The Sticks

David left the boys and I home for a bit while he went to get some work done.  He left the boys with the chore of pulling the 4-wheeler and trailer into the cow and horse pen, filling it with sticks, and dumping it in the burn pile.  They were told to fill the trailer twice.  I was told to check their work.

Handsome Dude (trying to hold it together):  But, Dad!  We can’t do that!  It’s full of big animals in there!  They will attack us!

David:  They are cows and horses.  They will not attack you.

HD:  But, Dad!

David:  You are fine.  Get it done.

And off David went.  And I was left with ensuring the not-so-manly boys got their job done.

Also, we need to talk about David and sticks.  Personally, I do not think it is a big deal that there are sticks on the ground.  In fact, I find them handy when I , myself, have to go into the pen and need to whack Stupid Steve. We have lived here for over 8 years, and for over 8 years, David has been picking sticks up the ground.  Off of all 20 acres. It consumes him.  But, I digress.

I was keeping an eye on the boys from the kitchen.  I watched them hitch the trailer up to the 4 wheeler and successfully move it into the pen without letting any animals loose (always a win).  I watched them drive the 4 wheeler/trailer to the area that David had instructed them to pick up the sticks.  And a few moments later, this is what I saw:


All horses and cows gathered around the 4 wheeler and trailer and no boys in sight.

HD:  Mom we can’t do it.

Me:  Sure you can.

HD:  No, the animals will get us.

Me:  No, they won’t.  You are fine.

(Let’s ignore the fact that I have to carry a stick in there at all times to protect myself from the viscous beasts.)

So, the boys have decided they will wait until David gets home.  I have advised against this.  They are not heeding my advice.  I wash my hands of it.


Little Dude took 5th place at a recent cross country meet.


So now I know he CAN move fast.  And I will hold him accountable to that.

He was beyond proud of himself.  He has been living in the shadows of his much faster older brother for far too long.  Now his brother is at a different school and LD can be the fastest Maliblahblah in elementary school.


Sweet Pea went to Homecoming.


Again, I cut others out of the picture.  I always have excellent photographs on my blog.

Can we all admit that the dances and formal wear are getting excessive?  It seems like every post I write includes one of my girls in formal wear.

Happy Sunday!


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3 Responses to The Sticks

  1. Ruth says:

    Tell the boys they need a big stick too, when they go in the horses’ and cows’ pens. Show them how to use sticks to their advantage. They are allowed to defend themselves. (Hope it works.) Sure wonder what the cows and horses thought of the 4-wheeler in their pen…
    Ahh, the life of a teen girl, always looking for the next fancy dress for the next fancy dance. Start saving up for these beautiful dream dresses! (Be glad they aren’t twins! A friend of mince has twin 15 year old girls.)

  2. Sunnie says:

    Beautiful girls! Remember that post you did about the young boy taking a shower for like an hour and his hair wasn’t even wet!

  3. Joyce says:

    Somehow I missed this post. For my hubs it’s pine straw. He cannot stand to have a single blade? on the driveway. Our driveway is long. Our neighbors tease him by calling and saying they noticed a pine needle on the driveway when they drove by. We’ve lived here less than two years and he has burned through four blowers. It keeps him busy so I’m not complaining. I think the whole homecoming thing has gotten excessive. These boys have to be more creative than with most marriage proposals.

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