The Shower

Today, I took a shower.

It was a major event and one that I shan’t likely repeat anytime soon.

First of all, my leg must remain straight at all times.  I have an incision on my quad muscle and it cannot come apart.  This makes taking clothes on and off tricky-ish.  David suggested that I wear the brace in the shower, which I felt was a solid plan.  So, Daisy Mae was within yelling distance and David went out to worm and castrate pigs, as all men do on a Sunday.  And I was going to take a shower.

I unwrapped my leg and tried to not faint.  This was my first time seeing the atrocities that happened to my leg.  I will spare you the picture.  Because, the horror.

After much pomp and circumstance, I was able to get in and out of the shower all by myself, but needed David to help me re-wrap the leg.  He came in and said I should probably wait for the leg to air dry a bit.  This sounded reasonable coming from a man who just removed a pig’s ability to procreate.  Surely, he must know a thing or two about life.  David left again, presumably to ruin more pigs’ days, and I was faced with the daunting task of putting fresh underwear on.

Since Thursday, I basically have not moved.  I am maybe burning 4 calories per day.


Putting underwear on is a new workout activity for me, burning no less than 754 calories a minute.

I was slightly successful.

However, when I tried to sit back up, I kinda forgot to not use my quad muscle, and it felt like my entire thigh area ripped in two.

So, then I just sat there.  Crying.  Again, like a champ.  I had to alert Daisy Mae to go and get Farmer Bob from his pig-ventures and come and help me.

He came back in and I told him we had to get the brace back on quickly.

Me:  I sat up and used my muscle and it felt like my incision ripped apart.

David:  It doesn’t look ripped apart.

David does not understand that I am currently not interested in the facts.  I am interested in him feeling badly for me and just letting me have a moment.

And then it was time for pants.

I need to wear large pants so they will fit easily over the brace.  I have already used up both of David’s large pajama pants, so I had to dip into the supply of pajama pants from MY DAD that Ma had sent over.

It was a new low point in my life: me, whimpering like a baby, while my husband, smelling of pig manure, tried to maneuver my dad’s pajamas pants up on me.

Taylor.  Winning.

So, that whole event took me about an hour to recover from.  And then one of my many children came in to ask me for help writing an essay.

Me:  No, I don’t want to write an essay!  I am too groggy from pain medicine.

Child:  Please!

Me:  Oh, man.

Child:  What?

Me:  This just all makes me so sad.

Child:  Why?

Me:  Well, my knee hurts, so that is making me sad.  And the way you spelled double is making me sad.


So, I have been in homework jail for most of the afternoon.  Although, I am pretty sure I am not much help.  Seeing as how I just randomly drift off to sleep.

And that was today.

Sunday’s list of accomplishments: I showered and kind of put underwear on.

Here’s to hoping Monday will be more successful.

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7 Responses to The Shower

  1. Joyce says:

    Oh this sounds so miserable. I’ve got you in my prayers. Take care and don’t stress about all that you cannot do. You’ll get there. Hugs to you xo

  2. Lisa Buchanan says:

    Oh man. This is clearly not fun. What a road you have ahead of you and what a road you’ve been on. (Comforting, no?) Here’s to praying kind church folk or school folk or blessed parents are making sure you have meals for the ages! Do they deliver that far out??

  3. Anna says:

    Golly, I always read but don’t comment. But, oh, the knee!!! I am so sorry that you are going through this misery and pray, pray that this surgery is successful. I have had knee surgery (and need it again) and I need ankle surgery. But I have decided hobbling around is a little better than another surgery. Your situation is reinforcing my decision! I will continue to pray for your recovery. I know it is hard.

    (I’m also a teacher and mom of 2 children).

  4. Carol-Anne Powell says:

    I’m so sorry that you’re going through this and can only imagine the frustration & fear you’re experiencing.

    Here’s hoping you heal dubble fast!

  5. Kathy Bacon says:

    Wow, I sure hope things get better for you, soon! I’ve never had this particular kind of surgery, but I’ve had surgery, three times. Recovery is not fun, and when you have children, life doesn’t stop just because you’re recovering, does it? Sending up prayers on your behalf, along with my best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  6. Suzanne says:

    Oh no, I’m so sorry Taylor. This sounds miserable. I just said a prayer for you and your knee. I hope you recover soon and feel better. It sounds like you need a Netflix marathon and some knitting or crocheting or something to do with your hands ?

  7. Beth says:

    Since you aren’t going anywhere, maybe you should forego the underwear and just where a robe you can pull around yourself or a nightgown over your head. Are either of your girls wanting to be a nurse when they get older? You need their help as well as David’s. They would be glad to do it, I am sure. And I am sure they can cook. 🙂
    Take the pain pills for a bit, don’t try to tough it out….not now. Recover first…..recovery is easier without pain.But, do take it easy, don’t try to do too much. If you don’t show your kids you are in pain, they won’t know to let you rest.

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