F is for Facebook

F is for Facebook.


I submit that there is nothing more brutal than Facebook’s relationship status procedure.  For those of you unfamiliar with The Book of Faces, when someone adds to their profile that they are in a relationship with someone, everyone and their mother is notified.  When someone changes from being “in a relationship” to “single”, again, everyone and their mother is notified.

See?  Brutal.

I also submit that there is nothing more humorous than parents on the Facebook.  I tried to talk my mother into getting a Facebook account and her response?

“Will I be required to update what I am doing all the time?  For example, will I have to write:  ‘I’m going to the bathroom now!’?”

Fun Fact:  My mother is NOT as old as she sounds.

Any-who.  F is for Facebook and all, so I thought it would be fitting to remind you all of a little convo that occurred back in January of 2010.

Here’s what you need to know before embarking on this funky adventure:

I am Taylor.

David is my husband.

Alex is David’s brother.

Holly is now Alex’s wife, but at this time, they had just begun a relationship.

FIL is my Father in law.

MIL is my Mother in law.

Let’s proceed.

FIL: Does anyone know what is going on with Alex and Holly?

David: What do you mean?

FIL:  What is their relationship?

Me:  They are together.

FIL:  OK.  So they are just friends.

Me:  No.  They are together together.

MIL:  What does that mean?

Me:  Like boyfriend and girlfriend.

MIL and FIL together: Ohhhhh.

FIL:  How do you know?

Me:  Facebook.

MIL and FIL:  Huh?????

Interruption:  My Father in Law has had a Facebook account at this point for 6 months.


No one knows.

I am 99.9% certain he has not been anywhere near or around Facebook for 5 3/4 months.

Me:  Ok.  Do you know how on Facebook you can change your relationship status?

MIL and FIL:  Relationship status?

Me:  Ok.  Do you know how you can see if people are married on Facebook?  Or single?

FIL:  Yes.


Me:  Ok.  Well, when you change that, which is called your relationship status, it shows up on your friends’ news feed.

MIL and FIL:  Newsfeed?

Houston!  We have a problem! (Name that movie)

Me:  Ok.  When you log onto Facebook, do you know that first page you see where it tells you what is going on with all your friends?

FIL:  Hmmm . . . .yes.

Me:  That is your newsfeed.

FIL:  Ok!  Interesting.

Me:  So, on my newsfeed, it said that Holly’s relationship status had changed from “Single”  to “In a Relationship.”

FIL:  Holly?  Who is Holly?

David starts laughing and just starts reading the paper.

David will oft abandon me in tricky conversations with his parents.

Boo, David. 


Me:  Who is Holly?  Alex’s Holly.

FIL:  Oh!  Holly of Alex and Holly.  What about her?



Me:  I am friends with her.  On Facebook.  And her relationship status changed.

FIL:  What does that mean?

Me:  It means that her and Alex are in a relationship.

FIL:  Oh!  Good!  Do you know how long?

Me:  I think around Thanksgiving time.

FIL:  Very good!  Great!

MIL:  Wow!  Super!

Me:  Maybe you should get on Facebook more often!  You could find out all the scoop like me.

FIL:  I don’t have time for this stuff.  Although from what I hear you write good Facebook blogs, so I am missing out.

Me:  Well, my blog is it’s own thing.  It’s not Facebook.

FIL:  What?

Me:  My blog.  You don’t have to be on Facebook to see it.

FIL:  I don’t know what you are talking about.

Me:  Never mind.  It’s not important.


Lest there be any confusion, I like my inlaws a great deal and mean them no ill-will.

But that was just plain funny.


So, dear readers.

Are your parents on The Facebook?

Do they understand it?

Do you want them on The Facebook?

Are you wondering why I keep saying THE Facebook?

You are not alone.

Alright.  Happy Friday!

Oh, and if you want to, you can like this blog on The Facebook.

Or not.  The choice is yours.


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23 Responses to F is for Facebook

  1. My parents are NOT on the facebook because my dad does not know how to turn the computer on and my mom thinks facebook is trashy so I am filled with glee and mirth each and every time she calls to give me “news” about someone and I cut her off with “I know. I saw it on facebook two days ago.”

  2. Teresa Dawn says:

    My mum recently got facebook. She shares stuff on their sometimes, but for privacy reasons she refuses to change her settings to let her shared items be viewed by anyone except “Only Me”. So to actually see the stuff we need to go to her house and have her log in and view it on her account.

  3. Kathleen says:

    I just recently went through this with my Mom ……..Hilarious stuff!

  4. aTXtumbleweed says:

    My dad oft heard me talk about family members and what they were up to all from what I learned on FB. Our family is scattered over several states so it is a great way to keep up with everyone. So he asked me to set him up a FB page. All the cousins were excited to see it and bombarded it with welcome to FB and all sorts of messages. Somehow, someone was able to convince him it was a way for everyone to “spy” on him, so he had his housekeeper cancel his account. He is an 86 yr old Navy veteran and nobody spys on him! sigh….

  5. Kelly Barnes says:

    I suspect I’m old enough (and uninformed enough) to be your FIL, and this is hilarious. It’s helpful because I’m at a point where I need to go on Facebook (Branding).

  6. Rachel Spin says:

    My mom is pretty good with the facebook. My dad has a fb account, but he changed his password and can’t remember it, or how to redo it now that he can’t remember it. I love it. We are an Army family and have made friends all over the world. It really helps us keep up with all the friends and family stuff that is going on.

