Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch . . .

I’m sure you have all been on pins and needles, just dying to know what’s up with David and what sorts of shenanigans he has been up to as of late.

1)  The Hunting Fortresses

When we first moved out here, David put up a tree stand and was in all of his glory.  The tree stand was outrageously high up and I deemed it to be unsafe.  Because I am the killer of fun, apparently.  So, David broke out all of his muscles and built two large hunting fortresses.

Me:  David.  Why did you build two?  Why not just one?

David:  Because I can.

You can’t argue with that logic.

He built the fortresses, except he doesn’t call them fortresses.  I can’t remember what he calls them.  I call them fortresses because I can.

See what I did just there?

Anyways, he built them and then he put a total of 8 stilts in the ground (with concrete and whatnot).  Then he rented a forklift.  Like so:


The forklift helped him to transport the fortresses to the stilts.


Here is a picture from afar:


There is only one in the pictures, but he has two different ones in different spots on the property.

Basically, he has creating Hunting-Topia.

Its moments like these that I realize I am never going to move back to town.

Also.  Still not convinced on safety.

2)  Pigs

David has started adding lentils to the diet of the pigs.  He has to soak the lentils because pigs only have one stomach, whereas cows have four.  The pigs can’t digest the lentils au natural, so he must soak them first.  He doesn’t think I pay attention to him, but LOOK!  I totally paid attention to the pig stomach/cow stomach convo.

Anyways.  The soaking lentils STINK.  Lentil stink +pig stink+ 90-100 degree temps=All Sorts of Nasty.


We are currently the proud owners of 15 swine.

3)  Chickens

We added something like 45 chicks to our little flock this year.  We already had about 15 hens and a rooster.  So, we have about 60 of the feathered friends.


Its been hot like lava here as of late, so most of them are seeking refuge under the brush.  These three thought I had food to offer and came out of hiding to greet me.

4)  A horse, of course.


We only have one right now.  I just overheard David talking to his parents about cows, so I would not be surprised if that is coming soon.




I totally failed on the last post and forgot to mention that Little Dude turned 7!


He wanted to go camping at the “ribber” as per his usual custom.

I can’t believe my baby is 7!


Yesterday, David and I celebrated our 15th anniversary!  We took the kids to the water park.  David and I treated ourselves to ice cream cones, because, hello, FIFTEEN years, while the children had to drool and watch us eat them.

Sorry, kids.  You can buy a fancy ice cream cone for yourself in front of your children on your anniversary.  Now run along.

He had huckleberry.  I had moose tracks in a waffle cone, of course.


David and Taylor

Thanks to grandparents, we will be kid free this weekend!

Happy Thursday!

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4 Responses to Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch . . .

  1. Marie says:

    Happy Anniversary! And happy birthday to Little Dude!

  2. Sarah says:

    I just enlarged the wedding photo to check, and there is a broad smile on the Lumberjack’s face in that one! Congratulations on 15 years!

  3. Marissa says:

    I know you don’t know me,( and to be honest I can’t remember how I got introduced to your blog, maybe from my sister) but wanted you to know i always look forward to reading your blog!

  4. B says:

    I really can’t believe the guy who used to use tons of hair spray to keep his hair just so
    now raises farm animals and hunts wildlife and butchers all of it. AMAZING!
    Are you sure he is the same guy you married? hee
    Happy ‘verseries Teller….. baby and wedding.
    Miss reading your writings . Are you teaching again this year?

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