Reader. Please Advise.

Reader.  Do you recall that we got new tires on my car?  Right before David hit a deer?

Reader.  My car is still not repaired.

Reader.  I was having to drive the ginormous flatbed duelly diesel truck.

Reader.  David fixed the old Subaru.

Reader.  Did you know we had an old Subaru?

Reader.  We have an old Subaru.

David fixed it.  The boys are embarrassed to be seen in it, but I am loving this new life of parking with ease and filling up my gas tank for $26.42.

Me:  David.  I kind of like driving the Subaru!  I am saving a ton in gas!

David:  Great.

Me:  Although I have no idea what the status is of the tires or if the oil needs to be changed.

David:  Oh.  It needs new tires.  I am surprised you haven’t had a blow out.

Me:  !

Me:  David!  I do not want to have a blow out!  It is one of my biggest fears.  Can I get new tires?

David:  No.

And then I went to sleep.

Why did David say no?  That is the question inquiring minds want to know.  Here is a list of possible reasons:

  1.  He heard from the mechanic and my car will be ready soon.  So why buy new tires?
  2. He knows a guy who wants to trade half a beef and a full pig for a half used set of tires and he would rather go that route.
  3. He thinks he can get a smokin’ deal on Craigslist.
  4. He was messing with me and the tires really are not all that bad.

So.  The next day.

The next day, I call him and tell him I do not want a blow out.  He said he thinks he found a deal on tires for about $200 but they are like an hour away and he doesn’t know when he can get them.

And, Reader.  Would you like to know what I did?  Because I am almost 40?

I took the car and got BRAND NEW tires put on it for $363.

Because, ain’t nobody got time for that.

I did take care of this all by myself.  I am proud of me for figuring out tire sizes and calling the tire shop and having my dear teacher friends drive me to the tire shop and return me.

One problem:  I had arranged for the tires to be at a completely different tire shop.  Like an hour north of me.


Tire shop dude was nice and worked it out.  Happy Endings.

Ok.  I teach online school  Online school provided me with a headset. A headset is necessary for my job as I am in a room with three other teachers and it can get loud.

Provided headset is sooooooooooooo uncomfortable.

So, I ordered a new one off of Amazon.

Also.  I ordered blue light glasses, because they seem to be all the rage these days.

I tried the head set on and it was like heaven on my ears.

And my boys were like:

Oh.  Ok.  Hi, Gamer.


David told me I was a total dork.

Sister Meagan said I look like I should work for Air Traffic Control.

Hadley said:

Mom.  What are you doing?


And now, dear Readers.  Who can recommend a comfy, yet fashionable headset for Taylor, the online teacher?

Please advise.


I love Rio.


The end.

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4 Responses to Reader. Please Advise.

  1. Vicki says:

    Hey if they are comfy then who needs fashionable? Those things can be very uncomfortable and you have to wear them for a lot of hours.

  2. Calfkeeper says:

    I think they are pretty cool…”fashionable” is overrated, “serviceable” is more important. But then I am not a teenager, what do I know? Haha

  3. Beth says:

    You look professional.
    The family is just jealous.
    I give you a good 100 pts for getting yourself new tires.
    When you get as old as me you will not care what others think. But that will be a good 20 years from now. 🙂 love you kiddo

  4. Ruth says:

    My husband wears headphones like that. Two years of online law school with videos, and he looks like you do. (And he is a computer techie guy.)
    So you have finally decided exactly what you will take care of for yourself and what you cannot take care of for yourself, Re:Tires. Yeah You!!
    Wait, I just figured out “blue light glasses” really means “bluelight glasses” (not blue glasses with a light in them) because of computer screen blue light…no, I am not on the computer much. I am not tech-savvy.
    I can’t wait to see how much you do for yourself when you ARE 40 years old!!
    It is exciting to move forward in the direction you want to go instead of always waiting to see what the hubby wants the wife to do. Ageing helps. So does a big argument.

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