Cow Tongue Tacos

This morning, Little Dude walked into the kitchen.  He grabbed a mug.  He poured himself a generous helping of coffee creamer and added a splash of coffee.  He walked it back to his seat and stared at me as he raised it to his mouth.

I, being the patient and understanding mother that I am, walked over and grabbed it and dumped it down the drain.

Me:  You are ELEVEN.


Yesterday, around 5:45am, I woke up.  The girls were getting ready for work, and even though we have 2 1/2 bathrooms in this house, everyone gets ready in ours.

I have not yet had my morning coffee, so I am still in a fog.  I am trying to make sense of what is going on and there is a lot of movement in and out of my room.

At one point, I see David walking out of the bathroom with an ice cream carton and a fork.

Me to SP:  Is Dad eating ice cream in the bathroom?

SP (quite nonchalantly):  No.  He is digging clay out of the toilet tank and dumping it into an empty ice cream carton.

And, Oh!  Have I not yet told you?!

If ever we have an oopsie and leave a hose on or something, our water runs and runs and gets to the bottom of our well and our water turns orange and clay like.  It is a joy to try and have a refreshing glass of water and even to brush your teeth.

So.  While David was brewing my clay/coffee, I was trying to process why on earth our water was orange.

David said it was because our toilet was running all night.

Later that morning, HD was trying to make pancakes.

HD:  Mom!  Is it safe to make pancakes with this orange water?

Yes.  Be jealous of our lives.

Oh!  And SP was having a friend over later that night.


We are a classy bunch.


My mom came and set up a tree in my classroom this week with her Disney Tree leftovers.


My students were beyond thrilled and immediately guessed it had a Mickey Mouse theme.  They also are shocked that I have a mom and think she is the cutest ever.


I would like to report to you all that Dutch Bro is STILL in the pig pen.  Since *I* put him there.


David decided to move another steer in there with that happy trio.  I think he is thinking of selling some steers.  I am having strong feelings of conviction.  On one hand, I love them and I do not want to see them go.  On the other hand, I love them and do not want to see David butcher them.  Woe unto me.

When David decided to move the third steer in, he enlisted the help of the boys.  And I would like the people to know that he admitted that I am a far better helper than the boys.


Sweet Pea is back in action with basketball.  She is having a great season so far and scoring many points and tearing no vital knee ligaments.

After her game on Tuesday, we decided to try an authentic Mexican restaurant for their Taco Tuesday.  We went with my parents and SPś new boyfriend.

David ordered for all of us.  When he came back he spent twice as much as he thought he would have and was not quite sure what he had ordered.

David:  I told the lady I wanted tacos.  She said things I did not understand.  I said ok.

So, David has this platter of tacos and he eats one and deems it delicious.

We investigate the receipt and enlist the help of our Spanish speaking daughters and we determine that David had just feasted on cow tongue tacos.

Naturally, I had to pull up my video of Bab´s giving birth to Jesse James last August.  He comes out feet and tongue first.  It is very educational.

The video is on the blog´s Facebook page.  Here is a photo.  For your viewing pleasure.


Cow Tongue.  Yum.

The food was not so great and the cow tongue tacos were a real capper to the evening.

Oh!  So then, I made SP´s new boyfriend sit by me at the restaurant and watch a one minute and fifteen second video on the calf actually being born.

I wonder what his first impressions of me are?


Guys.  I am living my best life.

DM now drops ME off at school every morning.  I am getting to school about 30 minutes earlier now.  And she picks up her brothers and then she picks me up.

She has a bit of time to kill between picking up her brothers and grabbing me.

On Thursday, I had an epiphany.

Yes.  An epiphany.

I went onto and placed an order for the groceries we needed, paid for it. and scheduled it to be ready for when DM could pick it up.

And where was online grocery shopping when I had small children?  I ask you?

On Friday, I had her take HD for a haircut.

I am filling up her gas tank and it is much more affordable than my SUV.  I topped her off the other day and I only spent $18.36.  How is that even possible?

I am winning at life.

Happy Sunday!




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2 Responses to Cow Tongue Tacos

  1. Sarah says:

    You made me laugh again – so glad you are managing more posts at the moment!
    ‘They also are shocked that I have a mom and think she is the cutest ever.’ I love little kids!
    We used to have orange water when I lived in Africa- we just used to boil and filter it before use. We did bathe in it – not sure how clean we got!

  2. Sunnie says:

    Looking forward to my 16 year old getting a car and license to help out as well~

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