you.”

    6 years and one kid later we are still happy. No arguments or fights yet.

    Glad you are feeling better.

    What makes me happy? Hmmmm….going up the road and finding the baby calves.

  21. Gianna says:

    It was Christmas eve and we drove from the great city of Eagan MN through the entire state of WI and arrived Christmas morning at like 2:00 or 3:00 am. Chris’s parents had a fire going in the fire place and Chris basically pushed me down in front of the fire to “relax.” A moment later, I jumped up and said, “I have to call my mom and go to bed.”
    Chris–just wait.
    Chris–just wait a little bit.
    Chris–just wait for a little while.
    Chris, who is on both knees–Because I want you to marry me first!
    Me–mouth open wide dumbstruck and then I realized that I didn’t know how to answer him since he didn’t ask me a question. He just popped the ring out and stated he wanted to marry me (in his defense, I certainly didn’t make it easy!).
    Me, again–I nodded
    Chris put the ring on my finger and then I hugged him and called my mom.

    And there you have it.
    How we got engaged!

  22. Marla says:

    Well, for New Years last year we decided to go on a super big road trip. Really long one- twelve days and 3000 miles. We spent New Years Eve in Vegas and then continued on to Lake Tahoe. Colby proposed in the snow at the top of the ski resort at Heavenly. It was absolutely beautiful and so perfect.

    We joke that there was no way I could have said no. He took me to the top of a mountain 3,0oo miles from Oklahoma. What was I supposed to say?!

    Marla @ http://www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com

  23. Andi says:

    Hey Taylor! I put a link in my post that will appear tomorrow back to you!

    Expect your fame to skyrocket now!

    Or not.

    Probably not…But it’s a nice thought, right?

  24. Dawn says:

    It was late October and we were in college. We were driving around and he said ‘so we just might as well get married.’ And I said, ‘yeah.’ And he said ‘How about around Christmas.’ and I said ‘sounds great.’ And we did. Not romantic at all–But he’s totally romantic now! Sings love songs, plans surprises and tells me I’m beautiful. Guess he had to grow into it!

    Glad you’re having a better week!

  25. melissa says:

    I’d love to share my engagement story. Of course, I’d have to make it up…along with a fiance…sigh…

    So glad you are on your way back to happy, Taylor!

  26. Ada says:

    I love your happy list.
    I love that you are happy.
    I especially love the apple trees and the trip to see your sweet friend Melissa.
    And the broken scale. Yippee!

    I have all your readers beat.
    I have been married twice.
    I have never been proposed to.
    Sad for me.
    (Should I include that I wasn’t pregnant at the time of either marriage…is that what that sounds like…shotgun weddings?) 🙂

    • Lumberjill says:

      You definitely need some grand romantic something! Like a proposal to renew your vows? Yes! Suggest this to your husband post haste!

  27. Molly says:

    My proposal story: July 4, 2009. Family and friends and fireworks. Best Guy and I on the sidewalk as he giddley (sp?) set off a big round of said fireworks, turns to me, asks me “Do you want your birthday present now or on your bday?” (bday 2 days after 4th…do the math people!!) I said “Well depends on what it is!”, so Best Guy says “I have it here in my pocket” and then proceeds to get down on one knee and open the present-from-pocket in one swift motion (in front of family, friends and fireworks), and with tears in his eyes (yes…don’t tease him) says “Will you marry me?” (alright…collective “awwwww”). And there it is, my fabulous proposal story!

  28. Suzanne says:

    My Beloved took me on a surprise trip to New York City and proposed in central park in front of Bethesda fountain and sang the song from Enchanted to me (“How does she know he loves her?”) It was wonderful! 5 months later, we got married! We’ve only been married 10 months but I love my best friend more every day (okay, most days!) 🙂

  29. Leah says:

    My boyfriend took me out alone on his parent’s boat too! I knew what was happening but pretended to be surprised when he asked. Then he accused me of not saying the word ‘yes’. Stinker. I knew what was happening, remember? I made sure to say the word ‘yes’. Sheesh. What kind of pretend-surprised newly-engaged woman do you think I am?

  30. Jen says:

    It was so much fun reading everyone’s proposal stories that I want to share mine, too.

    We went to Mr. Steak for dinner, where we always went for special occasions, and to see the world’s worst movie, Joe Versus The Volcano. Then we went for a walk on the boardwalk downtown. When we got to the corner with benches he asked me to sit down and got down on one knee and proposed. It was very traditional and very sweet. Turns out he had had the ring for months and finally got around to asking in May. We got married 7 weeks later. Yes, 7 weeks. That was over 18 years ago.

  31. Kristy says:

    Let’s see…I was 19 at the time and my husband was 20. We had been dating for 4 1/2 years already (I was 15 when we started dating) and I just knew that we would need to get married soon…because we were getting old and we had been dating for so so long already!! Anyways…my husband called me super early in the morning (and I am not a morning person) and said I needed to get ready really fast because I needed to go with him to move some cows. I was less than thrilled at helping him move cows…but I got myself dressed in some nice work clothes and pulled my hair back in a ponytail and he came and picked me up. On the way back to his house he decided to stop at Hardees and pick up breakfast for us. I did not see why we needed to do this seeing as how there were cows to be moved in a hurry. Then after we got our food he told me we couldn’t eat it yet. Again…I was not happy! But anyways…he drove us up to where his house is and stopped out by one of the ponds. At this point it starts raining. Lovely. So he tells me to go stand down by the pond. I think this is a very silly request….but I have figured out what he is doing at this point so I play along. He follows me down to the pond and gets down on one knee and says all sorts of romantical things and then proposes. I of course say yes and then politely ask if we can go back to the truck because I don’t want to stand in the rain anymore! Had it not of been raining he said we were supposed to have a little picnic by the pond with our Hardees biscuits. Nice try buddy…nice try! But it was so so sweet and we were so so excited. And we got married 1 year (minus one day) later! Six years and 2 kids later and we are still enjoying our happily ever after!

  32. I like this week’s Cow! It must live here in Seattle!

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