The Mummy Sleeping Bag

On Friday, the children and I went on a field trip to the big city.  Going to the big city requires a fairly long car drive and we currently do not have a working cd player/radio/stereo system in the car.

Oh, the humanity!

Little Dude:  Let’s play the quiet game everyone!  Ready?  One, Two, Three, GO!


*It is wonderful*

Little Dude:  Pause!  Look!  School Bus!  Unpause!

Daisy Mae (whining and acting NOT like an 8 year old):  Hey, no fffaaaiiirrr!  There’s no pausing in the quiet game!

Little Dude:  Ha ha, you lose!

Daisy Mae:  No, I DIDN’T!

Little Dude:  Yes.  You lose.  Ready?  One, Two, Three, GO!


Little Dude:  Pause!  Mom, hey, Mom?  You are playing the quiet game, too, ok, Mom?  OK?  OK, MOM?

Me:  Ok.

Little Dude:  Haha! Mom talked.  Mom loses. I win!

Daisy Mae:  NO FAIR

Little Dude:  Ready?

Daisy Mae:  No!  There is no pausing in the quiet game!  Do you understand me?  NO!

Little Dude:  One, Two, Three . . . Go!


Little Dude:  Pause!  Everybody!  There is NO PAUSING in the quiet game?  Okay?  OKAY?  Unpause!

It will be a day worthy of praise when The Best Buy calls to inform us that our stereo has been repaired.

So, we went to the children’s museum.  I know!  We are so fancy-pants.  The kids had fun and we met up with friends from our homeschool co op.  And I have no idea how to write “co op.”  Do I put a hyphen in it?  Like so:  co-op.  And what is co op short for?  Cooperative?  Should I just call it the Homeschool Cooperative and be all hoity toity like that?

Does anyone even care?

I don’t.

Anywho.  The kids had fun at the aforementioned Children’s Museum.

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On Friday, I went on an overnight retreat with some pals from church.  I had to bring a sleeping bag, so I grabbed the only one we had.

The Mummy Sleeping Bag.

Dost anyone know what I am talking about?  These things are wretched.  They get very narrow at the bottom and you basically cannot move. Because this sleeping bag’s purpose is to bring you sorrow, despair, and suffering all the days of your life.  I am pretty sure David purchased it on clearance.  Because David is a fan of the good deals.

So, I am in a room with four other gals.  I am on the top bunk and there are no safety railings.  And I am 31 now and feeling like I am a bit too old to be doing these sorts of activities.

I have a knee problem.  I have had five surgeries and it oft gives me grief at night.  I enjoy propping it up and icing it at night.

You try propping up your knee in The Mummy Sleeping Bag of Doom.

I ended up having to get out of The Mummy Sleeping Bag of Despair and lay on The Community Fitted Sheet of Filth and just use the sleeping bag as a blanket.

Go ahead. Shudder at my grossness.

Oh, yes.  I just laid right on a sheet that was last washed who-knows-when.  All for the sake of my knee.

Because I am 31 now and my joints ache.  And I choose comfort over cleanliness.

Don’t worry.  My bunkmates enjoyed hearing the play by play of all my trials and tribulations that evening.  They found it endearing.

When David and the children picked me up the next day, Handsome Dude looked at me and said:

“Mom?  I weally missed you.”


Love it.

I would like to introduce you to a new segment on this blog entitled:

Things That Should Have Been Done Before the Snow Fell
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David has decided to dig a trench and bring power to the chicken coop so we no longer have to use extension cords.

He is an electrician after all.  These are the things he does.

I already purchased a stinking cute lanternish light to put on the coop.  I am pretty excited about it.

I am also going to make a sign.  Eventually.  It is going to be epic.

Can you feel the excitement?  Can you?  Can you?

I am still painting away the peach.  I shall be painting the peach for the next two years.  I am certain of it.

It is everywhere.

Happy Wednesday!

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19 Responses to The Mummy Sleeping Bag

  1. Lisa Buchanan says:

    * Oh Little Dude ~ how well I know your type! We moms love you anyway.

