Magic Boots

We went to town today to get Handsome Dude’s leg looked at.  Since it was going to town day and all, I donned my new, albeit late (fashionably speaking) Christmas boots, so I was feeling quite city-like and all.

And, yes.  This is exactly how I choose to believe I looked.


Except, I could never fix my hair like that nor look that carefree with a sweater.  And I weigh a teensy-bit more.  But just a hair.

Oh!  And I was carrying Handsome Dude all around with him having one leg sticking straight out because, did you hear . . .

The boy had a bit of an accident.

So, I probably didn’t look quite that glamorous.  Before the appointment we had to make a quick little stop.  You better sit down for this, folks.

We went to get some glasses fixed.

Yes.  I know.  Gasp if you must.  And I have said it before, and I shall say it forevermore:  I love MY Glasses Repair People.  I do.  I truly do.  For they worked for FORTY minutes on getting Handsome Dude’s glasses in working condition and then ordered some new frames and don’t plan on charging me.


It’s probably because of my new boots.

They are magic.

While we were there getting Handsome Dude’s glasses super glued/welded/taped/what-have-ya back together, Sweet Pea got her new glasses, because we like to frivolously throw all of our money towards medical professionals, didn’t you know?

I am lazy and shall not take a picture for you at this moment.  It’s the kind of good, quality blogging you have come to expect from me.  But I can offer you this picture of both of my girls showing off their new mini American girl dolls they got for a late Christmas present today from Brother Danny and company

Will that suffice?

They are blue.  And they cost a pretty penny, yes they do.

The astute reader might notice that Daisy Mae looks like she just licked the spoon of the brownie batter David was preparing.  And that reader would be correct.

Anyways, after the glasses ordeal, we went to the orthopedic surgeon for a follow-up on Handsome Dude’s little surgery.  Because we like to frivolously throw all of our money towards medical professionals, didn’t you know?

The ER doctor referred us to an orthopedic surgeon because of all the trauma that was around Handsome Dude’s knee.  In case you were wondering why on earth we were going to see an orthopedic surgeon.  And I know you were.

When we first got there, he was doted on by all female staff and given several pieces of candy.  The nurse came and called us back and I remembered that before the candy, HD had gum.  And I, being the responsible parent that I am, thought it might be wise to confirm with the boy on the whereabouts of the gum.

Me:  Hey, where did you put your gum?

HD (mumbling, because he is mad at the world for noticing his leg):  In the trash.

Nurse:  Oh!  Did he throw his gun in the trash?

Me (Laughing):  Oh, no, I said gum.

*awkward silence*

Me:  You must think we are pretty responsible parents . . . getting our kid’s leg trapped under a log . . . letting him pack around a gun . . .

Nurse:  Oh, no!  I was thinking of a toy, of course!

Ah!  She didn’t think of us as that redneck at all, even though it clearly states on our information sheet that we live in Ruralville.  And nothing normal comes out of Ruralville.

Trust me.

It must have been my boots.  Yes.  She must have known I wasn’t a full Ruralville-ite on account of the boots.

I am a vixen in these boots, yes I am.

His leg is getting better, but the wound is still pretty gnarly and will need some care.  I would show you a picture, but it might make you toss your cookies, and who needs vomit in their computer keyboards anyways?  He is now out of the immobilizer, which is good, because I am pretty tired of the boy yelling at me because he can’t ride his bike.  But, I think he will be needing to take it easy for awhile longer.

After the appointment, I planned to run a few errands.  This was “going to town” day and all.  Before we left home, I had asked Sweet Pea to grab Handsome Dude his other sock and shoe, since he wasn’t wearing one with the immobilizer, but would need one after the appointment.

Did I lose you?  Are you with me?

Anyways, Sweet Pea, the good helper that she is, did get Handsome Dude the necessary items, but she left them by the front door.  Which isn’t as helpful as it would seem when we are many miles away.

Luckily, David, my dashing and dapper Electrician/Lumberjack was in the vicinity and met me and the grocery store to take HD home.

And would you like to know what he said when he saw me?

“Nice boots, Teller.”

You see!  These boots!  They are life-changing!

True.  He was most likely making fun of me.  But I care not.  I will take the compliment.

And, yes.  My husband calls me “Teller” instead of “Taylor.”  He thinks he is hilarious like that.  This is because his father and brother, Jason, call me “Teller.”

And I have no idea why.

Alright.  I’m out of here.

PS-Someone asked if Sweet Pea was still going to get her birthday party.  Yes, it has been rescheduled to this weekend.

Happy Thursday!




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24 Responses to Magic Boots

  1. Shirley Mills says:

    You are a stitch! Love your blog, Teller! Don’t you just love it when people can’t pronounce names properly?

  2. Shirley Mills says:

    or I should say…don’t bother to pronounce them properly.

  3. I don’t know if you have seen this, as you are right in the midst of it.. but it almost seems as though you like to frivolously throw all of our money towards medical professionals…

    (If I had a picture of your brother in law in the water wearing a snorkel I would place it here..)

  4. I covet your boots. They were on my Christmas list but apparently no one around here can take a hint.

  5. Amy says:

    I wish I had skinny calves so I could wear neat-o boots like you. You are now my boot hero.

