The Post Where I Worry and Fret

I am up to my eyeballs in all things 6th grade at this point in time. In T minus 7 days, I will be THE 6th grade teacher.
THEEEE teacher.
Like for reals. Or realz. Whichever you prefer.  But don’t worry.  I won’t teach 6th graders to write nonsense like “realz.”  I am much more professional than that.  Totes.

Sixth graders.  They are not for the faint of heart.  But I am excited.  And nervous.  And anxious.  And terrified.  And feeling like I must analyze everything 18 times because, let’s face it, I have no idea how to teach 6th graders.

Pray for my husband.

Also, I find this humorous:
middle school!

But that is neither here nor there.

I just thought I should dust off ye olde blog so I could let you know why ye olde blog has not been posted in as of late.

IT’S BECAUSE I AM IN TOTAL FREAK OUT MODE.  But to the casual observer, I appear as if I am cool, collected, and have everything under control.  I am talented like that.

Alright.  We must move on.  Because I just can’t deal with the stress of it all.


Updates?  Stuff is happening, I am just not blogging.  Here is a quick list, for your reading enjoyment.

1)  David sold his truck.  We have had that truck for 10 years, so it is sort of weird.

2)  David want to buy a new truck.  It is sure to be far too large and ridiculous.  Just you wait.

3)  I am a bit stressed because, and I am not sure if I mentioned this or not, I AM ABOUT TO TEACH 6TH grade.

4)  Basketball season has finally ended.



Seriously.  We had basketball practices and games coming out our ears.

5)  Interesting fact:  Handsome Dude is quite the little basketball player.  If I do say so myself.  He can’t aim into the toilet for the life of him.

But shoot baskets?


He is in the yellow shirt with the black jersey.

And here is his shot going in:

He made about 20 baskets that day!  It was a tournament, so that was over three games.  But he is quite the little basketball-player-man.

6)  Now, Little Dude on the other hand . . .

Little Dude sort of “dance-plays.”  I have some photos for you.  I would like you to please notice how his arms are always blurry in the photos.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

The reason why his arms are so blurry is because he was basically in a constant twirling state.

Basketball is like a form of dance for the lad.

And he performs it well.

7)  I am stressed out lately.  It’s because I am about to teach TWENTY-NINE 6th graders.  David bought a jumbo bag of peanut M&Ms.  Taylor+stress+copious amounts of chocolate=no good.


Seriously.  The madness must stop.

8)  A pig died.  But we don’t know why.  The end.

9)  The horses keep getting out.  David and the girls had to go on a rescue mission yesterday to retrieve them.  This fun caravan is what returned from that adventure:

David riding one horse.

The other horse following because that is what horses do.

The girls following on a 4 wheeler.

10)  I better sign off.  David will be home soon and I need to make dinner and worry about teaching 6th grade.

I wonder if he is bringing home chocolate?  We finished off the M&Ms yesterday.

Later, dudes.

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14 Responses to The Post Where I Worry and Fret

  1. Andrea Smith says:

    Enjoyed the update! Been missing your blog! I can relate to what you are about to do (the whole teaching 6th graders thing) and I totally get that meme–I was relieved when I switched from junior high teaching to high school. 🙂

  2. Melissa says:

    you know you’re gonna be awesome =)

  3. JoAnn says:

    You will be awesome!!! huzzah!

  4. Sandy says:

    Ahh, I wondered why you were pinning all things teacher on Pinterest, now it all makes sense! Don’t sweat it, you’ll be great!

  5. Melissa K says:

    Teaching junior high was my favorite, and those 6th graders aren’t too far behind. You’ve got this. Start off plenty serious, and you’ll be able to sense when you can back off a bit. Ask them about things they like such as sports, Minecraft, and slumber parties. (Caden helped me with this last one. I asked him what the girls in his 5th grade class do and talk about, and he said they like to “arrange things.” Upon clarification, he was not talking about their belongings but their social activities.)

    They’re going to love having you as their teacher. All the boys will have crushes on you.

  6. Mindy Williamson says:

    So exciting! What a difference a year makes! You will do beautifully and change the lives of those kiddos. 🙂

  7. Sam says:

    You can totally do 6th grade! They are curious and funny and they understand jokes. Don’t stress!

  8. Rachel Spin says:

    I loved teaching middle schoolers. They are fun, excited about learning, and they seem to mature right before your eyes. You are going to be great!

  9. Joyce says:

    I’m sure you’ll be great! I miss you here, so still pop in from time to time to keep us updated on the Lumberjacks and jacklings. Have fun with your class!

  10. Kendra D says:

    I taught 5th grade for a year….very challenging 😉 Best wishes!

  11. Sue says:

    You sweet niece are awesome, brilliant, and have a great way of seeing the “funny” in life. YOU will be fantastic, and the 6th graders will love you!

  12. Rebecca D says:

    Everyone has already told you that you will be awesome so… Ditto… You will be! You have a good sense of humor and that is the #1 requirement for teaching!

  13. Marie says:

    You will do well. I don’t blame you for being excited! I hope you still have a little time to keep us up to date once in a while. Thanks for sharing the basketball pictures.

  14. B says:

    Yes, would really like updates once in awhile. The Maliblahblah family goings on are riveting, don’t you know? Hope all is going well with the teaching sitch.

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