Who You Are

The Miserable YearsI love writing this blog and love hearing from anyone who reads it!

Please put a note in a comment down below to let me know who you are!

Think of it as an “online guest book!”

Thank you!

108 Responses to Who You Are

  1. Melissa says:

    you know me! and guess what I am wearing right now….my black sweater!! 🙂 you better come get it before I spill coffee on it and ruin it forever! lets try to hook up this week or next.

  2. Sharyl Williams says:

    You know me too! And I am not wearing Melissa’s black sweater – she never lets me borrow any of her clothes……….

  3. racheltintedglasses says:

    you don’t know me, I am a stalker…. stalking, but never free from children and a huge lumbering horrible gas mileage suburban, so I don’t “hide” in traffic very well. I guess I just stalk online 🙂

  4. Jenni Gibson says:

    Hi Taylor,
    Just dropped by to say hi. I love reading your blogs and I love your pictures of your family. Keep em’ coming.

  5. Kelli says:

    Hi Taylor! I’m here, and I’m a reader! And I love your funny blog!

  6. Mindy says:

    Every day I look to see if you’ve got something hilarious to brighten my day–and you always come through!! I’m a loyal follower….

  7. Aunt Shirl says:

    Hey girlie-girl…Just want you to know I read every one of your blogs. Since I’m on the computer ALL DAY at work, I usually only ck my e-mail once a week. So, I get to read many days of your blog at one time. It’s rather like a good book!! How fun .

    You make my day, my dear!!! Thank you!!!

  8. Heather says:

    Hi Taylor! You are hilarious and I greatly enjoy reading your posts!

  9. Connie says:

    I like your blog.

  10. Kiyoko says:

    Hi Taylor! I hope you know that you are my hero! This blog is so funny. I thank God that you are in my life. Thank you for being you!

  11. Rita says:

    You rock Taylor!! Your blog makes me pee my pants:)

  12. cathy says:

    Hi Taylor,

    I read your blog all the time. It always makes me laugh. Also it reminds me of when my kids were little. I almost miss those days.

  13. Aunt Trudee says:

    Your blog is too precious for words. It makes the lit-and- comp-teacher-part-of-me smile whimsically and the ever-so-far-away-auntie part wish that all of the Malinos–(oh dear, I’ll never be able to spell your last name without a cheat-sheet) family lived just down the block so we could chat a bit about holiday recipes and what your four little angels are going to wear on Halloween. and how Grams and Pop-pop (Is that right?) are coping with the empty nest syndrome. I feel very lucky that I was able to see you, David, and the children a year ago when we visited your parents on the way to Yellowstone. I think of you all with much joy and affection–and I’ll catch your blog whenever I can. Love, Aunt Trudee

  14. Angela says:

    Hi Taylor! I read your blog every day. It is my comic relief. Really! So grateful for you…that you take the time to write it all out. I blog about my day in my head. I’m sure people would laugh at mine too if only I had a chance to type it out. Love ya!

  15. Connie says:

    I think your acne looks much better. 🙂 I love reading your blog. I wish we could borrow some wood. Oh, then we’d have to give it back, huh?

  16. Rachael says:

    Hi! I am Mindy’s sister in-law and she told me to read your very funny blog. She’s right, you are very funny! I read these and laugh and yet I can apply many of the things you write to my own life….especially chicken, I will NOT touch it raw as I am certain it will kill me!

  17. Jessy says:

    I just realized I’ve never gotten around to posting to let you know that I read your blog. Because I’m sure you didn’t know that =) So, here you go: My name is Jessy and I read your blog!

  18. Uncle Greg says:

    Taylor, Taylor, Taylor….my dear sweet niece…….What a gift you have…I cannot help but laugh out loud each and every time I read your blog. I so look forward to reading each and every “episode” of “The Lumberjacks Wife”…..Keep keeping us entertained…Love ya ,
    Uncle Greg

  19. Liz says:

    I think I know you. I go to RLM. I found your blog through Sharyl’s. I think my husband David and I met you at some class that Greg Johnson had a few years ago???

  20. Adrienne says:

    Hey! You know me! I’ve been following your blog for a while, but am just now getting around to signing in. 🙂 Keep up the writing!

  21. Christine says:

    I saw a post on the motherhood and thought I would check out your blog. Love it!!! You have a great writing style and your stories are right on target.

  22. Lisa says:

    Taylor, I’m your sister-in law Lisa – I absolutely love you and your blog. It is hilarious and I often find myself laughing out loud. I just can’t get enough.