  7. Christi says:

    I am just rolling with laughter, oh man you gotta love parents and technology. My mom wont even touch the computer, she is convinced if she does it will break down and someone will blame her. So if I send pictures to my stepdad he has to hold the laptop up for her so she can see the pictures. My stepdad, he is the reason I know I have patience. He called the other day, I am on speaker phone with my him and my mom. He wants me to see a picture of some man holding a giant cat. I am trying to assure him and my very impressed mother that this is photoshopped but its on The Facebook so it must be true. He says no really go look at my page. I say which one, you have three. He said well I keep forgetting my password so I just make a new account lol. I asked why dont you have a picture on your fb page, and I am trying to walk him through putting a photo up, when I hear mom in the background saying oh honey I dont think you should be putting up your picture because thats how people stalk you. ?? really I did not know that mom, thanks so much.

  8. Lisa says:

    My parents have been on the Facebooks for a while now, and do okay. BUT, my mom just discovered Pinterest. I have received no less than 6 calls in the last 4 days (2 of them just this morning) of her asking me how to set up her account, how it works, what her username should be, etc, etc, etc. And of course, she set her boards (which she has not yet created) to only be seen by herself, because she doesn’t want what she pins to pop on the Facebooks newsfeed, because it annoys her when she sees other peoples stuff pop up. Oh, the joy of parents and technology. And just think, our littles will be saying the same things about us!! 😀

  9. emily says:

    my dad won’t go near facebook. he doesn’t even like his picture on other people’s pages (like mine…but i’m not taking pictures of him down…hahaha!) he thinks people (i don’t know who) will find him and steal his identity or something or his money (he has money???). my mom is on facebook. she, too, asked if she had to update everyone on everything she was doing constantly. nooo….she doesn’t see the point of updates. she also made me block everyone from showing up on her newsfeed except family. she was like “if i want to know what’s going on, i’ll just look up their page. why do i care?” i said “why are you on facebook in the first place? that is the point!”

  10. Falen says:

    My mom loves Facebook. So does my grandpa! Hahha. 🙂 Great post!

  11. Donna says:

    Okay, I just want everyone to know that not ALL parents are dumbFaced. I am retired, I’m on FB. I limit my list of friends to mostly relatives and a few close friends. It is my link that keeps me up to date on the doings of my kids and their cousins and other friends. I enjoy it for that. Don’t like knowing how someone is farming, or scoring on WwF. But seeing pictures and knowing when someone is engaged, happy or sad, etc. and being able to send them a quick encouragement or congratulations, yeah, that’s what my FB world is all about. It isn’t so much about age, as it is openness, and starting earlier perhaps. My husband and I got heavy into computers when they first came out. I was a technology integrator early on at school, worked at Apple two years ago, and have tried to stay current. Be kind and patient with your parents, because as some have noted – that WILL be you someday, unless you choose to keep current…and technology is growing faster and faster all the time!
    (It is kind of humorous though…even for me! But my MIL is 85, so I guess, she deserves to get a little confused on her iPad.)

  12. Kayla Yow says:

    Absolutely hilarious! And, I was just explaining to my aunt how to use “The Facebook” yesterday! {“The Facebook” was the original name of the website}! So my aunt was at my house using my computer, and of course, asking me every question, like how do I check my notifications and when I do will it delete my conversation where I am IMing this person {although she did not know the names for any of that}! At some point my grandma shows up and is talking to my aunt about “The Facebook,” when she says I want to know how many people are looking for me. Then proceeds to ask me if I will find out for her! Wow!

  13. Lisa says:

    Love that story and the one about HD from yesterday. Hope you have a wonderful Resurrection Sunday!

  14. Too funny! My mom is technically on Facebook but rarely actually uses it. When she does comment on one of my pictures though she always signs her name at the end of her comment haha! Also, like Mindee’s mom in one of the above comments, my mom will call to tell me big news, like engagements or pregnancies, and she gets so mad because I always say “I know.” “How do you know??” “Facebook.”

    I’m loving all your daily posts by the way! 🙂

  15. I can totally picture this conversation happening. And yes, Taylor, you write a lovely facebook blog…HAHAHAHA

  16. emma says:

    my mother and father are on facebook. my mother’s mother (grandmother!) is on facebook. they babysit the others farmville account when they go on vacation and cannot get back to the farm to water their crops. serious.
    my mother is “in a relationship” with her boyfriend on fb. my father (her ex) is friends with her, but unfriends her when he is angry at her for some reason (like when she posts that she is “in a relationship”). my grandmother doesn’t know not to type in all caps when she tries to message me on fb. she thought that a folder on her desktop computer was a webpage full of family photos that my uncle launched. she thought she could send the link and i could see it from my computer. that’s a folder. not a webpage.
    i am friends with my mom’s boyfriend on fb but i delete comments when he puts them on my status posts.
    i question whether or not to delete my fb on a weekly basis.

  17. Jody says:

    Love it. I somehow lucked out and have a mom who is quite accomplished on FB. My dad is as well, but is there is something you want to tell him FB is not the place. Hi ight get my messages one day : )

  18. I'm Erin says:

    I would like to tell you about my parents and Facebook, but it could never truly be conveyed electronically. We’ll save it for when we get together.

    Surely one day, no?

  19. Ada says:

    hahahaha. Love it!
    My dad does not agree with The Facebook. I wonder what his reaction will be when I tell him that his niece just posted a photo of him on there? A photo of him in his younger days with a bottle of liquor, a smoke and a overalls on!!?!??!?! This is going to be good! hhahahahaaaa

  20. JodiJean says:

    My MIL would waste an entire day on FB if my FIL would let her. She comments in incomplete sentences and excessively…uses…whatever…these…are..called.

    My mom uses it daily for dumb games and to tell me I’ve offended family with my Jesus stuff.
    My step-mom uses it periodically but rarely comments unless she wants me to remove a pic of her she doesn’t like. No, sorry, but I’ll untag you. 🙂

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