    * Hate mummy bags!

    * I’m telling you, T-Tapp for your knees! It’s changed the life of mine! Besides, at 31 it’s time for the uber sexy work-out. (Or not.) BUT, it truly works!

  2. nina the mom says:

    My parents strictly enforced a rule about the word “fair” being *the* ‘f’ word, and if we said it, we were punished as if we had said the real deal.
    You’d be “all hoity toity” if you called it your Homeschool Cooperative.
    <3 <3 <3

  3. Andi says:

    Oh. My. Gosh. The pause, unpause is sheer genius. Obviously you are raising a home schooled genius. Good for you…

    Now I’m about to unpause my coupon clipping so that I can go save some money on Thanksgiving groceries…

    But thanks for the amusing pause from tedium!

  4. Jill says:

    Don’t tell me you’re not an incredible homeschool mom! Someday someone may complain about LD’s lack of knowledge, and then you be all superior and point out, “He doesn’t know how to conjugate verbs, but he can pick great pigs out of the farmers’ catalog. And by the way, guess who invented the ‘pause’ twist in the Quiet Game?”


  5. Gianna says:

    He paused and unpaused? That is amazing!
    My 4 year old doesn’t even dress himself yet! (unless it means that he gets to play the computer–then, wham bam, oh, look, he is all dressed!)

    Seriously LOVE the pause/unpause! He is a purely brilliant young man~! I hope you call him Chico as that means boy in spanish and he will feel all cool!

  6. Kendra says:

    Hey, my kids try to pause the quiet game too.

  7. Joyce says:

    I know exactly what you mean about the Mummy thing. I can’t sleep in them either.

    Yikes-your knee…just wait until you hit 50!

    Oh, and also? One day you will miss the chatter from the back seat that makes you forget where you were going. Just saying’. : )

  8. Christina says:

    I took a Benedryl and cannot think of an intelligent or witty thing to say, so I just wanted to tell you I read the post. I continue to think you are all that and a bag of chips. I tried a Field Trip once with my three, to an art museum. I paid parking, went through the museum with them for about fifty yards, and then took them back out to the car and home. Awesome. They were wee naughty.
    I can’t wait to see your lantern!!

  9. B says:

    Little Dude may be president one day…making up all his own rules.

  10. Wichiepoo says:

    Little Dude is a genius!!!!!!!!! I wish I would have thought of that one when I was his age, I do not know why, but my parents ALWAYS made me play that game, and I ALWAYS lost. Hmm, had I known I could take pauses, I would have won all the time 😉 .

    I am sorry, I love looking at pictures and I always look at all details, and well, I just have a question, please do not laugh at my innocence, but what may I ask is the LJ doing in this picture, because I only have one thing that comes to mind. Maybe he is wiring something on the side of the coop? :/

    Happy to see a post, they make my day

  11. B says:

    Teller, if you leave a light on a timer in the hen house you will get more eggs as the days get shorter they
    lay fewer eggs. I am thinking the optimum amount of light is 12 hours per day. They also make
    heaters that go under your waterer so you won’t have to break ice or take water out to them everyday.
    Try ‘the craigslist’ someone might be selling one cheap. 🙂
    Do you need more eggs?

  12. datenut says:

    Truly, you are living the Dream.

  13. Missy says:

    I come here to read of the Painting of the Peach and to laugh – and I always do. Your posts leave me feeling all smiley and happy. Especially happy that I don’t own a mummy sleeping bag. It sounds like a torture device, actually.

  14. Aunt Shirl says:

    As usual, you and your bunchkins made my day. I truly believe there is a book and then a Disney movie in your future!! (and no actors allowed!!) Even LJ would play himself :0)

  15. Midas does the ‘pause/ unpause’ thing. Usually at bedtime while Daddy’s reading the bedtime story. If I come in the bedroom to kiss them goodnight, Midas presses the ‘pause button’ on Mike’s cheek (?!) so he doesn’t miss any of the story!

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