  23. Kristen says:

    Just read your diet post on the Motherhood, came to check your your site, which I loved! I just started my own blog about life as a full time mom (I happen to be on a diet journey as well, that is what caught my eye). I love reading other stories and writings by all the other mothers…yours is really well done and entertaining to read! Thanks for sharing it 🙂

  24. Calfkeeper says:

    I’m Rebecca, the Calfkeeper. I love the above photo of the little girls. Too precious!

    Oh, your blog is great too!

  25. I love this idea! I’m Jess and your blog is helping with my sanity since I can come and know someone else is most likely dealing with the same crazy stuff I am. Laughing WITH you girl and someday we’ll be looking back laughing at us THEN!

  26. Hank& Sue says:

    We are your Aunt & Uncle from Oregon. Your blog is so much fun! We look forward to every new edition of the “Lumberjacks Wife”! XXOO Hank & Sue

  27. Andi says:

    Hi! I just found you via your comment on Coal Creek Farm. Loved your posts! So short and concise! Unlike my posts which ramble and ramble. Thanks for the smile today!

  28. MaryGene says:

    I commented on the “Who I Am” section…whoops. 🙂 But I’m here and I love your blog! Funny! 🙂

  29. Mary Ann says:

    Hi Taylor, I’ve read your blog once before and thought I would check it out again. Paul was at the computer and I had him check it out with me. He laughed and laughed. He loves Little Dude. He had to go back to the picture where he is sitting on the rock crying 3 times. All he could say is poor little guy. Keep up the good work. You gave us a good laugh.

  30. Dianna Holte says:

    Dear Taylor Malablahblah-
    Your blog is the best! I don’t know how you do it, but I know I’ll be able to say, “I knew her when. . . ” Keep smiling and hugging those kids (and the lumberjack.) Your humor is good medicine for all of us! Dianna

  31. I’m me and you know who I am… 🙂
    I LOVE your blog!!! But then, I think you know that, too!!! A laugh a day, guaranteed!!!

  32. Melissa K says:

    I found you today via Angela’s Christmas newsletter.

    And if I didn’t already like you from reading a few of your blog entries, I would have to like you simply because I’m married to an electrician named Dave. 🙂

  33. Michelle says:

    Hi Taylor! I work with your mom and she mentioned how funny your blog was, and I was curious, now I am addicted and have to check it everyday! Thanks for the laughs, all the kids are adorable. 🙂

  34. Wendy says:

    Hi, Taylor…just clicked over from a comment you left on Coal Creek Farm.
    I’m pretty sure I’ll be back-I’m supposed to be headed to bed, and instead am here chuckling at your posts! High-larious!

  35. morethanamom2four says:

    Hi! I just found your blog today while searching for some potty training help for my little man. It looks like we are in the same boat there! I am also a stay at home mom to four kids and I look forward to checking out the rest of you blog!

  36. Hola Taylor,
    Funny blog! Keep on writing, please 😀


  37. Shell says:

    You asked…who am I? Oh my, do ya have a day or two??? Hop over to my blog and see. However, only the tip of the iceberg is actually on my blog! Life is so full, however, I sum up who I am in one word…Mama. ; )

  38. Daphne says:

    Taylor, I’ve been reading your blog since you commented on mine and I’m glad we found each other. I love reading about your family adventures and hope I get to keep my blog going long enough to be able to do the same… it will come, eventually. Thank you so much for sharing!

  39. Danielle says:

    I stalk and read daily:) I love to hear other moms stories to know while raising my 5 wild off spring I’m not alone!

  40. Lauren says:

    Hi Taylor! I just found your blog….hope you don’t mind if I tag along. I love your sense of humor!
    I’m a 26 year old southern gal livin’ life with my hubby in Atlanta. We’ve been married a little over 5 years and no babies just yet. Hopefully those will come along in the near future!

  41. Maegan says:

    hey! i found your blog through the link at kelly’s korner. i related completely to everything you said in your post friday. i will be checking back in.

  42. Ohhhoho…a guest book! Fancy!!
    There, I’ve signed!
    I am also wearing Melissa’s black sweater. Weird? I think not. I call it magical.

  43. Lynette says:

    I love reading your blog. As you probably already know, I just started mine on wordpress..you probably think I’m stalking you. I would like to know….how do you get a comment section on each page??? I thought I read that that is not possible. Please help, if you have time.
    Thanks! Lynette

  44. Cheryl says:

    I recently found your blog through Kelly’s Korner. I am thoroughly enjoying reading back through your older posts. I think your writing has wonderful voice!


