Pigs, Kittens, Horses, and Happenings

We have been busy folks.  Here’s a list.

1)  Pigs, pigs, and pigs!  And then, even more pigs.

We have pigs coming, and we have pigs going.  And David is loving every minute of it!  Every weekend, he is either replenishing the herd with more pigs, or butchering pigs.

It is tons of fun, I tell ya!

Fun Fact:  We have no pork in our freezer.

We have lots of pork in our yard, but not in our freezer.

2)  Little Dude graduated from Kindergarten.

I cannot believe my youngest will be in 1st grade next year!  My baby!

Since I am the 6th grade teacher, they found a substitute for me that day.  After the graduation, I got to leave school EARLY.  Merry Christmas to ME! A sub in the AFTERNOON for 6TH GRADERS on the 2ND TO LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!?!?  Oh be still my heart!

My mom and sister had come to the graduation, so we loaded the kids up and hit the beach!


Here’s Little Dude, relishing in all the glory that is him.

3)  Kittens!

We have four of them.  They are all alive!  This is great news!  Animals tend to perish easily on our lands.  We know not why.

Here is Handsome Dude with one of the darlings:

And Sweet Pea with another one:

I had to make a rule that Little Dude may NOT, under any circumstances, hold the baby kitties.

He loves them to DEATH.  Quite literally.  If you know what I mean.  And I think you do.

4)  This picture.

This picture is phenomenal.  It describes my family to a T.

We are all that is redneck.

5)  I totally survived teaching the 6th grade!  Oh my goodness, it sucked the life out of me, but I did it!  Look at me with my big-girl-teaching-middle-schoolers-pants-on!

I am thinking about applying for a teaching job next year.  Can you believe it?  ME?!?  I am hoping for a spot in grades K-2.  Please note how that is very far away from 6th grade!  Ha!

I kid!  I jest!

6th grade wasn’t awful-I did enjoy the kids.  I just would be more comfortable with primary.

6)  Sister Meagan was here for a visit and we took the children on a hike.

Which was foolish, because have you ever gone on a hike with four children?  Sometimes they whine.  FYI.

Here is a picture of me and my fab four.

Check out Little Dude.  We are never quite sure what he is doing.

7)  And lastly, I am going to present to you:

“The Tragedy that was Yesterday.”

David left for work earlier than normal, and he accidentally woke me up around 4:45am.  This is not that big of a deal, but it just makes for a more tired Taylor.

Around 6:50am, I received a text from my neighbor informing me that he had my two horses, just in case I was looking for them.

I wasn’t looking for them at all.  I was on Pinterest, enjoying the quiet whilst my children slept.

So I tell him I will be over soon and I go rally my troops.

I need my troops because I have no idea how to put a harness thingie-ma-bob on a horse, and I was under the impression that my girls did.

We all start to head down the road, and I had to snap this photo of Little Dude.

He’s looking like he could use a cup of coffee.

And, no.  I have no idea where he got those shorts, but they are about 4 sizes too big.

So, we head to the neighbors house and our horses are just running amok around their property.  Which I am sure they appreciated on an early Wednesday morning.

Poop!  My horses were also pooping in their driveway.  Which was thoughtful of them.

The horses were not all that interested in coming home.  Everytime the kids and I would go near them, they would run off.  Punks.

Little Dude decided to take a break and just help himself to the neighbors’ trampoline.

He had to hike his shorts up to his chest in order to jump without surprising us all.  Not that we would be all that surprised.  We oft see things we shouldn’t when it comes to Little Dude.


Please note the two horses in the background, not at all concerned that they are ruining my ENTIRE DAY.  But, I digress.

Sweet Pea and I were able to finally get the harness on one of the horses, and I led her home.  The other one, who was full of sass, followed and gave many snorts of disapproval along the way.

When we returned, the following events all occurred:

-Handsome Dude locked all our doors of our car with the keys inside

-I stepped in dog vomit (barefoot)

-Little Dude made his own breakfast and spilled Rice Krispies and milk all over the place.

By this point, it was 8am and I was ready to put everyone to bed and call it a day.


Well, I better go organize SOMETHING.  My plan is to organize this summer and I really just don’t want to.  But I should.

Happy Thursday!

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8 Responses to Pigs, Kittens, Horses, and Happenings

  1. I, personally, will take sixth graders over first graders any day. Sixth graders never wipe their boogers on you!

  2. Rachel Spin says:

    I think you should take at least a week off to rest before you do any organizing.

  3. Nina the mom says:

    Oh my! I keep thinking that it’s going to get easier (since my boys are 1 1/2 & 2 1/2)… but you ma’am, are causing me to have doubts! Oh please let me never get a dog! If not for only one reason: dog vomit. *shiver* at least “school’s out for the summer!!” Enjoy the extra time with your kiddos! I cannot believe how old they getting and that scares me, since I feel mine are apt to grow up too quickly, as well. I just try squeezing… I hug them so hard it should stunt their growth. (Results unknown at this point)
    <3 <3 <3

  4. Kendra d says:

    Sounds like my Thursday….and one daughter is off to hunting camp where they actually require your own knife to come with you…talk about rednecks!

  5. Joyce says:

    I’ve worked in upper and lower grades both, and kindergartners are my favorite. I’ve decided 5 is the perfect age. So glad to see life is rolling along at The Lumberjack Farm/Ranch. Hope your summer is full of fun and neat drawers and closets!

  6. Rebecca D says:

    I had a super bad day today that started with a migraine and went down hill from there, but alas nothing compared to the morning you described!
    I am once again in organizing mode too… I keep thinking “this time will be the last time I organize since this time I will maintain it”! Please post your progress to inspire the rest of us!

  7. B says:

    I hope you are enjoying your summer off…………… 🙂

  8. B says:

    I hope you are enjoying your summer off , inquiring minds want to know?

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