Watermelon Jolly Ranchers and First Grade

We have long car rides.

Hootlin 100%

Stand down!  I did not take a picture while driving.  I was stopped and being all safe.

I get asked many questions on our long, long, LLLLOOOONNNNGGGG trips.

Mom!  Who would win:  a polar bear or a grizzly bear?

What’s for dinner?

Why can’t I play soccer?

Can we stop and get a little snack?

Does Taylor Swift believe in God?

Does feces mean poop, or pee and poop?

How do you spell assimilate?

I need to peeeeeeee!

Does Toby Mac believe in God?

Why didn’t we plant a tree on Earth Day?

I need water or I will die to death of thirst!!!!!!!!

Who is Prince?

Why are the rainforests being cut down?

Was he really a Prince?

Who is Justin Beaver?

When are we going to have baby pigs?

Does Justin Beaver believe in God?

They don’t stop.  And apparently, I am the go-to person on knowing everyone’s personal beliefs in God.  So, there you go.

I am so ready to be done with this commute.  Summer is coming, my friends!  I am getting to the point in the school year where I am having a hard time caring.

Today, I was chewing gum whilst teaching.

Me!  The teacher!  Chewing the gum!  Not giving one care.  And it was watermelon gum, of all things!

During an assembly today, my “challenging” student was sitting by me.  Because, hello.  You always have to sit by the “challenging” student.

Student:  Teacher?  It smells like someone is eating a Jolly Rancher.

Me:  Really?  I don’t smell it.


Student:  No, really!  It is like someone near me is sucking on a watermelon Jolly Rancher!

Me:  Hmmm  . . . .

Student:  Yes!  I definitely smell one.

*5 minutes later)

Student:  I really do smell watermelon Jolly Ranchers!

Me:  Shhhh!  Be quiet during assemblies, please.


Aren’t I the worst?  But, I am just so tired.

I just found out yesterday that I am being moved to First Grade.  Which is fine, but I will miss my current second grade compadres.  Plus, I really just want to get to a grade and stay there.  It costs so much money and time to keep redoing things every year.  Maybe I will be in first for awhile . . . but who knows?


Sweet Pea cut about 10 inches off her hair to donate.

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I think it looks great!  She is getting so big.  I realized we only have 5 summers left with all four kids at home.  I can’t.


One of our mama hens got all broody and hatched herself some chicks.


All my life I have waited for this moment.  And no, I am not being dramatic.  When your husband moves you out to Ruralville and sets you up on a farm, you are entitled to wait all your  life to see baby chicks following a mama hen around.

For those keeping track, we now have a plethora of hens and chicks, two roosters, numerous weiner pigs, 2 sows, 1 boar, a horse, a dog, 2 cats, and 4 kittens.


Daisy Mae was accepted into the National Junior Honor Society.0428161835f-2

We are very proud of her and her sister for how well they are doing at their new school.  It has not been an easy year, and they are rocking it.


Only 19 days of school left!  But who’s counting?

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6 Responses to Watermelon Jolly Ranchers and First Grade

  1. Erin says:

    I am joining you in limping toward the finish line this school year. My motivation has left the country. I am hoping to follow it soon.
    Hope the last 19 days go quickly!

    Books on tape for the ride maybe?

  2. Anna says:

    I love it!! My students told me that it is concerning that I have 7 pumps of caramel in my morning latte. They have an opinion on that! They also told me that I shouldn’t be drinking coffee when I’m sick. I told them that I shouldn’t be there when I’m sick, but I am! Then they told me that I need to go home and rest and they would find a sub for me. This year’s group is a hoot! I do love second grade. But first grade was my first love and I imagine you will get all into that.

    • Anna says:

      The 7 pumps is in the venti size. They have caused me to move up to a venti size in order to get through the morning. Teaching is exhausting!

  3. Ruth says:

    Thank you for the full size picture of the mama hen and the eight? chicks!! They look so sweet!
    Good Luck with first grade next year, learning to read and all that.
    I so enjoy reading your posts. Thank you for glimpses into your highly animal populated life! (I’m allergic. So, no animals for me.)

  4. Joyce says:

    I’m with Erin-you need some books on tape : ) I hope you have a wonderful restful summer. It’s tough to change grades every year. Hoping you love 1st and it sticks! My daughter has taught 3rd for three years and asked to move to kindergarten next year as she wants experience in a lower grade. She’s excited but it was her choice. Hang in there…you’re almost at the finish line!!

  5. Beth says:

    I love watching hens with little chickies it is fun .
    Weaner pigs…….pigs that have just been weaned from their mother.
    You have such a full life. Good for you and your munchkins.

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