The Recovery

I am being spoiled.  Peoples are sending us meals, and they are sending me many fine and delicious pity treats, mostly full of chocolate.  I figure everyone is in on some grandiose plan to get me all good and plump for Christmas.  The only thing saving me is I am experiencing some nausea and stomach pain since surgery, so I am not able to eat much at a time.

I do nothing all day. Literally.  I try to read, but I get dizzy.  I watch TV, but I am often drifting off during the shows.   My biggest accomplishments are showering and putting pants on.  I have recently added mascara and hair -doing to my routine, so I am basically a rockstar. David had to make some changes to his work schedule and he is taking the kids to and fro, leaving me home alone all day.  I do a good job fending for myself, but I am not used to being alone this much.  It’s about 12 hours per day.  David is doing a great job of being me + him.  He has taken on a lot of extra stuff, including laundry.  And I don’t even say anything about him putting all of my clothes in the dryer on extra-high-hot-horrid heat.  Because, oh well.

He is also experiencing the joy that is Little Dude.  Little Dude basically never knows where anything is and he is never really doing what he is supposed to be doing.  Ever.

David:  Where is LD?

Sweet Pea:  Laying on the floor of the shower.

Dear Readers.  You may ask, “Why is the child laying on the floor of the shower?”

The answer is:  We have no idea.  We are waving the white flag of parenthood on this child.  We just don’t know.  We simply are not qualified to parent this child.

David:  LD, go get dressed.

*20 minutes later*

David:  Why are you still in a towel?

LD:  I wish everyone didn’t want to look at my private parts!  It is so frustrating!

Me:  Trust me, we don’t want to look.  If you could please just get underwear on immediately after you shower, we would all appreciate it.


David is also completely taking over the bedtime routine, seeing as how I cannot get downstairs to deal with the children.

I truly had to try and sit quietly while David delivered this gem little bit of parental advice:

“It is bedtime.  Everyone will keep their hands to themselves and their PANTS ON.”

I failed.  I had to bury my laughing face in a pillow.

Next week, I will need to start driving the kids to and fro again, but I will not be teaching again quite yet.  This is going to be tricky.  I am having a bit of a rougher recovery than I had anticipated and I am still needing to be on pain meds, but I can’t be on pain meds and drive.  That would be frowned upon for sure.

At this point, it feels like I will never even be able to walk again normally, let alone teach.  I really am just not feeling great.  I am very nauseous and am having some circulation and numbness issues.  I sound old, do I not?

Happy Friday!


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5 Responses to The Recovery

  1. Sarah says:

    Oh! This sounds so tough! Are you allergic to yor pain meds?
    Praying for your recovery and for you to be encouraged in spite of the pain and difficulties.

  2. Jan Stuppy says:

    Oh man, I didn’t know you had surgery AGAIN! You poor thing! I totally would have brought you chocolate if you didn’t live in Tim-buck-2! So sorry you are going through this – I will pray for you!!

  3. Ruth says:

    So sorry to hear that you are having trouble with the pain medications!!! But perhaps it will keep you slender. Maybe talk to your Dr. about the dizziness and medcation problems.
    “waving the white flag of parenthood on this child” – what a great way to put it! Just trying to keep him clean, dressed, and fed is probably the goal of the week.

  4. Beth says:

    The nausea is probably the pain meds, take food before taking them should help with the nausea , they are causing the sleepiness too.
    Your only job right now is to heal!
    Glad , so glad David is getting a taste of being you. Good for him….he will appreciate you more. You are the bomb after all, Teller.

  5. Angie says:

    You poor girl! You have the funniest way of telling a story! I love reading your blog. I sure hope you are better soon!! And please do eat before taking any meds. That should help! Praying for a speedy recovery! Angie

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