The Post Where I Use My New Word, “Woebegone”

Spring Break!

So, a lot has happened since last we spoke.  Perhaps it would suffice to compile a list, yes?

1)  Sweet Pea won the spelling bee for her school so she went on to the state championship, which was conveniently located near us.  Because, let’s face it.  She would have been a no-show if we would have had to travel.  We are excellent parents like that.

I knew we were in trouble when the other spellers were asking questions such as, but not limited to:

“Can I get the language of origin?”

Because, sadly, no one taught Sweet Pea to even be concerned over such things.  Most of the words were words that I had never even heard of.  So, sadly, she did not advance to Washington DC.  And I told her it was ok, because who needs to know how to spell words that no one even uses?

Not us.

Language of origin.  Hmph.

2)  Handsome Dude turned 7, as if the world could not get any crazier.

3)  Want to know something even crazier than that?  Daisy Mae turned 10 the very next day.

4)  We usually combine things for the two of them.

Such is life.

5)  Daisy Mae finished the quilt that she and her grandma have been working on.

I think it turned out great!  It will be something that she can treasure forever.

6)  We purchased “Frozen” for Daisy Mae for her birthday and, oh my stars, I think the soundtrack is now playing in our home 24/7.

I want to tell her to just Let It Go.  Pun quite intended.  If you know what I mean.  And I think you do.

7)  Little Dude lost his very first tooth. 

This was quite sad for me.  I wasn’t expecting it.  I wasn’t emotionally prepared, if you will.  My last baby!  He was to remain a baby for all eternity.

He came upstairs with his wiggly tooth, very worried and unsure what was going on.  David yanked it out, like the good father that he is.

Then, because we are lazy and don’t have time to make the Tooth Fairy magical, we handed him his dollar bill.

LD:  “What’s this for?”

Us:  “Your tooth!”

LD (confused):  “Oh?!  Thank you!”

And then for the duration of the evening, he would come up to us and say,

“Thanks for my dollar!”

And I am wondering how a child who has three older siblings has gotten this far in life without ever hearing about the Tooth Fairy.  Or lack thereof, in our house.

8)  I started teaching 6th grade.  I have mixed feelings about it, and I am sure I cannot really discuss it on a blog.  It went better it many ways than I expected and harder in some ways.  The first two days were rough, and the second two days were better.  We shall see.  Here is a picture of the classroom after Sweet Pea and I set it up.  We worked hard one Saturday to get it functioning.

9)  David sold his truck and has a woebegone (nailed it!) look about him all the days of his life.  He is having trouble finding his new “dream” truck and I think that he is lost without a truck in his life.  He had to take the Envoy with a trailer to the dump yesterday, and in the spirit of all things David, he got it stuck.

Luckily, we have a bulldozer.  We are THOSE people.

10)  Spring Break is upon us.  I am sick with some sort of sinus thing today.  But I blogged!  So, that’s that.  Tomorrow we have an eye appointment in the big city and we have plans to get together with some homeschool friends from the days of yore.

I hope you all enjoy your Spring Break (if you get one!)!

Happy Monday!

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4 Responses to The Post Where I Use My New Word, “Woebegone”

  1. Rebecca D says:

    Wow… Doesn’t it feel like someone hit “fast-forward” on life? I just an’t get over how grown up your kiddos look all of a sudden!

  2. Kendra D says:

    Spelling is for the birds…why I taught high school science 😉

    Your classroom looks fab.

  3. Joyce says:

    Congratulations to Sweet Pea! And to Daisy Mae for finishing her quilt. And Handsome Dude for turning 7. And Little Dude for his first lost tooth. And to you, for teaching sixth grade, still blogging funny, and for your most excellent use of the word woebegone, which you also spelled correctly. Holla Taylor!

  4. B says:

    Good to hear an update….. good on ya.

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