Summer Mornings

I am going to miss summer mornings.

Every morning, I wake up before 5am to David bringing me coffee before he leaves for work.  This is the best.  Having someone bring you your morning java is a top notch plan, and I highly recommend it.  And I deserve it!  On account of the naughty piglets.

These piglets are like my boys when they were toddlers reincarnated into swine form.  They are everywhere-except for where they are supposed to be.


They don’t listen to me.  This is why they remind me of my boys from the days of yore.

Back to my delicious walk.

My kids are out of that terrifying “up at the crack of dawn” stage, and I thoroughly enjoy my quiet mornings.  I do the laundry.  I clean up 14 water glasses and ice cream dishes from the children who were up and enjoying the late summer bedtime the night before.  I water the flowers. I wonder why the kids felt the need for 14 water glasses.  I make the bed.

But the best part of the summer morning?  The morning walk.

Friends.  I absolutely love the morning walk.  I made a goal to hit 10k steps a day a couple of months ago in an effort to strengthen my knee, and I don’t mean to brag, but I am crushing it.  I take our two labs, Tank and Abbie, out with me every morning.

Abbie is new to us.  Handsome Dude got her for his birthday in April.  We are getting to know her and she is a charming addition to our family.  I have learned on our walks that Abbie feels the need to void her bladder and/or bowels 18 times during the first 40 minutes of the day.  It is intriguing.

Abbie has a lot of energy and she gets out a bunch of it on our morning strolls.  Tank is an overweight, lazy (albeit sweet), 9 year old lab.  He cracks me up every morning with just how truly lazy he is.

Oh, he’s smart.  He knows my route. He knows that I am going to walk on a path by the house, get to the top of a little incline, and then turn back towards the house.  So?

He waits for me.


Can you see him?  Abbie is the dog near me, and Tank is back by the house waiting for us.  Such slothfulness.  And then when we join him, he gets a little hop to his step and acts all proud of himself and tries to keep up again for a time.  Sometimes he just  gives up and sits by the front door.

After my heavenly, quiet walk, I go inside and shower-STILL ENJOYING THE PEACE.  But then, I must wake the children.  It is inevitable.

I am going to miss my quiet mornings when the crazy school year starts back up again and I have to turn into a crazy lunatic to get us out the door on time.

Get up, get up, get up!

Get in the shower!


Get out of the shower!

Now, you get in the shower!

No sleeping at the table!  Eat!

Where are your SHOES?

Put some clothes on or learn how to properly wrap a towel around yourself!


How can someone take a shower for 10 minutes and not even get their hair wet yet?


Ah, yes.  It will be a joy for all to hear.

Happy Wednesday!


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6 Responses to Summer Mornings

  1. Pati says:

    So glad to see a post, Taylor ! How’s about an updated pic of the younguns ? Pretty please ????? 😉

  2. Pati says:

    Never mind ! I didn’t even see the pic at the start of this article cos I was so excited to read it ! Lolol

  3. Anna says:

    I hear you! I hear you! Alas, I cannot exercise my knee but my aging brain needs serious exercise as it scares me how I struggle with memory and focus. So I make my own coffee. (Hubby leaves around 3:30 am during this time of year so it is okay to make my own around 6.) Then devotion and then some brain games that do seem to be helping!
    I’m also pleased with how long the children sleep and leave me to my own things. But I’m also afraid. Very afraid. Pretty soon we will have to be at school by 8am! And, of course, they don’t feel the concern about the clock. They are never late. It is mommy who is late. Not them. In fact, they have a dental appointment coming up at 8am and I’m wondering if I was in my right mind when I scheduled that. Maybe that will motivate us to get back to a more reasonable waking hour.

  4. Michelle says:

    I don’t even care that you don’t blog on a regular basis. You more than make up for it with the posts you do put up. So. Freakin. Funny.

  5. Joyce says:

    So glad you’re enjoying summer morning peace and quiet. I hope at least a little bit carries over into the school year. Not the runaway pig part, just the peace and quiet of the morning part : )

  6. Ruth says:

    So great to hear more about your family, including the naughty piglets!
    You don’t have your kids shower at night? Might be easier, some of the time….

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