
David’s hands.

They are rotting.  They do this every winter.  Did you know that hands can smell like rotting flesh?  Do you even know what rotting flesh smells like?

I do.  And it smells like David’s “winter hands.”

Sure.  He could be proactive in this situation and put products such as, but not limited to, lotion on his hands.  He has been an electrician for about 11 years.  He is aware of what will happen to his hands when he works outdoors during the winter.

But, alas.  Lotion is too “girly.”

And nothing smells manlier than the rotting flesh smell that is oozing from his cracked, weathered hands.

When the hands get really rank, I, the dutiful wife that I am, coat his hands of death with Vaseline and then stretch some of my mittens over the top of his hands.  He then sleeps with his greasy mitten hands.

And we all know that Vaseline/mitten hands is a way more manlier way to go then putting lotion on everyday.  Obviously.



2013 pigs

We have them.  Ten of them, to be exact.  Because, have you met my husband?  He can’t do anything on a small scale.

Yesterday, David picked up the ten pigs.  They had to be picked up on Saturday because he was getting, and I quote, a “smokin’ deal.”  So the pigs traveled around town in the horse trailer and even got to go to the auto parts store, Wendy’s, and the basketball game.  As all pigs dream to do.

So, yay!  Pigs!

But, here’s the thing:  we aren’t exactly ready for pigs.  Sort of like we weren’t ready for chickens.

And so, the pigs are still sitting in the horse trailer in the driveway.  And David, who is miserably sick with a cold, is trying to get their living quarters ready.

I call it, “Pig-topia.”  Because, have you met me?

I am my husband’s complete opposite and was never meant to live this sort of life.

First, David put in posts for the pig shelter.

pigs 2013

Do you see them back there?  There are 6 of them.  The astute reader might notice the rabbit houses and rabbit waterers in the photo.

Have you heard!?  We are doing away with the rabbits and remaking the rabbit pen into Pig-topia.

We had to add a thicker gauge of wire around the perimeter of the fence and we also had to hot wire the fence.

This was my idea.  Teller does not want to be chasing pigs again this winter.

And, also?  Teller is at the school subbing everyday now.  And Teller does not want to get a call from a neighbor regarding her pigs running amok.

And David calls Taylor, “Teller” sometimes.  Because he finds himself to be hilarious. Just an FYI.

pigs 2013

David and Sweet Pea, fencing it up.


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Handsome Dude, hammering it up.  Even though nothing needed to be hammered.

Now.  My husband, although odd with his rotting flesh hands and insatiable need to crowd my property with animals, is a rockstar.

pigs 2013

He knows how to do everything.

Seriously.  Everything.

I think he is amazing.  Smelly hands and all.

pigs 2013

Check out the above new pig feeding system he built.

I don’t even know how it works yet!

Yet, amazed am I.

I was helping my sickly husband well into the night.  I don’t even really help, but for some reason, I think it means a lot to him to know someone is out there with him.  So, I fetch screws for him.  And then he kindly tells me I brought him the wrong screws.  And off I go to try again.  Bless my heart.

I am a terrible builder-helper-person.  But he is not cranky with me.

I was dismissed into the house early so I could finish up laundry and start dinner.

pigs 2013

And he is still out there.  Determined to finish it.

Happy Sunday!


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9 Responses to Pig-topia

  1. Christina says:

    You amaze me, as usual. 🙂
    I am coming back soon to really catch up…I have read zero blogs for weeks, and I miss it. Thank you for your very encouraging comment. It meant a lot.

  2. Joyce says:

    I’m not a very good builder helper person either. Plus I hate to be cold so if the helping involves cold weather I’m especially un-helpful. I tried to convince my hubs to put up the outdoor lights on Saturday when it was a balmy 59 degrees, but he was only home for 24 hours and nixed that idea. I will resist reminding him of that when he is out there in the 20 degree temps hanging lights.

    I saw a teacup pig on Pinterest. They are soooo cute. I don’t think they are bacon material, just pets : ) Have fun with your newest farming venture!

  3. Renee says:

    See if you can get him to try Cornhuskers Lotion. Not girly & works well without leaving greasy residue on your hands. Or Walgreens Medicated Healer Hand Lotion. It is amazing & smells a little manly (camphor & ammonia.) It works great (but can sting a little when hands are yucky like his.)

  4. Stacy says:

    I love your blog but seriously was sick by David’s hands.
    Tell him to get O’Keefe’s hand cream…comes in green container. Very Manly.
    You are an awesome helper and that feeding system he built is the best I have seen.

  5. datenut says:

    Ditto all the lotion suggestions. Get some cheap gloves and cut the fingers off so he can still work and feel. And there’s plain lanolin or aloe vera cream at beauty supply as well as Cornhuskers, Gold Bond, Axe, even Nivea which is just a plain creme and he wouldn’t necessarily have to wear greasy petroleum jelly and gloves to bed. Even Mentholatum or Tiger Balm helps chapped skin. Just more suggestions fer ya. Pore LJ. Also weird suggestion that I admit to: take an emery board, sand off the roughest parts when skin is dry, rids hands of the dead dry skin parts. If the skin is dead moisture isn’t going to bring it back.

  6. Andrea Smith says:

    Remember back in the day when we were young and Paul Harvey was raving about Husqvarna lotion? It does not smell girly at all. You could go get him some of that “udder butter” stuff they advertise. 😉

  7. B says:

    The last picture looks like the manger scene for Christmas.
    I know, I know…..David is doing the ”no shave november” deal.
    He seems to be living all his childhood dreams now.

  8. ava says:

    We use Bag Balm on our hands. And Pigs are cute!

  9. Amanda says:

    A friend has an awesome natural products company. She makes a “manly” hand and foot cream that is amazing. Our daughter who has eczema uses it and it keeps her clear all winter. This stuff is seriously amazing. Have him read the page. Her husband was the reason she made it to start with. 🙂 http://www.nessasnaturals.com/catalog/item/8171533/8887891.htm

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