Relationship Goals

Little Dude.


Not so little anymore.  Like his elder brother, he wants to be like his dad.  So a-hunting he will go. And no, I don’t like my tiny baby boy walking off with binoculars and a gun.  Such is life for me.  (Yes, his father was with him)

The other night, LD, Sweet Pea, and I were at the grocery store.  When we walked in, I noticed an elderly couple, each sitting in motorized shopping carts near the entrance.  They were facing the door, almost like they were waiting for someone to pick them up.  I notice people in motorized shopping carts now due to experiencing THE GREAT KNEE INJURY OF 2016.  You know.  When I had two knee surgeries within 3 months?  It was fun.  And I remember trying to shop with 4 kids and use a motorized shopping cart.  I have tried to block most of it out of my memory.  But I do have flashbacks of my boys beating each other with my crutches in the dairy aisle.  I shudder at the thought.

Anyways!  The store.  We did our shopping and as we were leaving I noticed the elderly couple still sitting there near the entrance.

Lady to LD:  Excuse me, young man!  How old are you?

LD:  10.

Lady nudging her husband:  Ha!  I win!

Husband:  You win.

Lady to LD:  We had a bet!  I said you were 10 and he said you were 12!  I won!  Thank you, young man!

It was the cutest thing ever.

Sweet Pea:  Mom!  What are they doing?  Are they just sitting there people watching in their carts?

Me:  Maybe.

Sweet Pea:  That is so cute.  Relationship goals, Mom.

That is how young, hip people talk.  They say stuff like “relationship goals.”  I know because I have two, young hip teens living at my house.  And Sweet Pea is currently with boyfriend.  She can now relate to relationship goals.


Little Dude does seem to be getting a bit taller lately.  He is currently eating us out of house and home.  He definitely eats more than anyone in our house.  He is also attempting to grow up a bit.

I repeat, he is attempting.

He is able to work for his dad and earn some money.  He currently has the largest savings account out of all the kids, if you can believe such a thing.  He also has a wallet.

The wallet has a hole in it.  He bought it at a thrift store.  I tried to talk him out of it, but he would hear none of it.  But everyone keeps stealing his quarters.

The other night, we were in town killing time.  This is the story of our lives, especially LD and I.  LD and I spend a TON of time together.  We are like BFF.  He is always with me.


Anyways, he asked me if I could take him to North 40.  I was fine with it because I had to return some unused purchases I bought the night we were trying to save poor Bessie (boo).  I was glad the gal didn’t ask me why I was returning the items.  I didn’t want to be “that customer” and say too much.

Why are you returning this ma’am?  

Oh, well, she died before we could try it.

Because that would have been awkward.

Anyways, I returned the items while my bff went shopping.  His purchase?  Some sort of fishing bait hook thing.

Me:  You know you will lose that before you will ever go fishing again.

LD:  Nope!

So, we hung out in town and then we picked up Daisy Mae from basketball and headed home.  And from the back seat we heard a faint wailing.

Me to my bff:  What’s wrong, Dude?

LD:  My bait!  It is stuck in my sock!

Me:  What?  How?  It was in a package.

LD:  I took it out!

I would have asked “Why?,” but honestly, I wouldn’t have understood anyways.

Daisy Mae is the sister to have handy in such situations.  She calmly told him to remove the sock and she worked for about 10 minutes at freeing his prized hook from his sock.


Little Dude.  He adds spice to life.


We had a busy weekend.  Lots of basketball.  Here’s a cool action shot of Handsome dude after a steal, drive, and lay up.


He is the superstar in the air there right under the hoop.

Sweet Pea played in her first basketball game since knee surgery.  She was extremely proud of herself for not tearing her ACL again.

Game 1.  Check.

The boys talked David into taking them hunting this morning.  They decided to hunt on our property today.


Off they went.  Little Dude can be a bit pokey.  My job is to keep all dogs inside so they aren’t tempted to join in on the hunt.

This is devastating news to Abbie.  She just moped around and stared out windows.



And now for some bovine.  You know I love my weekend bovine pics.


This is Hildy.  She is pregnant.


This is Penelope.  She is pregnant.


This is Mildred.  She is pregnant.


In the way back where you can hardly see, there is Rosie.  She is pregnant.

In front of her is Stupid Steve, then the reddish brown unnamed steer (both shared Bessie as their mama), and Houdini (Tiny Tim’s twin).

I didn’t take a photo of Matilda today for some reason.  But she is pregnant.

Happy Sunday!



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One Response to Relationship Goals

  1. Ruth says:

    Aaaaahh, so many pregnant cows! You will have lots of little calves next year, all for you to worry over and feed and check on and love. Good luck!
    I know the wisdom of not asking certain questions you don’t really want to know the answer to (like why did you take the bait hook out of the package?)! The answers get really long sometimes.
    People watching while sitting on motorized scooters – So Funny!! Relationship goals, huh? (would that activity count as a relationship goal? Is that a realistic goal? Hmmm…)

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