Cartwheel Breaks and New Pig Pens

To be honest, life has been challenging lately.  Our switch to commuting to schools 45 minutes away has been harder than I thought.  The girls’ new school is very rigorous and they each have about three hours of homework a night.  I expressed concern this week and a few of the teachers are helping the girls a bit, so hopefully that part will get better.  I am overwhelmed teaching a new grade in a new building.  I have made some nice, new friends, but I sure miss my friends from my old school . . . and my students.  It has been a tough season for me.  I am hoping our decision to commute was the right thing to do.  Hopefully life will settle into a better routine soon.

The girls have had pretty good attitudes regarding their homework.  Daisy Mae is pretty much hilarious.  She will work for a couple hours and then announce it is time for a “cartwheel break.”


She usually studies her vocabulary words while doing headstands.

Little Dude got to go and a short hunting trip with David and David’s dad.  David sent me this picture of Grandpa and Little Dude out in the woods.


Even though David prepared him that he needed to BE QUIET, Little Dude simply could  not.  He talks about a mile a minute.  ALL THE TIME.  For realz.  I am not sure he will be a successful hunter.

Speaking of Little Dude, the other night he came up to me after he had finished brushing his teeth.

Me:  Goodnight, Dude.

LD:  See you in the morning!  Unless I get in trouble for not going to bed!

Ha.  Story of his life.


Because the universe is against me, the kids have decided to build their own pig pen.


Me:  David, I don’t want pigs in two different places on our property.

David:  They aren’t going to even be able to pound the t-posts into the ground deep enough.  Its not going to work.  Don’t worry.

Well.  Little does he know.


They did that in one afternoon.  And for a few fleeting, glorious hours, my children WORKED TOGETHER without fighting.   It was a beautiful collaboration of the minds.  And apparently, Daisy Mae can really pound t-posts into the ground.  She is a force to be reckoned with.

The pigs will now be located in two locations on our property.  The smell will be able to waft in no matter which way the wind blows.

Be jealous.

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4 Responses to Cartwheel Breaks and New Pig Pens

  1. angie says:

    I’ve been missing your blog. i just got on Facebook and saw your post. You are so funny and I love to read you writing. Those kids are amazing. Keep up the good work.

  2. Nicola says:

    Hey Taylor, sorry things have been tough for you…I hope you guys do settle into a good routine…can you tell David we have really been enjoying the pork we got from one of your pigs…although they might not be the nicest pets, boy, he did an awesome job raising them! hello to the kids for me and keep the faith!

  3. Joyce says:

    Sorry you’re having a tough season. Some seasons are definitely tougher than others, but on the bright side, your kids built a pig pen. Go Lumberjacklings! I think the amount of hw now is ridiunkulous in general. Do you follow Jen Hatmaker on FB…she had a whole thread on this topic a few days ago and so many moms are feeling like you. You’re still funny. Keep writing : )

  4. B says:

    Gah, a girl just checks in every so often and she misses a ton. Teller, the blogger, has returned and in full force……..your multi tasking skills rock!
    Everyone needs someone to cheer them on………. Teller is the bomb!
    Your life sounds hectic right now, but you are getting a handle on it .
    Who am I kidding your life has always sounded full to the brim and running over with life.
    Just think retirement is just around the corner…….the older you get the faster time goes….so enjoy it now!

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