The Saturday Evening Post

This week has been a bit stressful.  Since I am a new teacher, I need to be observed three times over the school year.  Three.  THREE!  THREEEEEEE.  I had my second one two days ago.  I get myself all worked up over these observations.  It is very nerve-wracking to have your principal watching you for 45 minutes.  It makes you look around your classroom and second guess every single teaching decision you have ever made.



Oh, well.  I survived.  I haven’t gotten any feedback, yet.  But as far as I know, I still have the job, so it must have gone ok.  Ha.  I kid!  I jest!

So, I had the observation, plus I have been working on some paperwork (blah blah blah) for work that I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA HOW TO DO.  In fact, I have been “working on” said paperwork all afternoon.  It goes a little something like this:

Look at paper.

Die inside.

Look for chocolate.  We don’t have chocolate.

Look at paper.

Check Facebook.  Check email.  Check work email.

Look at paper.

Search harder for chocolate.  Find chocolate chips!

Look at paper.

Die inside.  Write one sentence.  Begin self-loathing from stupidity.

Go back to pantry for more chocolate chips.

Check the news.  Fold a load of laundry.

Delete first sentence.  Rewrite sentence.  Die inside.

Finish bag of chocolate chips.  Start stressing about swimsuit season.  Write a blog post.

I am happy to report that after two hours, I am about 1/8 done filling out my important paperwork.  And I have a stomachache.  And no more chocolate chips.


Here’s a quick and random list of some of the goings-on in our world:

  1.  David is currently working on Pig-Topia.  We will soon have five separate pig pens.  Sadly, all pens are close to the house.  Things are gonna get stinky.
  2. We currently have 26 pigs.  I want you to think about that for a few minutes.  TWENTY-SIX.  Feel bad for me.
  3. Nobody in our family cares much for bacon.  It’s a good thing we have such an abundance of pork!
  4. Little Dude made his first basket in a real basketball game this week.  He was telling everyone it was a three-pointer (not even close), but they only count every shot as a two pointer when you are in second grade.
  5. Handsome Dude has gotten to be quite the helper with his dad outside.  I am 100% convinced that this child is stronger than I am and is a better farm and ranch helper to his Pa then I will ever be.
  6. The girls made the honor roll first semester at their new school.  They worked very hard!
  7. I have no idea what grade I will be teaching next year.  This is stressing me out, man.  I am hoping for 2nd again, but I am not sure it will happen.  I will be able to stay at the same school.
  8. My students all think I am in my 20’s!  This is delightful news, as I will be 35 this summer.
  9. 35!!!!!!!!
  10. We still have chickens.  We are probably going to hatch some eggs here soon.  We have free time for stuff like that.

Alright.  I am going to work on another sentence on my important paperwork.

Wish me luck!

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6 Responses to The Saturday Evening Post

  1. Jan Stuppy says:

    Loved your “snapshots” of your life as always. Good to see you recently – you have such a busy life!

  2. J.Booth says:

    Rookie of the Year nomination!! That’s the important paperwork you failed to mention because you’re so humble. That humbleness is why you’re having such a hard time completing the paperwork. Obviously, you NAILED your observations since your principal nominated you!! Woot! Woot! Inhale deeply that stinky pig air and get to writing about how wonderful you are, and then head to town for chocolate, or better yet, ice cream as a reward. Congrats!

  3. Kayla says:

    I don’t know if I can ready your blog anymore. It is unamerican to not like bacon. 🙂

  4. Mindy says:

    You still write in a way that can entice me to read about random things like pigs and papers. 🙂 Glad that you are happy in your new adventures. I would have loved to have you as a teacher. I had several of those crabby old ladies who should have retired 20 years prior, or so it seemed to me at the time.

    Since I’m now one of those old crabby ladies, now, tell David he has to move the pigpens away from the house. The smell is bothering me. 🙂

    Blessings in your new adventures!

  5. Melissa says:

    I’m hoping J. Booth is correct and that the paperwork you can’t figure isn’t related to any content you’re teaching second graders, heehee. 😉 If it is a nomination, how stinking exciting!

    Thank you for accommodating a blog diversion so that I could enjoy a post from the person who will always remain my favorite blogger.

    But really… no bacon love?

  6. Joyce says:

    Hope you got your paperwork completed, and I’m sure you’re a star in the classroom : ) Congrats on all those pigs?

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