A Craigslist Christmas and Other Jolly Tales

Little Dude.

Dude is a bright boy.  He is kicking Kindergarten’s heiny.  However, there a few, oddities about him.

For one, the boy cannot dress himself worth beans.

Bet you wouldn’t believe me when I tell you that same boy can read and do math at more than a grade level ahead of his peers.

Yup.  His future is bright!

Little Dude just got out of the shower.  It is past noon on a Saturday and it just finally happened.  Oh sure, I have been asking him since about 10am (don’t judge me.  It’s the first day of Christmas break, people!).  Little Dude keeps “disappearing.”  I forget that I asked him to get showered, and he goes and hides upstairs and plays Hot Wheels.

Well-played, Little Dude.  Well-played.

Finally, around 11:45, I put on my Mean Mom Pants and yelled calmly asked him to get INTO THE SHOWER.  And he did.  And he sang and danced and had a grand old time.

Now, the problem becomes getting him OUT of the shower.  But I digress.

He finally shuts the shower off, but he spends another 10 minutes using his towel to mop up all the water inside the shower.  We do not require this of him, nor do we wish him to do this.

Yet do it, he does.  Every. Single. Day.

It’s just part of the magic that makes Little Dude who he is.

After he has thoroughly dried the shower, he comes out buck naked.  No towel in sight.  He begins to have a conversation with me about Hot Wheels, all while I am calmly repeating:

“Please put underwear on.”

This is the same child who will flip out if anyone goes in the family changing room with him after he has gotten out of the pool.

While Little Dude is all naked and chatting with me, I notice his hair was not washed during his 20 minute shower/song/dance time.  I know this, because it is dry and still has that lovely boy bedhead look.

Me:  Dude.  You didn’t wash your hair.

LD:  I didn’t?

Me (obviously no longer caring about the unclean hair):  Can you please put on underwear?

Little Dude looks down at his private areas.

LD:  Right!

And off he runs.  To hide behind the couch with his brother and play “Surprise Mom.” Still naked.

My parenting skills are clearly to be envied.


Every day when we come home from school, we look for Heffie.

Heffie was once our horse, but she was bullied by her fellow equine cohorts, so we gave her to our neighbor.  It is fun for us to see her whenever we want.

We also see this:

The turkeys have a meet and greet every afternoon around 3pm before flying up into the trees to roost.

Fun Fact:  I don’t really know what the word “roost” means and I do not believe I used it correctly in a sentence.

I care not.


Here’s an interesting convo between David and I.  It happened just last night.

Me:  We don’t have to go to town tomorrow, do we?

David:  Maybe.  I kind of need to deal with your Christmas present.

(Deal!  Ha.  Gift giving stresses him out.  He about threw a party when I told him we didn’t have to do stocking stuffers for each other this year.  But, I digress.)

Me:  Ok.   When will you know?

David:  I am waiting on a call from a guy.  If I get a call, I have to go.  If not, I won’t.

Hmmm.  I have a strange feeling my present isn’t coming from a mall.

Sounds a bit “Craigslist-y” to me.

What on EARTH could he be getting me from Craigslist?  I asked for some clothing items and a crockpot.

He’s probably getting me a goat or something.  And I’ll have to help build the fence.

I kid!  I jest!

But, seriously.  I’m scared.


I cannot believe how close Christmas is.  The kids just finished school yesterday before the break.  I was in the office at the end of the day when they called in a little girl.  She doesn’t have a winter coat, so one of the teachers bought her one and wrapped it all up.  The present said  To_________ From Santa.

I wish you could have seen the look on that little first grader’s face when she excitedly walked to the school bus with her present.  She was so happy!  It made me tear up a bit.  I enjoy hearing stories about people doing kind things for others, and it was great to witness one.

I love all the teachers and staff at my kids’ school.  They truly care about the kids and do such a great job.

Do you have a fun Christmas memory to share?  I’d love to hear it.

Merry Christmas!


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6 Responses to A Craigslist Christmas and Other Jolly Tales

  1. Maybe they have really good jewelry on Craig’s list? Or trips to Hawaii? Crossing my fingers for you!

  2. B says:

    Craigslist Christmas….. a milk cow…. a whole load of hay…a milk goat
    …for the love of pete ..what did you hint that you wanted….???
    A cart for your horse so you don’t have to ride it… am I close?

  3. lisa buchanan says:

    This “present” should definitely put your what-do-l-blog-about-next angst to rest! Merry Christmas!

  4. Calfkeeper says:

    My favorite Christmas memory now is going to get a Christmas tree when I was a kid. My dad would take my sister and I, way, way up into the mountains. This was when I lived in Northern California, Humboldt County. A 2 hr drive one way to cut a Christmas tree. But it was worth it.

    Never mind about LD, my daughter also has her idiosyncrasies. She’s in first grade, reads like 2 grades ahead, is average in math, but can’t tie her shoes, can’t pedal a bike, can’t/won’t bathe herself (so LD is way ahead there, lucky you!). She just isn’t physically inclined. Never has been. Didn’t even try to walk until she was almost 4. Would rather sit on her hiney and look at books. LD is his own man. Just go with it. LOL

  5. Erin says:

    Can’t wait to hear what…or who…you get for Christmas!

    And how sad that a kid living in (enter your col state here) doesn’t have a winter coat 🙁

  6. Stacy says:

    What did you get? We all want to know!

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