The Bummer Summer

Where has summer gone?  I started the summer sure I was going to work with my kids on their book learnin’, organize my house, lose weight (ha!), read, and blog at least once a week.  Things did not happen the way that I had planned.

First, let us talk about the anniversary.  On July the 8th, David and I celebrated 16 years of marriage!  Go us!  We went to Las Vegas and David was a tad bit out of his element.  We stayed in the Paris Hotel and were dismayed to find there was no coffee pot in our room.  In order to save money, we decided to skip breakfast and just grab coffee and a yogurt for David, a banana for me.


My Lumberjack-ish husband looked a bit miffed.

Me:  What is the problem?  Can you just try to ignore the cost for about two days?

David:  I just feel like they are getting me everywhere I go!

It was costly there and hard to live on the cheap.  But we had fun and it was a nice getaway.

Hootlin 100%
Soon after, the girls and I did a Mud Run with some of the other female members of our family.

Here’s a fun tidbit about me that you might not know:  I have a bad knee.

Between the ages of 15-17, I had five knee surgeries, including two ACL repairs and several meniscus repairs and removals.

It had been about 18 years since my last surgery, so a new injury wasn’t really on my mind. But I was trying to help my niece over a tarped hill (it’s a long story) with my sister-in-law, and I didn’t make it.  I fell hard on my bad knee and received two new tears in my meniscus.

Here’s a before/after picture of us at the Mud Run:


Oh, it hurt so badly.  That happened mid-July and I have been on crutches ever since.  Here is a list of things that is hard to do whilst on crutches and being unable to bear weight on one leg:

  1.  Shower
  2. Use the facilities
  3. Get dressed
  4. Move about the house
  5. Tidy the house

Here’s a list of things that are impossible to do whilst on crutches and being unable to bear weight on one leg and you must rely on your children/husband to do for you:

  1.  All general house cleaning
  2. Laundry
  3. Cleaning the rental
  4. Tending the garden
  5. Feeding and caring for any and all animals

Yes.  I am changing rooms and grades this year.  Changing rooms is a great deal of work, and my mom and girls have basically set up my entire room for me.


Here is a picture of my kids and my nieces helping me last week.  Cutest helpers ever!  But, seriously!  What would I do without them?  I do not know.

I had surgery about 3 weeks ago.  Surgery number six.  It is much harder to recover this time around.  The first five surgeries, I lived with my parents.  Now, I am a 35 year old mom who is trying to set up a classroom, take care of a rental, and get her kids to sports and whatnot.  Not so easy.  It has also put a huge damper on our summer plans.  My kids have been good sports about our lack of beach days.  David did take us all to the beach the other day, so that was a nice change of pace. We stopped at the store for beach snacks, and he grabbed two bags of frozen veggies for me.


Nothing is better than ice on the top AND the bottom of the knee.  That is true love right there, folks.

So, this has been a bummer summer.  But we did have a mama pig, or SOW, have some babies.  That was exciting.


She started with 7.  Now she has 4.  Life is hard out here.  You have to be tough, I guess.

So, that is what has happened to my summer.  I am in bed all the time, elevating and icing.  My window that I stare out of looks at the pigs.  I get fussy and tell David and I am tired of looking at pigs and I hate the way that they pee.

Oh, it is so weird!  It is not normal how pigs pee!

I find it aggravating.  I am just sitting here in bed, stressing about teaching a new grade and getting all fluffy and losing any and all muscle I may have had.



Today was fun.  I was home alone because I had to go to a teacher training.  I am so professional, and I do those sorts of things now.

Well, I was running late, on account of the fact that I had no children or husband to help fetch me things.  It was exhausting.  So, I step outside, and this is what I am greeted with:


Pigs.  By my car, of all things!  This is not where they are supposed to be.

I am late.  I have no one else at the house.  I am on crutches.

I start to feel a bit cranky.  Naturally, I take a picture, because, hello!  I need proof to show  David as to why he should have purchased me 4 million roses.  I am tempted to leave and pretend I never saw a thing.

“Oh, wow!  The pigs were out and terrorizing the village all day?  Interesting . . . . when I left for my grown up teacher training, all was well!”

But I felt guilty and decided that even though I never wanted any stupid, stinkin’ pigs, I should probably not just leave them running amok while I went to the big city and got all trained to teach math like a champion.

So.  I started herding pigs.  On crutches.

