No Dying in Boise!

I have not blogged in many moons and so much has happened!

We have a lot of ground to cover.  I hope you have your party pants on!

1)  We went to visit Sister Meagan who lives many hours away in the great city of Boise.

Remember Sister Meagan?
remember sister meagan

(She is the one who looks like she is about to murder David, who was taking the picture at the time.  And understandably so.  He was exasperating us.)

My mother joined us for the awesome 8 hour drive with four kids in a minivan.  She was excited, as you can imagine.

What was really exciting was the fact that mother and I wore striped shirts and were twinsies without even planning it!  When we checked into our hotel, Sweet Pea changed her shirt and, as luck would have it, she was all stripey, too!  So, in the spirit of togetherness, Sister Meagan changed into stripes.

matchy matchy

Could we be any cooler?  I ask you?

Yes.  I am taller than my kin.  I am like Ginormica.

So, we were visiting Meagan at her abode and she brought out sidewalk chalk for the dudes to entertain themselves with.  And it was during this visit that I realized just how un-city-like my boys have become.

Meagan lives in a duplex.  Little Dude does not understand this and he just tried to walk in the other people’s front door.

Also.  They don’t understand streets and just keep coloring and tried to color in the street.  Sister Meagan used her quick-like thinking skills and came up with a motto for the boys to repeat during their visit:


And, so, everywhere we went, Little Dude would randomly raise his fist in the air and shout:


It is a good motto, you must admit.

Whilst in Boise, we visited the Capitol.


I am pretty sure the boys have no clue what a Capitol is.  I care not.  I figure they need to first master the “th” sound without spitting all over me.  Then we will move onto the wonderful world of government.

Here is a family photo of the six of us posing with our good friends, Lewis and Clark, and their friend whose name I cannot recall.

boise family

David.  Ever so happy.

A kind passerby took this group photo from inside the Capitol building.


And I am just now realizing that Meagan is not in the picture.

Meagan!  Where were you?  We lost you!

We were clearly quite concerned.

We also went to the zoo and it was extremely exciting for the children.

Sweet Pea convinced me to take this fun photo:

Taylor tortoise

I make a good tortoise.

Handsome Dude feeding the goats:

hd zoo

Raise your hand if you think we will get a goat someday.

Little Dude checking out the penguins.

ld penguin

Sweet Pea.

sp zoo

With a photobomb courtesy of Meagan.

Daisy Mae and Sister Meagan.  Plus two giraffes.

dm zoo

And that concludes my recap of the Boise trip.  And no one died.

2)  Handsome Dude graduated from Kindergarten.

hd kindergarten

The astute reader might recall that I was a bit worried about the education of the boy.  I am happy to report that he has come a long way from the beginning of the year!

He can read!

He can write!

He can tell time, add simple numbers, determine place value, and copy sentences.  He even remembers to include a period at the end of a sentence.

My son!  Properly punctuating sentences!  Holla!

Sadly, he still cannot properly aim into a toilet seat.  Perhaps that will be a first grade skill.

3)  The girls had a piano recital

 piano recital sp dm

Sweet Pea is in pink, Daisy Mae in the dress.

4)  We finished school last Friday.  On Friday, I was just trying to get through the day.  I started Sweet Pea’s grammar lesson.

Like I have done.  Every day.  All the livelong year.

Me:  Let’s say the definition of an adverb together.

Sweet Pea:  An adverb is a-

Me (slamming book shut):  I cannot do this anymore.  We are done.

Sweet Pea:  Seriously?

Me:  Yup!

And, so.  Our last day of school ended at 10:08 am.  And I wash my hands of adverbs.  Until September, of course.

5)  Last week I was doing laundry and I noticed my boys marching, very solemnly, down the driveway.  They were carrying a shovel.

After I folded the laundry, I went outside to feed the chickens and rabbits.  Because, have you heard?!

I am a farm person.  Not by choice, but by marriage.

Handsome Dude rode up to me on his bike, as he is wont to do.

Me:  Hey, what were you boys doing with that shovel?

HD:  Oh, we found a dead baby rabbit.

Me:  You did?

HD:  Yup.  A white one.  We buried it.

And then off he rode.

I didn’t know whether to cry, be proud, or sanitize him.

Happy Tuesday!

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18 Responses to No Dying in Boise!

  1. Kendra says:

    The toilet seat….not sure when they learn aim…maybe 18…

  2. Jill says:

    Praise him and then sanitize him! I like the “no dying in Boise” slogan. Good plan for a vacation. And aiming for the toilet? That is not a first grade skill. I think that’s post graduate work.

  3. Lisa says:

    Love your blog! I live in South Dakota, but we are moving to Boise. My husband started his job out there back in January and the four children and I are waiting for the house to sell here. I searched the background of your pictures to see if you randomly caught a pic of my husband, but no such luck. lol! We also home school, and while I haven’t totally called it quits for the summer (we are a bit behind this year) I have given up on everything except English and math. Enjoy your summer momma!!

    • Taylor says:

      Thanks! I plan to do math and reading still this summer. I think I will take this week off though. I am ready for a break! How exciting about your move! Good luck!

  4. Honestly, I think properly disposing of dead rabbits (so I don’t have to do it) is a bigger life skill than knowing grammar. Praise him.

  5. Margie says:

    Sacagawea was her name…Lewis’ and Clark’s friend/guide.
    Love your stories. Keep it up, Taylor.

  6. Rachel says:


  7. Rachel says:

    nope, Charbonneau

  8. Taylor says:

    That sounds good! Can you tell I am on “summer break?” Ha! I am too lazy to actually find out who it is.
    No school! Holla!

  9. Jean says:

    Well, now let me see…..My two “little dudes” are 21 and 22. Their father is 50. Taylor, I hate to break it to you but not a single one of them seems to be able to grasp the toilet bowl concept……Sorry! 🙂

  10. datenut says:

    If they don’t have to clean toilet seat, they do not care. So glad you’re back. Loving all the photos. Looks like fun!! Worth the wait??? maybe. almost.

  11. Anna C says:

    (raising hand)
    and toilet bowl skills and how to break them of nose picking must be covered in 1st grade…that is what I hope for my Kindergarten graduate too.

  12. joann says:

    This was totes worth the wait. My brain is on summer vacation for sure, I just spelled “wait” as “wate”.
    Good times.
    Here’s to Summer! Huzzah!
    p.s. your sister is hilarious, what with her mottos and such.

  13. Joyce says:

    Raising my hand : )

    Glad you survived the city and kindergarten. Hope you have a wonderful summer!

  14. Melissa K says:

    I can’t tell you how much I love that HD buried the rabbit himself like it was just any other old day. Makes me want to reach through the computer screen and smooch him.

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