The Baskets.

We have been very busy working on getting our rental ready for summer renters, but I thought I might share with you how I made the hanging baskets.

First of all, I really wanted to do some landscaping in the backyard of the rental.  I mentioned this to my beloved and he looked at me as if I were an insane, crazy person.  Then he started talking about having to move sprinklers all around and dig ditches and blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada.

So I had myself and idea!  Hanging baskets!  Along the back fence!  Brilliant.

The biggest problem was going to be the fact that renters stay anywhere from 3-7 days, but usually closer to 7 days.  We usually do not go to the house during that time.  So the baskets would not be watered for 3-7 days.  And is it tacky to ask renters to water the baskets for you?  I think it might be?  I don’t know.

Anyways.  My good friend, Pinterest, and I got right to work with figuring out how to make this all happen.  So, without further ado, I would like to present to you how I made my baskets.  I would also like to remind you that is the first time I have ever done so and it might all turn out terribly.  Be warned.

1)  I bought wire baskets frames with coconut liners at the Home Depot.  I think they were 14 inches in diameter and cost around $5 each.

2)  I lined the bottom of the basket with a diaper.  Yes.  A diaper.  I KNOW!  Weird.  But apparently there are some water crystals in diapers that would help the hanging basket hold moisture.  And since I am all about holding onto moisture, I decided to give it a go.

3)  Next, I got plastic water bottles.  I sliced off the bottom and poked holes into the sides of the water bottle.  I found the idea from Pinterest and here is the picture that inspired me so deeply:

hanging baskets


4)  I put my water bottle in the center of the basket and added Miracle Grow Moisture Control Potting Mix.  Apparently it is the bomb-diggity in the world of potted soils.

5)  I planted my petunias.  I only planted them in the top, not on the sides as the picture above shows.  I got the petunias that trail so I am hoping that as time goes on, the petunias will be spilling over the side.

So, that’s what I did.  My mother and I actually did them together.  I made six and she made four.  I have four at my rental.  Here are some photos of my baskets.

rental baskets

Look!  The diaper is peeking out a bit.  Classy.

rental baskets

Water bottle in the center.  My hope is that I will keep the baskets moist and then fill that water bottle before a renter comes.  Hopefully it will seep out and keep the baskets moist for a few days.

rental baskets

You can’t even see the water bottle in there!  And they look like they are going to trail over the sides, right?  RIGHT?  RIGHT?

rental baskets

I had my handy-dandy husband hang some delightful brackets on the back fence and voila!  We have four hanging baskets lining the backyard to add some color to the backyard.

The baskets only cost us around $8-$10 to make each and we will be able to use the metal basket part again next year.

So.  This whole idea of mine is either going to be an epic fail or brilliant.  I am voting for “Epic Fail.”  Because that is the story of my life in the gardening department.

What do you think?  Will they live?  Will they die?

Only time will tell.


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8 Responses to The Baskets.

  1. Stephanie says:

    keep me posted! i just threw away two baskets like those cause mine dried out to easily and everything kept dying in them. every year i buy flowers from our local FFA or Ag class and love to make hanging baskets out of them hoping your idea works.

  2. Kendra says:

    What a cool idea!

  3. joann says:

    Let me know how it goes! everything i plant in those die due to the lack of moisture and/or diapers. Except my succulent is still alive in it. You could try those if it’s a fail.

  4. datenut says:

    Lovely. Near where potting soil is sold there is also a bag of Perlite. It does the same thing – holds water. You’ve seen it before – it’s those little white bits.

  5. I think they have a pretty good shot at working. I just have the special soil and on it’s own it’s been holding water almost three days.

  6. Sharyl says:

    Oh. My. Gosh… do my eyes decieve me or did Teller just write a DIY post! I am so going to do this! The timing is perfect – I am wanting to put some hanging baskets out in front of our house, and even though I don’t rent it out, I stink at remembering to water things.. I give you a cyber high-five Mrs. Lumberjack for your enjoyable DIY post, although I believe you should have thrown in a farm animal or two.. 😉

  7. Joyce says:

    I haven’t seen the water bottle idea, but it sounds reasonable. I hope it works for you! If I were a renter and a basket looked dry, I’d water : ) My plants are swimming right now-so much rain.

  8. Jill says:

    I LOVE this idea! I’m going to try it, although I don’t do much gardening of any sort since I tend to kill what I try to grow. Except for kids of course. I’ve a smashing success at getting them to grow. And they eat us out of house and home in the process!

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