The Post in Which I Attempt to Catch Up On ALL THE THINGS

Wow.  Poof!  Four months went by.  How did that happen?  A lot has transpired.  Allow me to fill you in.

1)  I had the BEST year teaching Kindergarten.  I absolutely loved it.  I had the most precious kinders in the universe.  I loved the staff that I worked with, had the BEST teaching partner,loved  my classroom, you name it.

I must inform you that I shamelessly stole this photo from my partner teacher.  She’s probably ok with it.

I wish I could show you a picture of my class.  They are the cutest kids evah-evah! (That’s how cool people, such as myself, say ever-ever.  FYI)  But I am pretty sure that posting pictures of them on the The Internets would be frowned upon, so I shall restrain.

But rest assured.  You would be blown away by all the cuteness.

2)  Even though I loved loved LOVED my job, I was feeling a bit restless staying where I was at for my kids.  I knew I wanted more academic opportunity for my kids, and the small little rural school I was at just cannot offer as much as some of the schools in the nearby larger towns.

I decided to apply in 2 nearby school districts.  The first district is closer to me (30 min), but as luck would have it, is in a different state.  The second is still in our state but about a 45 min drive each way (for the love of it all).

I was pretty much terrified to apply at these larger school districts.

“Oh, hi!  I’m Taylor.  Let’s see.  I graduated FOR-EV-ER ago, but never taught.  I stayed home with my kids.  I did homeschool for 3+years, if that impresses you! I subbed for one year, and taught under a contract for one year.  That’s about it!”

hilarious dog


So.  I applied at the aforementioned two districts.  I was called for an interview for the first district first, as luck would have it.  I went.  I did my best.  I even had to teach a 3rd grade mini Science lesson to a table of adults.  Which was super easy for a Kindergarten teacher to figure out.  Mmm-hmmm.

The next evening, the principal called me and offered me a 1st grade position!   I was pretty much over the moon excited.  I confirmed that my kids could attend and the next day, we set out for a tour of the building and to meet the kids teachers next year.

BUT . . . they discovered that since I was out of state, I would have to pay $5500 per year per kid in out of state tuition.  And in case you forgot, David LOVES having kids and made me have FOUR of them.  Which for all you math whizzes out there, adds up to a whopping $22,000 per year.



I had to turn it down.  It was a huge disappointment and I shed many a tear over the whole ordeal.  Like a fit-throwing toddler.  It was ugly.

Two days later, I had an interview for the second school district and I shook the whole time and looked like a scared child.  I pretty much did a stellar job.  Ha.

Surprisingly, I was offered a 2nd grade position there.  I am really excited about it!  The school will be in a brand new building and the boys will go with me.

The best news is I signed the girls up for a lottery to attend a charter school which is the top school in our state, and they got in!  I have always wanted to send my kids to this school, and I cannot believe it is going to work out.  Even during the homeschool years, I tried to figure out how to make it happen.  I never dreamed I would get a job in this school district, nor did I think I would ever be able to work it out for the kids to go to this school.  But it looks like God had a plan all along, and even though it didn’t always seem that way.

Saying goodbye to my co-workers at the school I have been at the past two years was extremely difficult for me.  They were amazing and without their encouragement and support, I truly feel I would have never been able to get into teaching.  I am so thankful that God led me to that school, even though it seemed so scary at first.  I love teaching!

I am feeling blessed, grateful, and terrified all at once.

3)  I had a birthday.  I am now super old.


34 to be exact.

But look!  Bimlissa was in town from mean ol’ Tennessee and we got to see each other.

Does anyone remember Bimlissa?


Alright.  That’s enough of my nonsense for one day.  I will try to post again soon!

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8 Responses to The Post in Which I Attempt to Catch Up On ALL THE THINGS

  1. Kim says:

    Congratulations on the new job! Loved reading an update.

  2. Marie says:

    Congratulations on your new job and getting the girls into the best school in the state.

  3. Lisa says:

    Love this update! Glad life is going well!

  4. Angela says:

    Hi Taylor, so glad to hear from you. I have been wondering about you all. I miss reading about your life. You tell the best stories. Glad all is going your way! Congrats!

  5. Sarah says:

    So good to catch up on your news. Love it that God has made a way for you and your children. He is so good!

  6. Suzanne says:

    Congratulations!! I’m so glad you got the job and that the school situation worked out. God is so good isn’t he? Even when we can’t possibly see it, he’s planning and working it out. It’s amazing how he puts these things on our hearts.
    Thanks for the update and I hope to hear another soon! 🙂

  7. Christine C says:

    Two interviews. Two job offers. I would say you pretty much are The Bomb as someone much more ancient than you would say:)

  8. B says:

    Yay for Teller and her famblee.
    Seriously glad to hear an update.
    Sounds great.
    Happy Birthday and of course we remember Bimlissa.

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