Dear readers, pigs do not care one iota ever about what you request of them.  They are not dogs.  They do not wish to please you.  In fact, I think they are one step away from eating me, in all honesty.  There is no bond, no attachment, no love, no warm fuzzies.  They do not heed my instruction, they do not fear my authority.

They are pigs.  They care not.  And they would prefer to be running about my property at this time, rather than be secure in their pens.

But I am being a responsible farmer’s wife person on crutches.  So, I start guiding them to their pig zone.  And yes.  I will admit it.  I whacked a pig or two with my crutches.

It had to be done.

Oh, it was not a mean, old, nasty, abusive whack.  It was more of a, “MOVE YOU STUPID PIGS!  I AM LATE FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE BIG CITY AND I DON’T WANT TO BE A FARMER’S WIFE TODAY” sort of nudge to help inspire them to move in the right direction.

I am proud to inform you that I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahah, was able to successfully herd FOUR pigs back to safety all while hobbling about on crutches.

And if this doesn’t convince David to finally buy me that “Number One Wife” t-shirt, I don’t know what will.

Happy Monday!

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11 Responses to The Bummer Summer

  1. Connie Tietz says:

    I know shouldn’t be Laughing Taylor, but what can I say! I always loved to listen to your stories of being a pig farmers wife! Sorry you have had a bummer summer! Good thing you have 4 very helpful sweet children right? Hope your knee gets Bette r quick!

  2. Jan Stuppy says:

    My oh my – you have really had a whacky summer but hey, I definitely give you kudos on the pig herding. Being a farmer’s wife ain’t easy. I get stuck doing all sorts of things I never would have imagined doing. It does take grit! By the way your anniversary is the same day as ours.

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Ahhh the farming skills! You go girl. Sorry your knee is such a traitor, I hope it heals soon. Best wishes on the new grade, I’m sure your students will be rather than herding pigs!

  4. Marie says:

    Oh my. My husband was also very surprised about the prices in Las Vegas, but he had been there in the 80’s when everything was dirt cheap. Sorry about your knee. Good luck teaching the new grade. I can picture you on crutches herding pigs. You do deserve a lot of roses and that tee shirt.

  5. Ruth says:

    Ooooohh, I am so sorry about your knee!! I agree with the ice, and I have had only two surgeries on one knee. I recently told my husband that yes, you can sleep with ice on a portion of your body as long as it is wrapped in fabric, and it will feel like heaven when the numbness kicks in and you are free of pain.
    You should get a GOLD MEDAL for herding four pigs back into their pen while on crutches!! Or anything else that is gold, or gold colored, or round and desirable, etc. Doughnuts, maybe?

  6. Anna says:

    How frustrating!! Child-free for the day but not pig-free! I was at the same professional development. I saw you but think it is just weird to go over to someone you haven’t met and say that you read their blog. I was also in Vegas in July for more of the teacher professional stuff. It is much more fun to go with other teachers than to go with husbands, I think. I’m sorry to hear about the knee! My story is that they won’t fix mine because …I don’t know why exactly….so now I have arthritis quite badly in that knee and I limp a lot and deal with pain and I’m being told knee replacement in a few years and that makes me feel oven older and frumpier than I do already. I’m also changing grade levels this year. I can’t get into my room yet to set up so I feel behind. It will be good to hear how your year goes!

  7. Joyce says:

    So sorry you’ve had a bummer summer, but so glad you wrote about it and haven’t lost your sense of humor. It sounds like the pigs keep things interesting : ) Keep taking care of that knee and enjoy your new room and grade!

  8. Calfkeeper says:

    So so sorry about your bummer summer. I hope your knee gets better soon and that your school year goes super wonderful this year.

    I applaud your skill in herding swine w/ a bum knee. When it comes to livestock…the husband’s livestock…it will always escape when you are late for an appointment and when the husband/owner is not there. This is a given rule you must learn to cope with.

    Have a great school year!

  9. Suzanne says:

    I’m sorry about your knee! That’s no fun. I hope your school year goes well for everyone 🙂 Always love seeing a blog post from you.

  10. Andrea says:

    🙁 My son blew out his meniscus the day before school started last year, so I somewhat have an idea of your incapacity. Phooey! And once upon a time I was a teacher who had to change rooms every year. Double Phooey! Had a pig pen a hundred yards from my bedroom as a kid growing up, and they’d bang the lids of their metal feeder all night long–ugh. No love lost here–I felt no pangs whacking pigs or chickens or my dad’s crazy tom turkey who loved to chase me through the yard. I hope you get your t-shirt!

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