The Fair Weather Friend

About a year and a half ago, David and his brother, Alex, installed an electric fence around the perimeter of our property to help keep the dogs on our property.  You can read about it here if you wish.  It worked like a charm and stopped our two meandering girl doggies from leaving our property.

Last summer, David fenced the entire property for cows and had to take out the electric fence in the process.  So, the dogs would no longer get shocked if they tried to leave, but they had been trained well and did not try it.  However, we knew it would be best to reinstall the electric fence to ensure the dogs would stay put.

Taylor in August:  David.  We need to get the dog fence going again.

David:  I know.  I will get to it some day.

Taylor:  I will help you.  But I am not interested in helping you if there is, like, a foot of snow on the ground.  I will help you if the weather is pleasant.  I am truly a fair weather friend here.

I am so punny.

I have reminded David of my offer to help often, especially since our time of fair weather is quickly fading.  He ignores me.  Such is life.

On Thanksgiving Day, our neighbor texts us to let us know our dog is there.


This is the same neighbor who had to call me about two steers being at her place.  I think she is my number one fan.  And why does she text me and not David?  He is the one running this circus.

Me to David:  We have got to get that fence back in.  Cali was at the neighbor´s house so that means she no longer cares about the boundaries.

David:  Ok.

Me:  REMEMBER.  I am only doing this with you in decent weather.

So David carves out some time to repair the fence on Saturday.  It is cold out, but not treacherous, so I make good on my offer to help him.  I am a wife worth more than fine rubies.  Plus, I stole one of his warm Carhartt coats to up my own personal comfort level.  He would want it that way.

To begin, I follow David around like a puppy.  This might surprise some of you, but David does not often speak.  So, I just walk follow him as he grabs the supplies.  And please understand, I have no idea what he is grabbing and why he is grabbing it.  Because I was never meant to live this life.

We load up the four wheeler and head out to where we must begin.  Part of the wire is buried and David starts to dig.  The ground is pretty much frozen and if I were him, I would find this idea to be less than ideal.

Me:  Why are you doing that?

David: I have to find the wire so we can attach it to the new fence.

Me:  Is it connected to the same wire that is popping up out of the ground over there?

I lead him to where I think the wire is.  I am now full of self doubt.  But I am pretty sure that I have seen a wire poking out of the ground on one of my pleasant walks to see the cows.  It is quite a ways away from where he was trying to dig, but I find it and TOTALLY save the day.  Now he does not have to dig.  He did not say a word, but I know he was grateful in his heart of hearts.

I offer to go and get the four wheeler and bring it up to our new starting spot.  But I forgot that I struggle with simple farm tasks and I was unable to actually start the four wheeler.  I know how to start cars and trucks and dishwashers.  But apparently four wheelers baffle me.  So, I had to walk all the way back and inform him that I actually cannot start the four wheeler.

So, we get started and my job is to attach these yellow things to the t-posts.


David had to teach me and reteach me about four times, but I got the hang of it and was a total champ.

About a half hour in, I tell David I need to take a bathroom break and must walk all the way back to the house.  He tells me to tell the boys to come out and help.  And I do tell them.  And they show up to help in shorts and sweatshirts.  LD did not even bother to throw socks on.  It is probably 25 degrees.

Boys: We are so cold!

Me:  Why are you dressed like that?!

Boys:  You told us to help dad with the fence.  You did not tell us we had to bundle up!


So, I continue with my job and I am doing an A+ job.  David and the boys are doing something with wire.  I do not know what.

Our dog, Abbie, loves when David is home and is always nearby.


She is presh.


At one point, the boys disappeared from David and he had to call the house to get them to come back.  He was displeased with them.  They came back dressed the EXACT SAME WAY and right away complained about how cold they were.


I would like the records to show that I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahblah, got Dutch Bro back into the pig pen all by myself and he has stayed put for three days now.



I have many wonderful nieces and nephews, but my three year old nephew has won my heart.


He is seriously so precious.  And he speaks in amazing full sentences.

On Thanksgiving, we were snuggling and visiting.

Me:  Are you ever naughty?

Nephew:  No.  I am not naughty.  My mom is also not naughty.

Me:  Yes, you have a nice Mom.

Nephew:  And my dad is always very kind.

And his dad IS kind.  His dad is Jason.  Remember Jason?

Remember Jason?

Jason is David´s youngest brother.

One night a few years ago, we were under the influence of my goofy Uncle Harry.  Uncle Harry wanted to make prank phone calls.  So we do.

Harry knew of some website where you can play recordings for prank phone calls.  There was one with an older lady who calls to ask if someone can bring her toilet paper.  Then she asks for the person to not hang up and she cries and talks about losing people in her life and it is all very sad and tragic.

We call David´s mom.  She hangs up right away.

We call David´s sister.  She does not even answer.

We call Jason.  Jason stays on the line until the bitter end.  He was so kind and sweet and talked to this poor fake old woman for the duration of the call.

We did not tell him that it was us for about six months.  We might not be as kind as Jason.

Happy Sunday!

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