  6. Lisa Buchanan says:


    • Lisa Buchanan says:

      I did not type that “wow”. I’m not sure how it got there but that’s very disturbing. I’m wondering if that possibly was my boys being silly . . . but that would be strange for around here. I will investigate.

      ANYWAY, you must have got yourself some skinny jeans! Congrats! I trust your jeans don’t get squished around your ankles like mine do. It gets painful after a while but I press on in an effort to ward off the jean-jumper-home-schooling-mom syndrome. The discomfort and red marks around my ankles are well worth it! I’m sure you looked smashing!

  7. Deb says:

    I cannot wear life-changing boots because I suffer from Non-Fashion-Compliant Gigantor Calves. I clicked on the “wide-calf boots” tab on the Kohls website and they only had one option. And it was an ankle-high boot.

    Boots: The Swatch Watch of the New Millenium.

    (by “Swatch watch,” I mean “fashion accessory that I didn’t have but everyone else did and I am still bitter about it 25 years later” in case that wasn’t clear. You could also substitute Oakley sunglasses or those stupid shirts with alligators on them. Whatever.)

    • Rachel Spin says:

      Deb makes me laugh. I had a swatch watch, sorry Deb. Mine had and almost clear band and different color hands over a see-through face, so you could see part of the watch “works”. I got some boots for myself after Christmas. They are not vixen boots which you young 30 something hot mommas wear. They are the kind necessary for people living in cityville on the east coast where it is rumored they have lots of snow, but not this year, the year we moved here, the year my kids are longing for snow and have many snow days on their school calendars because of the aforementioned rumors of snow. My boots came with a tag that said “weatherproof” and had to come with lots of arch support and a cushy heel, because when you are a 40 something like me those things are super important. But they are grey, have a bit of fur trim, and still look pretty cute (just not vixenlike). Now that I have purchased said boots AND a nifty ice scraper/snow brush thing for my handsome husband (I already had one from 10 years ago, 7 moves ago, when we lived in the icy regions of northern NY near Canada) it will most likely never snow here again. sigh.

      • Lisa Buchanan says:

        Didn’t Eddie Baurer used to have wide and double wide calf boots? I know they did but not sure if they still do.

  8. Kayla says:

    I find myself being very sad that I understood the Swatch Watch reference by Deb. Being the stellar mom that I am, most likely my child would have gone with one sock and shoe for the “day-o-fun” in town!

  9. michelle dawn says:

    I really wanna see those boots now! 🙂

  10. datenutloaf says:

    Darling dolls, congratulations HD. You must have very healing parents to get you out of that mobilizer already

  11. Joyce says:

    I have magic boots too…great boots are life changing. Glad HD is doing better although I suspect getting him to ‘take it easy’ for a while might be a challenge. Your girls are so cute. I miss the days of American Girl Dolls…my 21 year old daughter and I may have looked at the catalog this Christmas : )

  12. I’m pretty sure I’m going to start calling you Teller.

    Just so you’re prepared.

  13. Katie says:

    I can’t wear the great boots because I also suffer from Non-Compliant Calves Syndrome. But, rock on, my friend. Rock on!

    Meanwhile, I can’t believe that you are just now sharing the whole Teller thing. I see this catching on in a big way!

  14. Gianna says:

    All that great stuff happened because of your boots? I”m beyond amazed!

    I need to get me a pair of those things!

    Because certainly I will transform into the same exact magic mom YOU are!

  15. Marla says:

    Funny story, I totally though you had misstyped your own name and it made me giggle inside for a second… And then I read on. lol. I’m glad HD is healing up!

  16. Jessy H. says:

    My 5 year old broke his arm this summer. It was quite possibly the worst thing that could have ever happened to him, in his opinion. When he was told he was getting a cast, he thought that it would come off right after they put it on, he was a little mad when we had to leave with it on. He would do everything he could to cover his arm so no one would see his cast and ask about it. We just recently went to his dr. and he asked about his broken arm, Logan responded by giving him a dirty look and telling him that it didn’t happen. Poor HD…poor you, I know it gets a little frustrating when people keep bringing attention to it when all you want is for them to ignore it.

    On a side note, I love the boots. I’ve tried on boots like that before, my feet are very wide and they are super uncomfortable. It could also be the fact that I am almost always barefoot or wearing sandals, so maybe my feet just need to get used to being squished into “magic” boots.

  17. Lisa says:

    So glad HD’s leg is doing well! Aren’t tall boots the greatest 🙂

  18. Kristi Ramsey says:

    My Mom calls my Taylor by the name “Teller” – I’m not sure why – then she calls my other daugher Lauren, Loren – I guess I should have picked names that are easier to pronounce!

  19. Calfkeeper says:

    Awesome magic boots! Now you need a magic wallet to go along with them, so the money you are so blithely throwing at the medical professionals will be sucked right back into your wallet.

    Hope HD continues to improve.

  20. Teresa Dawn says:

    Sorry to hear about HD’s accident, but I am glad he is okay. And I love the idea of an Olympic themed birthday for SP.

    Also, where do I sign up to get magic boots?

  21. Kim says:

    Glad that HD is healing so quickly! Happy birthday to sweet pea!

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