Excuse Me, Doodle-Fin?

Anyone who might know my mother in real life knows she is obsessed with Christmas decorating. She starts around the end of October and it is this giant production and I will never understand it for all of the days of my life as long as we both shall live.

I like Christmas decor that can be set up in three hours.

She prefers three weeks.

It is a bit much.

Naturally, she had Christmas decor on the brain on our recent trip to Disneyland.

Yes!  Did you forget?  I went to Disneyland.


From left to right:  Jess, me, Ma, Sister Meagan.  They neglected to tell me we were supposed to have our sunglasses on for the commemorative photo.

Jess:  Taylor!  It is Thursday at 9:30am.  What would you be doing right now?

Me:  Strategic Reading Groups! Let´s hit Pirates of the Caribbean.

*Living my best life*

So it is like 80 degrees in California and naturally, Christmas is on everyone´s brains.  My mom remembers that her good friend once had a Disney themed Christmas tree.  Apparently it was just the cutest tree ever and said friend had cute red Disney popcorn boxes scattered about her tree.  Mom texts her.

Mom:  How did you get all those popcorn boxes for your darling tree?

Friend:  I stood by the garbage can and asked people if I could have their boxes when they were about to throw them away.

Yes.  This is what people with themed trees do, apparently.

We convinced Mom to just ask the friendly Disney popcorn maker if she could just buy unused boxes.  Instead of loitering by trash cans and begging for used ones.

She scored some for free.


It was all very exciting.  I will be sure to show you a picture of the Disney tree.  It will surely be amazing.

My mom was slightly interested in taking a tour of Disneyland.  I guess this is a thing?  So she asked a Disney employee if the tour was worth it.

DISNEY Employee:  Uh.  I do not think it is.  I mean.  I guess if you are a big fan of Disney, but, like I am not really a fan of Disney at all.  So I do not think it would be worth it.


We decided to get some Starbucks at Disneyland with cute Mickey Mouse heads printed on the cups.  After I placed my order, Ma inquired as to what my order was.

Mom:  What did you get, Doodle-Fin?

Stranger:  Excuse me?  Did you just refer to her as Doodle-Fin?

Me:  Oh!  Yup!  That is my nickname!

Not awkward at all.

Sadly, we drank all our coffee and threw our cups away before we even THOUGHT about using them again as CHRISTMAS TREE DECOR.

For shame.

I highly recommend going to Disneyland on a Thursday in November instead of teaching strategic reading groups.  We had a blast.


Next we had lunch with my Aunt Candi and then picked up Aunt Dana.

Dana had this fab picture in her house:


It is my mom!  With baby Sweet Pea!  And baby Sweet Pea is wearing my baby swimsuit!  And my mom is like only four years older than I am here.


Group photo time:


Let the party begin!

Went to Joshua Tree National Park.


We did not die.

Me the whole time:  Uck.  It is like so brown here.  I like home better.  Much greener and prettier.

Meagan and Jess:  Well.  This is a desert.  Don´t you think it is pretty in its own way?

Me:  Meh.


We also hung out in Palm Springs.  It is pretty hot there.

We found this amazing restaurant called Mario´s, I believe.  We ate delicious pizza and enjoyed a glass of wine.

Look at this glass of wine!


It was $5, I kid you not.  I mean between the bargain wine and the free Christmas tree decor, we were basically killing it this trip.

Sometimes pizza and wine and sisters and moms and aunts are all you need.

We went back to the same restaurant the next night.

And had enough leftovers to eat dinner the third night.

So basically, I ate a lot of pizza.  Which is always a topnotch plan.


Because I was cool and on vacation, I kept my normal bedtime of 8:30pm.

Me to all:  I am feeling fussy.  I am going to sleep now.

And I would lay on my good ear and block out all sounds and enjoy blissful slumber.  I do not know what the rest of the gal pal group was doing, but I cared not.

One night, around 1am or so, the hotel fire alarm goes off.

I am happy to report that although the hearing in my right ear is below par, I can still hear smoke alarms.

My mom and Aunt Dana are in full blown panic mode.  Aunt Dana, who is the eldest of the group, feels the need to be the mother hen and make sure all of us are getting to safety.  She alerts the others in the adjoining room.

Mother is running around with her hand pressed to her chest, almost as if she believes she is keeping her heart from popping out with fear.

Me:  I am pretty sure this is not real.

I go through fire alarms like once a month at school.  I have become desensitized to them.

I look out the window.  No one is fleeing.  I see no flames or smoke.

Sister Meagan is also wandering around in the same state I am.

Jess never even got up.

I go back to bed.

Mom (holding her chest):  Taylor!  We need to LEAVE!

Me:  Ugh.  Can you just call the front desk and ask if this is for real?

I am happy to report it was not real.  Mom and Dana were not pleased with the actions of us younger gals.  The alarm went off a total of three times and there was an earthquake or two.

It was a restful night.


All in all, the trip was a blast and just what I needed!

Happy Monday!


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4 Responses to Excuse Me, Doodle-Fin?

  1. Pati Gulat says:

    How fun !!!! Soumds like you had a FABULOUS time !

  2. Connie Moering says:

    You neglected to report the earthquake that occurred less than a half hour after the fire alarm!

  3. Melissa K says:

    I really wish you would quit your job and get back to blogging full time.


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