
My Little Dude is growing up so quickly!  He will be four next month. I was reading through some old posts from this time last year and I realized how much he has changed.

Last year, he wore cowboy boots everywhere and told everyone and their mother:

“My bunny’s name is Screamer.”

He also could not go to the bathroom without becoming fully undressed and had to sing train songs before an elimination was possible.  Which wasn’t odd at all.

I am happy to report that he only takes off the necessary clothing now during an elimination break and songs are no longer required.

This boy is a talker these days.  Remember Saturday when I had to take my oldest boy David on a car ride to get an ice cream cone so he wouldn’t give himself a hernia or worse? (click here to read that post)  The older three children amazingly fell asleep for that car ride.

But not our Little Dude.

The spunky boy that he is.

He talked nonstop.  And this is exactly what is sounded like:

LD:  Hey-hey-hey-hey . . . hey, Dad?  Dad?  Who made the trees?

David:  God

LD:  Oh, right.  GOD.  Who made the branches?  I think God.  Right, Dad?  Right?  RIGHT?

David:  Right.

LD:  Trashbags!

There were several trash bags on the side of the road for about 5 miles.

LD:  And who made the ducks?  Dad?  DDDDAAAADDDD!  Trashbag! People or God?  Dad!

Dad:  God.

LD:  Ducks are squishy, right Dad?  Trashbag!  Right?

Dad:  Sure.

LD:  Like fish.  Trashbag!

Dad:  What about fish?

LD:  Fish are-trashbag! squishy!  Who made the lellow (yellow) lines on the road dad?

Dad:  Someone.

LD:  Who, Dad?  Trashbag!  Dad, why did someone leave all these trashbags?  That’s funny.  Trashbag!  Who made the sun, Dad?

Dad:  God.

LD:  Ooooh, God!  Right!  Trashbag!

Seriously.  He would not stop.  It was enjoyable.  Reminded me of the dog in the movie UP who would keep getting distracted.


Little Dude has been obsessed with letters and their sounds lately and today we sat down and he read a BOB book by actually sounding the words out.  I just had to brag there.  Because tomorrow my other son is getting Space Man glasses, and sometimes a gal just needs something to get her through the day.

Do you know what a BOB book is?  Are you wondering why I am bothering you with this nonsense today?

You are not alone.

Alright.  I’m off to do more laundry.


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17 Responses to Trashbag!

  1. Christina says:

    That made me laugh! I can totally hear the conversation! Actually, sometimes I sound a little like that…hmmm. (Distractability, I mean. I know who made everything. 😉 )
    BOB Books are great…I am going through them with Eliana right now. She does fun things like read the word “Jig” as “Guff” and laugh hysterically. Good times. 🙂

  2. MindyLou says:

    We love good ole’ BOB books! Levi is reading those right now and it is very fun to watch him discover this reading stuff. I have GOT to go figure out dinner. So I need to get off of here. That was a total change in subject. I am easily distracted too. 🙂

  3. Jody says:

    Chuckling softly as I head up to put my little yaps in bead. : )

  4. Christi says:

    Lol, trashbag. Well at least he is a little fella. My mom does that. My pastor calls it chasing rabbits. My mom telling a story about a book. “There was this guy and girl and they had met at this store, (it wasnt a big store, just a small store, you know like one that I used to take you too when you were small, and oh remember that guy that worked there, he is dead now, oh you know who else died, our neighbors dog, poor guy he misses her, I miss my dog, you remember that dog, he was reddish, about the same color as your favorite dress, oh yeah you know the one you wore to church that one time, oh wait that was your cousin, anyway…)what was I talking about.

  5. Joyce says:

    I taught kindergarten so am well acquainted with the BOB books.
    “my oldest boy”-haha!

  6. Libby says:

    I was totally thinking “Squirrel!” before I got to that part of your post!

  7. Lisa Buchanan says:

    Hysterical!! that boy of yours!

    Been through BOB books a couple of times and will go through them a couple more times. Thanks to Costco!

  8. Becky Fouts says:

    I am afraid I will wake my husband I am laughing so hard at this post! I can just hear it all! and Christi, I am lol at your comment, too!

  9. Ada says:

    I am laughing out loud and my husband is brushing his teeth and wanting to know why I am laughing so loud and taking the risk of waking up the babe. Hahahaaa. Trashbag! Seriously. I can’t stop laughing.
    I may do that on our trip to Oregon this summer. Hahahaaaa.

  10. megs says:


  11. Stephanie says:

    That post had me laughing out loud, which could be problematic because I am reading it at work… slightly taboo…
    We love the BOB books! My oldest reads them every night!
    Squirrel! One of my favorite movies!

  12. JoAnn says:

    OHHH Trashbag!
    and who made what is a game we play. My four year old doesn’t think God made trees though…those come from SEEDS!

  13. SUCH an accurate recounting of a conversation with a pre-school boy. You’re making appreciate that mine is now 15 and can only speak in sarcasm.

  14. Funny! Midas has this affliction too. We refer to it as his ‘Stream of Conciousness’. It sounds more polite than ‘Verbal diarrhoea.’ The more I read about LD the more I think Midas and he would get along like a house on fire!

  15. rebecca d says:

    Your post made me laugh out loud! My younger daughter used to do that all the time and I completely forgot about it! I’m off to read her your post.

  16. datenutloaf says:

    I went on a car ride with LD, he names everything. Also sounds like he just want to engage in a lively repartee with his dad. Good luck LD. Too cute.

  17. Lisa says:

    Oh my goodness, my five-year-old does that “God or People?” thing ALL DAY LONG!

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