Toilet Rings and Other Fun Stories.

Would you like to know the best part of being a substitute teacher?

There are some days when you are not needed.  It is like a pleasant surprise.  Like, “Surprise!  We will take your kids AND you can have FREE time!”

Well, thank you, school.

Last Monday, I went to the M-A-L-L.





It was incredible.  So incredible, in fact, that last Wednesday when they did not need me, I went to a different mall.  Two malls in one week!?  Get out of town!  That’s more mall action than I have seen in the past year.

I was not needed today as well, but spent the day scrubbing the bathrooms.  Not everyday can be full of glamor and glitz and mall-frolicking.

So, I was scrubbing the toilets, and enjoying every minute of it.  We have an iron problem.  And, as a result of this, I have an orange-y ring in my toilet.

Yes.  I am now one of those people.

I can get the iron stains out of the bowl where the water sits, but above the water line sits a nasty orange ring.  It is totally bugging me.

I had a brilliant idea.  I decided to add more water to the toilet so I could add my special Iron Out stuff to it and soak the line.

Are you following this?  Don’t you care about my toilet ring?  Please stay with me.

I was afraid I would do something devastating to the toilet by adding extra water.

Is it possible to add too much water?  Will I break it?  Toilets can certainly accommodate other *ahem* liquids being added to them . . . certainly more water would be ok, right?

I decided to call my husband at work to ask him if my plan would work.  Because David loves it when Teller calls him at work with toilet questions.

I learned something new today from my husband, folks.  And I want to know how many of you already knew this fun tidibit.

You can’t add water to a toilet.  It will just drain down.  The toilet will not let you do it.

I did not believe him, so I did it anyways.  He was right.  Like a fool, I kept pouring water into the toilet.  And the toilet kept foiling my plans.

So.  That was my day.  I am now waging a war against my toilet bowl ring.  And I am losing.

Taylor’s blog.  Where you come to read about toilets.


Carl the Elf has been entertaining the children.  I pick the laziest easiest options I can think of and BAM! Mom of the Year.

Here he is toilet papering our tree


Look at the right side of the tree.  Do you see the one picture ornament?  I used to have about 12 and I only found one of Little Dude.  So he is the only one with a picture on the tree.  Because I treat my children fairly and equally and no one will have issues later in life.

Carl also had fun with a box of Rice Krispies.


And he colored.


He’s a busy guy.

David was the first one in the family to play Elf on the Shelf.  And I have photographic proof.

Here are some pictures of his work from 2011.

ld high up on cabinet 2011

Peach walls!  *shudder*
ld cabinet 2011
ld shelf 2011

Safety first!

Happy Wednesday!

PS-I want to know who already knew that toilets flush extra water down.

Be honest.


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12 Responses to Toilet Rings and Other Fun Stories.

  1. Sandy says:

    Name slip…quick, fix it!

  2. Katie K. says:

    You confused me on the whole water in the toilet thing. I know that you can keep pouring water down it and it won’t overflow 🙂 if it makes you feel better my toilets are full blown orange! Why am I telling you this? You have been to my house. You know! Your little ring is nothing compared to my full blown orange toilet bowls!!! About the mall shopping. I AM JELOUSE!!!!! I fantasize about having that opportunity 🙂 glad you had some time out especially this time of year!

  3. Lisa Buchanan says:

    I suppose I technically new that, but would have forgotten and tried it anyway because toilet knowledge isn’t stored in the most safest part of my brain. I’ve had great success with pumice stones on my toilet rings. Granted, it wasn’t with an iron problem, but their pretty tough little scrubbers. I bet it would work.

  4. Joyce says:

    Have you googled a solution? There are a few out there, nothing simple though…I had this problem in a previous house. I didn’t know the water thing. To be honest, I’ve never needed to wonder about it : ) I’m happy for your mallapalooza!

  5. Calfkeeper says:

    Taylor, I’m sorry but the second I read where you wanted to add extra water to the toilet I started laughing.

    Apparently you have never been in an extended power outage situation. The way you flush without electricity is to add water to the stool. Then it will flush itself. The only solution I can think of is to plug it somehow where you can pull out the plug after you have treated the water. Hmmmmm…. I bet you could come up with something.

    Shopping without children is a treat, isn’t it?

  6. Mindy Williamson says:

    Ok, so i knew. 🙂 but did YOU know that you can use a pumice stone in your toilet to get rid of marks? Or on your ceramic tub or ceramic sink. Ask me how i know. 😉 So, your stone has to be wet and the area you are scrubbing needs to be wet. Two wet surfaces and you are good to go. Lots of elbow grease required, however. Takes some work, but the results are worth it. Good luck!

  7. datenut says:

    I was at first so excited that you were blogging about this particular problem. I have it as well – albeit not orange. If I, or anyone could only add water to the toilet we could soak out all stains. Alas, I was hoping you and/or your spouse were posting the solution as well. I was going to go to a plumbing shop to see if there was such a thing as a toilet plug but somehow it’s not on my priority list. I bought a tiny foam and vinyl soft toy football and shoved it in the big hole and then added water. It worked, but not perfectly and I still think I should ask a plumber sometime. Yep you could sure use pumice but it scratches the finish of the porcelain and so would only stain even quicker. You could alternatively (and I have done this) empty out some water and use cleanser and a 3M pad directly on the stain line. There are even toilet scrubbers made of that 3M stuff. Glad you got a little time for yourself, mom. I mean, it’s been about ten years. Congratulations. Try some CLR or visit your local janitor supply for some nifty tile cleaner. I got some and it works great!! even in the toilet.

  8. Kendra d says:

    I knew….it’s where I pour my mop water at -30 cuz I don’t want to open the door…and it would just turn to nasty ice anyway.

  9. I did know, but since I know nothing about rabbit keeping or swine herding I still say you win. 🙂

  10. B says:

    Great that your kids love Carl.
    Maybe you should stick a piece of toilet paper clinging to his little bootie bottom
    leave a trail under the tree to him napping with a washcloth over him for a cover.

  11. kayla says:

    I knew about the toilet draining, but if I wanted to plug it to soak, I would use a plunger. I would think that you could keep it from draining that way. I don’t know about orange rings from iron, but I have used a product called Bar Keeper’s Friend on my ceramic sinks to clean marks without scratching them. You are so patient with Carl. I am not. The last thing I need is one more mess to clean! 🙂

  12. Vesta says:

    This website might help you

    Merry Christmas!

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