  45. twinsmom04 says:

    I found your blog through the Queen of Brussels Sprouts. You give me a healthy dose of laughter…thank you! I look forward to reading more.

  46. Jaime says:

    I am your newest follower.

    I have questions as to what LJ “may or may not” hunt in the woods. Do you relate to this:

  47. John says:

    I was refered to you by a friend… LOL… i may need to avoid your blog during business hours. Having to clean up Dr Pepper off of my keyboard gets old (and sticky), not to mention all of the looks i am getting. No, not the normal “what a weirdo” looks, the “whatthehellareyoulaughingsohardabout” looks.

    God Bless.

  48. Yeve Eeffoc says:

    You have an amazing blog. You have the gift of making the ordinary extraordinary!

  49. Krista says:

    I just found your last week. I think you are funny and I always love hearing from other SAHM’s like myself. All days are blessings, but somedays don’t feel like. We are all on this crazy ride together, and I look at other SAHM’s as my coworkers, they give me perspective and advice on how to tackle a project. Thanks for sharing your life with us :o)

  50. Lori says:

    Well, you visited me so now I am visiting you, and I am so glad I did! You crack me up! And there is nothing I love more than blogs that have lots of cute family photos.

    But now that I have seen you (at least in pictures) I’m not buying that you need WW so stop paying for it and cross it off your Guilt List. 🙂

  51. Elaine says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your family is beautiful! It looks like you guys have a lot of fun together!

  52. Jaime says:

    Mrs. Lumberjack,
    I created a “Contact Me” on my blog. Will you get in touch with me? I have a burning question I want to ask you! No, not really, but I do have a question that I am sure most of your readers don’t want to read about…

  53. Ricki says:

    I love reading about your family. I was a live in nanny for a 2 year old, 3 year old, and a 12 year old, so it’s very easy for me to relate to a lot of your wonderful chaos. Keep up the great work! 🙂

  54. littlepita says:

    Hi Taylor! I’m Ricki, and you’re wonderful blog has talked me into doing one of my own again. Your family sounds amazing, and I love the writing style you have. Keep it up! 🙂

  55. Taresa says:

    i guess i should let you know i’m stalking you, through your blog that is. I found you while reading i am mommy a while back and have been hooked ever since. Your humor, style of writing and home life i relate too. I am a So Cal girl thrown in the middle of Gods country and I wouldnt have it any other way. As long as you keep writing I’ll keep reading!:)

  56. BK says:

    HI! Stopped by from Redeemed Diva’s blog, loved your post on the NSwSBB!

  57. What a great idea! I came over from I am Mommy and when I saw “Who you are” I had to click!!

    I’m Becca, nice to meet you!

  58. Dana says:

    Hey Lumberjill … Had fun stumbling across your clever blog 🙂 I have two boys and two girls as well 🙂

  59. Kari says:

    Your blog has become a part of my morning coffee – love it!

  60. Cindy Baldridge says:

    I was just looking up “blogs” to see what everyone is always babbling on about because I’m not quite sure what or who they are, (yes, I’m one of those annoying old people who calls everyone under 30 kids and starts every sentence with ‘back in my day’) and I came upon your blog. This is so much fun!! You are me about 25 years ago, the wrenchdoc hubby(mechanic), living in farmville with the pigs called Ima and Ura, the nosey mother-in-law who would show up at 5:00am because, well we never knew why and driving my very prissy girls the 5 miles to town 3 of which were on a dirt road just to get to school…ahhh good times. Anyway, love your “blog.”

  61. Jennifer says:

    I’ve commented other places but I can’t leave out the guestbook, right?! I am looking for your email address but can’t find it.

  62. You have a guest book! Who knew?

    Apparently 62 other people who are more astute than I, that’s who.

  63. Lynette says:

    Today on your posts you had this phrase…”doing some Price Checking for” with “price checking” being a link to another page….can you tell me what that is called so I can research it?? I’ve just drawn a complete blank. Thank you!!
    want to email it to me?? I know you have nothing better to do…ha! ttgtmb@yahoo.com

  64. Donda says:

    Hi! I am just stopping by from Beth’s blog. Yes, you are a funny girl…and the picture of the big, yummy, chocolate cake the day before I start my diet just proves it 🙂

  65. Stephanie says:

    Hi there! I just started reading your blog and it’s became a part of my day. 🙂

  66. diana at home says:

    LJW, I am Mindy’s sister and met you briefly at her home last fall. She referred me here, and she is right – you are too good to miss! A homeschooling mom of 5, my kiddos are each about a year older than yours. You can do it!!
    Also, I have to say I just love your name. It is beautiful to say. Such balanced lyric qualities. 🙂 I can’t spell it tho’. . .

