Pig Butchering Day

Pig butchering day was Saturday.  I have never been a fan of pig butchering day.  And here is a comprehensive list why:

  1.  It is morbid.
  2. It is disgusting.
  3. Pigs scream.  A lot.
  4. The dogs want to go outside.  But the dogs cannot go outside because then when they come inside, they smell like pig death.  Ask me how I know.
  5. One time David threw pig kidneys at me and I am still not over it.

So.  Pig butchering day.  I try and be proactive and let all FOUR dogs out before the slaying begins.  And David likes to slay pigs bright and early.  Like before 5am.

He had to butcher five pigs and it was taking a long time, as pig butchering is wont to do.  The dogs were going nuts.  Absolutely nuts.

Mostly Charlie and Abbie.

This was them looking out the bedroom window.





Whine.  Bark.  Pant. Whine.  Repeat.

Who wants to be inside folding laundry with Mom when Dad is BUTCHERING PIGS?

HD woke up and threw on his work coat and went out to help David.

He came back in momentarily and he was bleeding.

HD is uber dramatic and so at first I was playing it cool and was like,

Ok.  Calm down.  Sit down.  I will be right with you.

And he was like:  Oh, mom, I might faint.  This isn’t good.

And I was like:  Chill.

And then I looked at it.

Me:  Dude.  This is not good.  We need to go to the doctor.

So, I drove him to town.  Because David was still MURDERING pigs.  And on the way to town, HD expressed to me that his biggest fear in life was being put to sleep for surgery and not waking up.  And I assured him that stitches would not involve him being put to sleep.

And we went to urgent care and we were there for an hour and a half and it was decided that he needed to go to the ER because he had cut a tendon.

So we went to the ER and were there for an hour and a half and it was confirmed that he had a cut tendon and could I please follow up with the hand surgeon on Monday.


On Sunday, David needed help sorting cows and helping with the corral.

Me:  I will sort cows, because I love them.  I am not interested in helping with the corral.

David:  How about you sort cows and then you only have to help with the corral until lunch.

Me:  Ok, deal.

So, we go sort cows.  And not to toodle my own horn or anything but I am amazing at sorting cows.  I think it is because I spend so much time with them?  I am like one with them?  I am far better than David and the boys at this.  So I got the cows sorted lickety split.

But, bad news for me.  Because that meant I had to spend more time on the corral.

HD was working with one hand and was paired with David.

LD was paired with me.

And can I say that my boys are amazing?  They know how to do many things.  Things I do not understand.  Things their father taught them.  And LD was loving being a teacher to me and me following him around like a puppy.

I took HD to the doctor today. He will have surgery tomorrow.  And they will put him to sleep.  He is very nervous.  I am very tired.  Luckily, I have an amazing 1st grade team at work and they have TOTALLY got my back.  Life is easy as a teacher when you have an amazing team.

After we saw the hand surgeon, we got the call that HD’s glasses were in.  Bob was kind as usual and helped us not feel like complete and utter losers.

And somehow the glasses that we were expecting to pay full price for-you know, because they were at the bottom of a river?-somehow the insurance paid in full.

Keep HD in your prayers.  He is very nervous for tomorrow.

Thanks, Friends.

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4 Responses to Pig Butchering Day

  1. Nicole says:

    Keeping HD in my thoughts and your entire family. He will have quite the tale to tell once he wakes!

  2. Lisa says:

    Praying for the boy! That’s no fun.

  3. Sandy says:

    Bless his heart, I will pray for him! And you!

  4. Ruth says:

    Best of Luck to HD! (I love the dogs watching out the window so anxiously!)

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