Farewell to Dutch Bro



I have excellent news.  I actually looked at a calendar and discovered the kittens are older than I thought!  They are now 6 1/2 weeks old.

Math.  Who knew?

I am not going to keep Philip.  Philip is the darling angel kitten in the far left of the photo.  Philip is going to my dear friend, Erika.  So I can keep in touch.  She probably isn’t naming him Philip though, because she is crazy.

Little Dude and I are keeping the kitten whose head is up high and is light gray/striped.  Her name is Rio.  So that will be three cats total and David is thrilled.  I *promised* him that they will all be outside cats soon.



Little Dude.

I don’t know what to do.  I don’t want to say his name yet and he is now the biggest child.  But I am just going to call him Little Dude.  Even though he is taller than me and his siblings.

LD and HD are best friends/worst enemies and it changes by the minute.  The other day they were fighting like crazy, so I gave HD outside chores and told LD to assemble a book shelf for me.


He worked on it for about two hours and had to disassemble and reassemble it multiple times.

Also.  He used a power drill and I didn’t even know we had a power drill at this house.  And I do not know really exactly how to use a power drill.  And I thought the power drills were always with David in his work van.


Anyways.  He had to keep starting over but he was as pleasant as can be.

Me:  Dude.  How come you are so calm?

LD:  I am trying to look calm, but inside I am red and screaming.

Me:  Ok, then.

He assembled it and I love it and maybe someday I will take a picture of him with it.

Today is not that day.

Also:  I paid him.  I am not evil.



We have sold 94 pigs.

I sold 33 today.  They were going like gangbusters!  Happy Days!

They stink.  I hate them.  Let’s be done.



Matilda’s calf died.  I do not know why.  My heart is broken.  I ate an entire pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream to mourn her, which was completely reasonable and  I hate everything.  And we never have Ben and Jerry’s.  It was one of David’s secret chocolate hidings for when I am falling apart.  Which is apparently a thing.

I didn’t even name her.  HD wanted to name her “Leslie.”  I laughed and laughed.  Leslie?!  Where does he come up with this stuff.

But now, she is nameless and dead.

Just the other night I was telling David I wanted a charolaise heifer bottle calf because they are beautiful and lovely and I want to name her Opal because I double love Opal apples.

But then I saw Matilda’s dead calf and my heart was sad and I told David I didn’t want a heifer calf anymore because she would just die and make me sad and I should probably just move to town.

This is why David hides treats like M and Ms and pints of Ben and Jerry’s.  For such a time as this.

Dutch Bro.

You guyzzzzzz.  David sold him.  On this very night.  I saw him loaded in the trailer and looking out the back.

Here is a baby picture of Dutch Bro.


Here he is with his mama, Rosie.

She’s dead.  Are you surprised?
I’m not.

Woe unto me.

So.  Dutch Bro is gone.  It was bound to happen.  But I guess it is better he left our property alive and well, and David did not shoot him.

Spoiler Alert:  It is very likely that someday someone will shoot Dutch Bro and eat him.

Apparently that is what people do with cows.  They are not just cute pets.

Woe unto me.

Happy Monday!

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2 Responses to Farewell to Dutch Bro

  1. Sarah says:

    Your husband is a star!
    The kittens are so cute and Little Dude is growing to be a man.
    The rest is sad and why I would have made a lousy farmer’s wife…

  2. Beth says:

    Farm life….not for the soft hearted. How about tall little dude?
    I will be glad when your boys start taking care of you.

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