  67. Chessa says:

    I so enjoy your blog….a humorous delight to my day!

  68. I am slow

    I am one of those people who homeschool

    It only took me forever to find this “page”.

    TADA…I made it. This is me.

  69. Old School/New School Mom says:

    Hi Taylor! I’m Sarah and I write at Old/School New School Mom.

    I live in NYC and have a 2 1/2 year old boy, and a baby girl on the way. YAY! I love your blog and look forward to reading more from you. Reading your anecdotes makes me want to live in the country!

  70. Debra says:

    I have just stumbled upon your blog and have added it to my favorites. I long to start a blog but sometimes me thinks I got nothin’ to say! Well, truly, I am more of an avid reader, so this fits me just fine. Anyway, love your writing!

  71. Thank you for stopping over on my blog – yes, we are both all hip and famous being on the Babble list right now. It would be great to stay up there! Last year the ‘winners’ had around 4000 votes tho, so I am enjoying it while I can – and I believe its annual. I just added it as a link for people to go too, of course there is a good chance you lose them there, since there is some awesome reading out there 🙂

  72. Stacey says:

    I am Stacey, WOHM of 5 kiddos with a SAHD. Got all those 🙂 Came across your blog while at work trying to remember what it is like to hang with other moms. It’s been a couple years since I had the privelidge of hanging with the “sisters”.
    It’s nice to meet you across this cloud of internet and I truly appreciate all that you share, especially the way you share it. It has made me laugh a lot- which I really really need. I will be visiting often! Blessings to you and your family.

  73. Alisa says:

    Hi! I just found your blog on the Babble list. Congrats on all your votes! I am looking forward to reading your blog often. Cheers!

  74. Dianna Holte says:

    Just so you know, because somebody will ask, a cord of wood is 4 feet wide by 4 feet tall by 8 feet long. And tamarack is actually larch, which sheds its needles every year so looks dead when it’s not. Our deer heads are Bert and Ernie (Josh and Katie named them) and they used to hang over our bed, which can make you very modest when dressing. They now hang in our basement, so hang in there, and hopefully you will not have to have them staring at you for years. Best to find a room in your house that is just for LJ (the hunting room) for all his manly treasures.

  75. Farrah says:

    I look forward to reading your posts. You are so funny! I wish I too could be funny. I came across your blog via Queen of Brussel Sprouts (do you know her?) I used to live there but now I live in a much colder environment. Nothing like a 100 degree temperature change. But we love our new place! Hurray to snow which yes I have missed. I’m a mom to a 3 year old boy and 7 month old girl. My life is about to become a challenge as my 7 month old is minutes away from crawling and has already learned the fine art of antagonizing her older sibling (should I be glad my 7 month old is exhibiting qualities of extreme smartness or should I be saying woe to me as I can see where this will lead as I am a younger sibling and I too have the mad skills of knowing what buttons to push). I am ashamed to admit this, but I am addicted to mountain dew and will drive an hour and a half to the great US of A to get one:( I think it’s weird how soda tastes so different depending on what country you are in. That’s me. (Well there is a whole bunch of other things that also make up me but it’s 4:18 am and I have no idea why I am even up and at a computer. Oh wait, I do…”me time!”

  76. Emily says:

    Hi! I just happened upon your blog today and love this “online guestbook” idea. I may steal it, if that is okay! I love to blog and read blogs of other moms – especially of other stay-at-home-moms who homeschool. I have three children and just started homeschooling my 4 year old this year. I enjoyed reading your post today – made me laugh! I think I will come back again! 🙂

  77. Holly says:

    I’m a PhD student in the midwest. I discovered your blog awhile back and lost the link, but I have once again stumbled upon it and was laughing so loud because I too have a dog named Lucy, who is also called LucyFur. She is a chocolate lab and is 2.5 🙂 As she gets older and older she becomes less of a LucyFur, so you too have hope!

