Lazy Dogs and Log Cabins

I am convinced that we have brought home the world’s laziest dogs.  It is clear the Lord has smiled down upon me.

Here are Tank and Miley after the kids ran them up and down the driveway a few times.


Look at him!  So slothful.  The girls are trying to get him into shape.  They don’t understand why he is always panting.

I told him he was probably named Tank by his previous owner for a reason.  He probably weighs over 100 pounds.

I would like to rename him “Hank”.  I would also be ok with naming him “Tiny”, just to be humorous.  But the kids aren’t having it.

Here’s Miley after a rigorous, five-minute cardio session:

The children had mercy upon her and brought her food dish over to her so she wouldn’t have to move, bless their hearts.

Tank has gas something fierce.  That is his one flaw.  Oh, that and almost getting my husband shot the other night, but that ain’t no thang.  I was text-chatting with my sis-in-law Amy about the gas and she mentioned something about me making my own dog food.

Amy!  Brilliant!  You know, I think making homemade dog food via Pinterest would be dope.  Just dope.  I am going to look into it post haste.

In other news, today was President’s day, and me being the fantastic school marm that I clearly am, had the children make “Abe Lincoln Log Cabins.”

Homeschool.  President’s Day.  Nailed it.

Little Dude was mostly interested in getting in every picture. 

Yes.  He is charming, isn’t he?

The kids had fun making their log cabins, and I felt like I earned my Homeschooling Mom Gold Star for the Week.  I felt so good, I even decided to skip Latin.  Because who needs Latin anyways?  Not us.

Daisy Mae and Handsome Dude about exploded with excitement over this intriguing craft that I obviously could never come up with on my own and got the idea over the World Wide Web.

And, yes.  That is a hanger thrown on yonder stair.  I’m glad you noticed.

There he is again, shaking his hips and all that nonsense.  I don’t know about that kid sometimes.

Happy Monday!




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16 Responses to Lazy Dogs and Log Cabins

  1. I used to make my dog’s dog food. 🙂 So easy! You have your own meat in the freezer too–awesome for you! I was threatening to hunt by myself just to get meat for the dog food project so I wouldn’t have to spend my family’s food budget on meat for the dog. 🙂

  2. Debra says:

    God has surely smiled upon you by giving you lazy and slothful dogs. Tell us if the homemade dog food works. I have a couple of little stinkers. 🙂

  3. My story? We took the day off.
    Homeschool. President’s Day. Nailed it.

  4. Kim says:

    Does ground elk cure doggy gas? Something to ponder.

  5. I'm Erin says:

    Tank is a perfect name for a dog who has gas. That’s probably how he got the name. You know, gas tank.

  6. gold star…check!

    As for the gas. Labs and Goldens are notorious for it. Try a dog food with a lower protien content (the percentages are on the side). Also, my girls must have their pro-biotics everyday. I buy the really cheap people kind at “the Wal-Marts”. One pill a day keeps the toot toots away!

  7. Christine C says:

    Labs and gas go hand in hand. It really depends on diet.

    We had President’s Day off!

  8. Marla says:

    Lazy dogs really are the best dogs. 🙂

  9. Rachel Spin says:

    I’m sure you can find lots of doggy food recipes on the web, maybe this will be a good way to dispose of the elk meat in the freezer.

  10. JoAnn says:

    wow. I can barely stay on top of homemade baby food. You’re a busy lady lady!

  11. I love lazy dogs. I have never made homemade dog food before but it sounds intriguing.

  12. Now that is the kind of dog for me.

  13. Christina says:

    You’re dope, that’s what.
    I have that same hanger in front of the upstairs bathroom!

  14. datenutloaf says:

    LD. Now known as Elvis.
    LJ. Now know as ‘The Prowler of Ruralville’.

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