Uncertain and Unpleasant Times


Can we not admit that the world is now a strange, unfamiliar place?  I don’t even know what is going on anymore.  I think it is still MARCH.  How are we still in March?  What day is it?  How long is March?

So.  We are in the middle of a global pandemic.  I have no idea when or if I will see my students again.  This brings me great sadness, as this was one of the best classes I have ever had.  I miss them so much.

So.  Let us update you on the goings on over here.

A list.  Of random things and thoughts.

  1.  I have observed that David brushes his teeth for a ridiculously long time each morning.  He brushes them as he feeds the calves and starts his van and makes his coffee.  It is incredulous.
  2. Today we have had rain, snow, and hail.  The sky cleared up for a bit, so I kicked the boys outside.  Little Dude desperately wanted to give the horses a bath.  AND I SAID YES.  Because I want them OUTSIDE.  I don’t think he knows how to bathe horses.  I wish him luck.
  3. Yesterday, we had similar weather.  It finally cleared up in the afternoon and I kicked the boys outside.  They came in with a bunch of eggs they had found about the property.  Yes.  We have eggs all over our property now.  We are THOSE PEOPLE.  And “Mom can we hatch them and sell them and keep all the money.”  So, fine.
  4. Forty-nine eggs are currently in incubators on my counter.
  5. Little Dude is still trying to bathe the horses and it is also snowing again.
  6. I am so thankful I have acres to kick my boys out onto.  I need them to GO AWAY sometimes.  Is that bad?
  7. Little Dude is extremely impulsive these days.  He is growing like crazy and all of his clothes are too small all the time.  Today, he took a shower with the puppy.  No one knows why.  Not even him.
  8. I went to a livestock auction with David and the boys.  I had some Christmas money tucked away in my wallet and was hoping for a bottle calf.  Because I am home all the time and totally have time to feed a bottle calf.  But I did not get one.
  9. Little Dude bought a pregnant sow.
  10. David bought pigs and a bred cow.
  11. Handsome Dude bought a bred cow.
  12. Mama Cat is pregnant.
  13. I had the kids write letters to their Great Grandma today.  I feel the need to share the opening lines from the boys’ letters.  Handsome Dude:  “Hope you can survive this uncertain time.”  Little Dude:  “I hope you are doing well during these unpleasant times.  And you are really healthy and still having fun times at your place.”  Perfect.
  14. While we were the livestock auction, the governor shut down our state.  This is a weird and wild time, Friends.
  15. Every day, I check on all my cow friends and text David the morning report.  Every morning, I text, “No calves.  No one looks close.  Everyone is alive.”  I am very helpful.
  16. Today!  Today, it was treacherous weather and I had seen all the cows except Seattle.  Her name is Seattle for reasons I shall not explain at this time.  I was about to give up because I am not a fan of being outside in precipitation, but I forged on and found her-WITH A NEW CALF.  Kate suggested we name it Covey, short for Covid-19.
  17. I made a banana cream pie from scratch yesterday.  I have no idea what possessed me to do it.  But I did it.  David: “Wow.  We had all the ingredients on hand to make a pie from scratch?”  Me:  “Yes.  We have a pantry that is stocked for the end of the world.  Like everyone else.”
  18. We have something to do tomorrow!  This is exciting!  I am going to fire up the rig and drive the children to town.  We are going to be checking out some extra devices for our new online learning adventure that will start after Spring Break.
  19. Little Dude has moved on from bathing horses and is now bathing dogs.
  20. Oh!  Handsome Dude turned 13 and Hadley turned 16.  And, let me tell you.  It is hard to have your Sweet 16 whilst on quarantine.  Ask me how I know.

How are you doing, Readers?  Take care!

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2 Responses to Uncertain and Unpleasant Times

  1. Beth says:

    I always smile the entire time I read your blog. I really like the way you write, it make me giggle and I can see the entire thing in my mind.

  2. Ruth says:

    Kicking kids outside used to be normal! There is so much more to do and see outside, especially at your Place, so good for you on sending younger ones outside.
    A calf! You found a calf! Now you can go outside every day and hunt for that calf and get away from the inside of the house. Good luck with the rest of the “bred” animals, too. Thank you for your blog. I really enjoy reading it.

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