  78. Jen Brown says:

    That is such a sweet picture! I live in California & my mom has homeschooled for about 20 years now. I’m an elementary teacher & so much of what I do is from remembering her example. I’m new to your blog, but love what I see already! 🙂

  79. Brandi Dilley says:

    Ha Ok so I guess this is a little late but this is one of your favorite people who you serve with in Children’s Ministry at church . I love you and your funny blog. And plus I just think you are cute 🙂 keep making us laugh and keep Making Rita pee her pants!! And never forget the chocolate !
    Love you my dear!
    Brandi Dilley

  80. Hello from soggy ol’ Blighty!

    I don’t live near a bison ranch, no.

    I’m not sure we have bison even in zoos over here.

    What is a bison anyway?

    Loving your blog. You need to be published.

    Keep ’em coming. Please. You make me feel normal! :o)
    Alison x

  81. Dianna Holte says:

    Lumberjill–I miss you. I guess you really are sitting by the pool relaxing but I miss the blog! I hope you are making some good memories to take home to Ruralville.

  82. Marian says:

    I’ve just stumbled across your blog…and I LOVE it! I am sure I’ll be visiting often.

  83. Amanda says:

    I started blogging less than a year ago, so I’m new to the scene. I’ve found lots of blogs and I’ve narrowed down the ones I absolutely love love love to about 4 or 5. I read more, but those are the ones I am truly excited to see in my email. Yours is probably at the top of that list. I love the way you write, they way you view your family and your life with humor. I love that you pretend to be on weight watchers because I am always pretending to be on weight watchers too. I love that your life took this unexpected turn into living in the wilderness. Mine recently took an unexpected turn to living in Texas, which is sort of like living in the wilderness to me because I’m a Northern girl. And they have bobcats here. And huge spiders.

    I’m pretty sure I found you via another favorite- Joann of Laundry Hurts My Feelings. She’s in the top 5. Anyway, I’m so thankful I did!

    Also, my baby has been waking up all night long for….oh, about 10 months now, and when I’m trying to settle myself back down afterwards I usually read your latest blog. Which is why I never comment, because it’s usually 3am and I am only vaguely coherent. And I don’t think you want a comment from me when I’m getting all handsome on your blog at 3am. Holla!

  84. Kayleigh says:

    Hi Taylor! I am an intern at Behrman Communications and I am working on a blogger email list for my boss. Could you please email me your email address? Thanks!


  85. Allison says:

    Hi Taylor,

    We sent an email to thelumberjackswife@yahoo.com, but it bounced back. We’re writing because we’re interested in performing a post of yours as a monologue. We hope you’ll check out livelyproductions.org and email us so that we can give you all the details!

    Thanks so much,


  86. Who am I? I am the new blogger who is wasting away her morning racing through your posts because they are so very witty and well-written and just darn funny! I have things to do and sick children to attend to and crafty things to make and photograph and photo edit … and yet, here I am firmly planted and immersed in your blog. Now I need to add you to my blog role so I can keep apprised of your antics. Oh, and I need to shoot off a nasty message to Sharyl at The Little Brown House for sending me your way …

  87. Lisa Buchanan says:

    I’m a mom of 7 kids

  88. Jess C says:

    Hi Taylor,
    LOVE your blog! I think we were meant to be bff’s. I’m a SAHM (age 27) with two little girls ( 5 months and almost 3). Yes our lives are so very different..yet I can totally relate and I get it! Your writing style is hysterical! I love your family too! However it’s driving me insane that I don’t know the kids real names. Weird I know. So each time I read your blog I just give them different made up names. Again weird I know. And really you must wear the pants..the wife must always have the final say & the husband must listen to said wife. Always. 🙂

  89. nina the mom says:

    I’m nina, the wife of Handsome and the mom of Little Guy (or Shark Face, depending on his mood and hunger level). While being [miserably] prego last year, I laughed the nights away by reading highmaintenanceaspirations.blogspot.com. Rebecca talked about your blog & I was hooked. I live in Retirement Community, Idaho. It has its drawbacks- some being that The Big City (where walmart, fred meyer & all the stores needed to find detergent ingredients are) is nearly two hours away. But, we make the best of it… having fun attending Bingo night at the Senior Center. I kid you not. (senior citizens can be very entertaining, I tell ya’.) We have all the amenities an outdoors lovin’ fella could ask for: a lake, a river, mountains, wild animals, and feet and feet and feet of snow. “What’s not to love?” you may ask this beach dweller from Florida, who lived in Washington, then Australia, Fiji & Hawaii before moving here. The novelty of snow wares off fast, especially when you open the door of your Ferocious Vehicle and your seat gets covered with snow. My love of shoes has been so neglected, since I’m the fashion statement of the town stomping around in my snow boots. There’s something wholesome about wearing your snow boots 9 months out of the year; it helps get your priorities straight. In the midst of it all, I thank God, because I never would’ve asked for this and it has turned out to be the best, most hilarious adventure.

