Selling Pigs at Disneyland and Other Fun Tales

We recently returned from our trip to Disneyland.  So, without further ado, here is our Disney Recap.

Please.  Try to contain your excitement.

Little Dude was excited for two things, and two things only.

1)  The plane ride.

2)  The bus ride from the airport to the hotel.

When we got on the plane, he sat by the window.  The entire flight, he looked out the window and the excitement never wore off.

Handsome Dude was terrified about everything.

Do planes crash?

Do people die on planes?

What state are we going to?  Tennessee or California?  Are there earthquakes at California?

Are there earthquakes at Disneyland?

Are there hurricanes?


Basically, he wanted to know all the possible ways tragedy might befall him on this fun-filled journey.

We arrived at our hotel on Saturday evening and Auntie Datenut drove out to meet us for dinner.  We were so confused and lost.  Very tourist-ish.  We started out on our venture for food at 7pm.  I think we had food in front of us at 9:30pm.  These things are hard for us.  The boys fell asleep right before their food came.


The next day, we went to Disneyland.  As people do.

Look at us!  Wearing shorts and flip-flops in February, of all things!  Meanwhile, back at home, it was snowing.  We were so sad to miss out on our puffy coats, chapped lips, and boots.  Can you tell?

Handsome Dude was still afraid of everything.  Our first ride was Pirates of the Caribbean.  We had to go through all the possible forms of disaster that might come on this ride.

Will the boat sink?

Are the pirates real?

Do the pirates want to “get” him?

Is that fire real?

Will the boats crash?

What if the boats sink?

Disneyland.  It is stressful for six year olds.

He went on the ride and declared it “awesome.”

From that point on, I gave him very little info on the rides he was about to go on.

For example, we called “Haunted Mansion, ” simply the “Mansion.”  And he thought it was funny.

Space Mountain?  We weren’t sure, but we thought it was a ride through space?

Matterhorn?  A nice bobsled ride through a mountain.

Judge me not!  He had a grand time, so long as he wasn’t calculating the odds of death for each attraction.

Here are some photos of our trip, for your viewing pleasure, of course:

The girls with their new, dapper friend.

The boys at Toon Town.

David and the bambinos at Toon Town.

Look how happy David is.  Warms my heart.

We went on a Mickey Ferris Wheel sort of cage ride?  Not sure what to call it.  But, here is one half of our crew:

From left to right:

Handsome Dude, Daisy Mae, Sweet Pea, and my mom.

And the other half:

My dad, Little Dude, myself, and David.

Sweet Pea, our new friend Jessie, Daisy Mae, and Handsome Dude.

Here is a picture from California Adventure-that is the Mickey Mouse Ferris Wheel I mentioned mere moments ago.

Here are the six of us at the Cars Land area of California Adventure.

And here are Daisy Mae and Little Dude-


Our package included a Character Dining Meal at Goofy’s Kitchen, and here are the kids with Chef Goofy:

Minnie Mouse came to visit our table:


While we were waiting in line for a ride (which you do a lot of at The Disneyland), David received a call on his cellular device.

It was about pigs.

So, there we were.  In southern California.  Standing amongst 4.2 million other Disneyland goers.  And my husband, the hillbilly at heart, was saying all sorts of crazy things like:

“Yeah, they’ll probably be ready to butcher in April or May.”

“Well, you will have to pay per the pound by its hanging weight.”

“You just tell the butcher what types of cuts you want.”

It was epic.  And he sold 2 pigs right then and there in the line for Pirates of the Caribbean.  And it was the biggest smile he had the entire trip.  I kid you not.


And this, my friends, is the best picture of all.  My DAD.  Hilarious.  Check him out on the Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters ride.

You can see the excitement dripping off of him, can you not?

Happy Weekend!

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7 Responses to Selling Pigs at Disneyland and Other Fun Tales

  1. Sandy says:

    All hope is lost…if David can’t smile at the happiest place on earth! And it looks like he may be wearing off on your Dad…love that pic though. I am sure he isn’t the only adult to strike that pose on those rides.

  2. Lisa Buchanan says:

    How wonderful to take a Cali vacation in the middle of Feb.! Looks like a fun time was had by all ~ emphasis on David and your Dad, who yes, I could indeed feel the excitement dripping from!

  3. Melissa says:

    that picture of your dad is HILARIOUS!!! Thanks for sharing! And I wish the plane had been going to Tennessee…. =)

  4. Ha! HD and Hayden look at life through the same lens: that of imminent disaster.

    It’s completely exasperating, but makes for great stories later.

  5. Kendra d says:

    We did Disneyworld ….Space Mtn got mixed reviews as well. It isn’t handicap accessible, so I didn’t go (oh darn) , but the rest did. One cried two screamed, and the fourth didn’t know what to do.

  6. Rebecca D says:

    I laughed out loud at that picture of your father on the Buzz Lightyear ride! I am glad you had fun but am jealous of the fact you got to be warm for a minute!

  7. Joyce says:

    Little Dude reminds me of my youngest. The first time we went to Disneyworld she’d leave the park completely sacked out. Then she’d wake up in the morning crying because she missed the ‘bus’ ride (shuttle from park to parking lot). Your Dad on Buzz Lightyear is a riot! I’m glad you had a fun getaway in the middle of winter!

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