Wednesday Afternoon Answers

Alright!  Are you ready for some more questions and answers?

Sure you are!

From Katie B:

What is your favorite summer activity? Aside from the joys of camping and huckleberry picking.

Ha!  The JOYS of camping and huckleberry picking.   What-ev.

Fun Fact:  I just looked in my freezer and found 8 cups of precious huckleberries still waiting for my husband to approve them for wasteful, human consumption.

Aren’t they probably bad by now?

It’s just so scary to use those precious berries.  I mean, what is worthy of a huckleberry?

A milk shake?

A pie?

A pancake?

They all seem so trivial in the grand scheme of things . . .

Well.  I would LOVE to travel.  I don’t care where.  Just anywhere that isn’t here and doesn’t require our camp trailer, 4 wheeler, the lack of electrical appliances, and 15 gas cans.

But, I do like reading a good book during the summer and relaxing a bit.  I guess that’s it. 

Oh, and I LOVE me some moose tracks ice cream in a waffle cone.

And I love to eat one while wearing a swimsuit and wondering why I hate wearing a swimsuit.

Cause I’m brilliant like that.

From Kristy:

Question…I know not of where you live, but I am assuming it is someplece that people want to vacation? Do you have any problem finding renters for your rental property during the summer months? What kinds of fun might a renter expect to have while vacationing at your rental property? Are there touristy things to do? Or is it more of a relaxing place?

We don’t have any problems because our house is so close to the lake.  Yes, we do advertise and we are almost all booked up for the summer already!

What kinds of fun can the tourist expect?

Well.  They could . . . um . . . go to the lake.  Except right now it is freezing.  They could shop?  Eat?  Huckleberry pick?

Honestly, I have no idea why people want to come here.

But if them coming here means my house payment gets made, then who am I to judge?

And . . . it is beautiful in these here parts . . .

I better stop posting pictures.  You guys might find out I live in Hawaii.

And we wouldn’t want that.

From Sharyl and The Little Brown House:

Question: How are the Varicose Veins? Still gone? Do you ever pull out the white hose for fun?

Dear readers.  Did you know that I had a gnarly case of the varicose veins whilst pregnant with the boys?

I had to have a procedure to get them taken care of.  It was awful:

2009_9_12 119

Sadly, they are still there.  I think the doctor just wanted my monies.  I’ve grown to like them.  I feel they add interest to the back of my legs.

Oh, I have a HILARIOUS story about the veins.  But in order to share it, I would need to make sure that no men were reading that day.  Nor my dad.  Nor anyone who goes to church with me.  Or basically anyone I would ever have to see again.

Just too many risks . . . but trust me.  You would have laughed.

Sharyl, you can have my tights and repurpose them into a table runner or something.

Question 2: Is there any painting plan in your summer agenda? We know you love peach walls….they may even be the instigator of the vomit…just sayin.

No plans to paint.  We are too tired and old.

Just you wait . . . peach is the new “it” color.

I’m bringing it back, baby!

From Erin:

I have always wanted to do a q&a post on my blog, but have been too afraid that no one would ask me any questions.
So my question to you– do you think anyone would ask me any questions?

Yes, Erin.  If I can coerce people to ask me questions, surely you can.  And if no one does, just delete the post and pretend it never happened!


Not that I would ever do such a thing.

From Lisa Bunchanan

What curriculum do you use and what do you do with your littlest while the other are schooling?

I read a book called The Well-Trained Mind and I fell in love with it.  So, I follow that for the most part.

This will be boring for non-homeschooling people, and maybe boring for even homeschooling people, but here is what I do:

Bible:  God’s Great Covenant

Grammar:  First Language Lessons

Spelling:  All about Spelling and Spelling Workout

Phonics:  Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading and Explode the Code

Writing:  Writing with Ease and 4 Square

History:  Story of the World

Science:  Apologia:  Human Anatomy with JR notebooks

Math:  We did Saxon, but it wasn’t for us.  We started doing Math U See and we loved it!  But it doesn’t follow our state standards very well.  So next year we are doing Math Connects (to meet standards) and supplementing with Math U See


Who DOESN’T love doing two math programs?

Art:  Artistic Pursuits

Next year, we are adding Latin and using Prima Latina.

Look at us with our big homeschooling pants on!

The boys.


They usually just play trucks or trains and generally are disruptive and messy and, well, boys.

I am going to be more organized with them this next year and have a better plan for things for them to do.

I am open to suggestions!

In other words:  help!

Happy Wednesday!

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15 Responses to Wednesday Afternoon Answers

  1. Melissa K says:

    “Sharyl, you can have my tights and repurpose them into a table runner or something.”

    Oh girl, I am laughing my behinder off at that one. I can’t wait until Sharyl reads it!

  2. Erin says:

    So now that I am an experienced homeschooler of four days, I must say that my boy is more trouble than I thought he would be.
    He interrupts every couple of minutes and then Alex gets off-track and it’s quite frustrating.
    I’m considering just locking him in the playroom.
    I might even stoop to television.

    Let me know if you find something that works.

  3. Sandy says:

    moose…in hawaii?

    my sister affectionately refers to her varicose veins as rand mcnally…look at a map in a rand mcnally and you will see why =o)

  4. 'licious says:

    why won’t you play me in words with friends and be my pretend friend?

    also, please share the vein story.

  5. 'licious says:

    p.s. zoe is now ‘licious….bc i started a blog and want some anonymity

    check it (or, at least, i think that is what it is) 🙂

  6. Joyce says:

    Sad we don’t get the vein story but even in the blogosphere we gotta draw the line somewhere. I’ve been mostly off the computer for the past few days…lots happens at your place in a short amount of time : )

    Have a happy weekend!

  7. Jessy H. says:

    I really relly want the vein story. If I provide my e-mail will you just send it to me? I’m always in need of a good laugh 🙂

  8. No fair leading us on with the vein story! I was all ready for it only to be let down. I think I’m getting old lady legs ~ that’s really not fair! I’m not even 40 yet ~ just a spring chicken I tell you! Actually, I happen to know that I am older than you by a few years.

  9. I was so hoping I would get to see the white hose pic again! And now I shall relentlessly bug you until you tell the story…

  10. Shelly says:

    I know the vein story of which you speak, and it is hilarious! I promise I won’t share it! Muahhhaahhaa!

  11. There is a curriculum that is very literature based that works well for families with kids of various ages. Sonlight. More of a Charlotte Mason approach than WTM though. 🙂

  12. Debra D. says:

    Wow, I may seriously need to get a life. I have stared at the computer screen for a good ten minutes trying to think of a way to cajole the vein story out of you. Sheesh, kinda scares me!

  13. Jessy says:

    Oooh! You homeschool…I will be homeschooling…and since my homeschooling sister has moved away I know practically no one who homeschools! Since you are a “seasoned pro” at this whole homeschooling thing, I may have to convince you to fun homeschooly stuff with me =)

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