  90. Lisa says:

    I came across your website in the list for the A-to-Z Challenge (which I missed, by the way — BUMMER!) and I loved the title! I want to tell you that you have given me inspiration to get my blog rolling. I’ve tried giving it a go several times over the last six months but have always gotten “stuck” trying to make it look fancy enough. You managed to create an inviting and humorous blog with absolutely simplicity and I love it! :o)

  91. Tammi says:

    Hey Taylor!
    Here from the A to Z challege! So glad to have met you! Love your family, love your humor, love your blog!! I too write about our days here in crazy NH, it gets me through my days! Good Luck and stay in touch!

  92. Dianna says:

    Come on, no ideas for P? Really, how about poo? Not necessarily kid poo, although you could probably get quite a few paragraphs out of that, but you guys look for animal poo on walks, right? And you could use the “unit” word. Or how about PIG as in wedding shower gifts? HA!!!

  93. Dianna says:

    Come on, no ideas for P? Really, how about poo? Not necessarily kid poo, although you could probably get quite a few paragraphs out of that, but you guys look for animal poo on walks, right? And you could use the “unit” word. Or how about PIG as in wedding shower gifts? HA!!!

  94. Kathi says:

    Long time blog follower. You make me laugh every day so I had to share this with you. You will like #3:

  95. I thought you might be interested in an inspirational picture book I’ve just written and plan to self-publish entitled, “A Mother’s Worth: Celebrating Motherhood.”

    Susana Fierro-Baig

  96. Amy Parks says:

    Hi! Just stopping by…I saw your post of the week on Blog Schmog and loved it. I am just feeling my way around the blogging world, and I plan to follow. Love your lighthearted posts.

  97. Taylor,

    I just spend the last 20 minutes cruising around your blog and laughing (on the inside – it’s 3:30am and I don’t want to wake the kids just because I can’t sleep). You have a gift for writing. Humor, humility, and honesty. You sort of blend all of those things into something delightful to read.

    I think I found you through a link in a comment on Scooper’s blog. I can’t remember anymore, because I’m so sleep deprived. Anyway, the link was to a post you wrote in January. You were making cinnamon bread and dreaming about enrolling your kids in school. We did that for a year; put our two kids back in school. But they’re home with us again.

    We (I) homeschool our two children. Fell in love with my husband when we met as seniors in high school, but we didn’t marry until we were in our mid 20s. We recently moved 1,000 feet outside the city limits of our small town in Montana in an effort to simplify what became overly complicated lives. I started blogging about our endeavors several months ago. My blog has no “voice”, but I know that I do, and I suppose it will start to come through the more I stick with it.

    I’m going to jump back into your posts for a wee bit before I head of to bed for a couple hours of sleep. I want to find out if you are still homeschooling…

  98. Melanie says:

    I am a new friend of AuburnChick. She led me here and after reading just the first few posts, I am hooked! I love your writing style and sense of humor! Looking forward to reading more.

  99. Missy says:

    Hi Taylor! In case you haven’t noticed from the many comments I’ve been leaving lately, I am a new fan of your writing. You. Is. Funny. I so look forward to your posts. And I’m “rooting” for you to beat the weeds!

  100. Suzanne says:

    Hi Taylor! I’ve been reading your blog for probably 2 years now but I’m just noticing this section. Your blog cracks me up! I have no kids yet but hope to have 2-3 one day…I love your honest yet still somehow positive writing. I live in Florida on the coast and have been married for 2 years. Thanks for keeping us entertained 🙂

  101. Laura Jones says:

    I’m a fellow twin mom/friend of the Queen of Brussel Sprouts! I also have 4 kids, and think of homeschooling. I sometimes wish I lived in ruralville and had animals and such. Then I read your blog, laugh til I pee, and am happy that I don’t (yet) live in ruralville. But I might be your most distant reader! We live in Japan. Hubby is in the Army.

  102. My friends showed me your toilet ring-thing. You’re funny. Believe it or not, I’m a sixteen-year-old junior in high school, but you’re still funny!

  103. Ellie says:

    Thank you for writing this blog! It is hilarious and gives me something to look foreword to each week. 😀💗

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