Excuse Me. I Look A-Mess.


I am happy to report that I worked AND PREPARED DINNER.  I think we can officially declare that I am in recovery from the beginning of the school year.

Once again, we must go with a list, for that is all my brain can handle.

  1.  I guarantee you I am going to put on weight with this new job.  Because I DON’T MOVE.  It is horrific.  I am used to chasing first graders around all day.  Now I am staring at a computer.
  2. Do you remember how I was all “Proverbs 31-y” and was “considering a field to buy it?” I did buy it.  It went through.  And now we own an extra 10 acres.  Right next to our current lands.
  3. David told me to expect more cows.
  4. Reader.  I am ok with that.
  5. Reader.  I love cows.
  6. Ok.  Full disclosure.  The reason why I am guaranteeing you that I will put on weight with this new job is because I already did.  Sad.
  7. WE BOUGHT A NEW TRAILER.  You guyzzzz.  It is the nicest thing I have ever seen.  And, oh!  It is a 5th wheel.  And, oh!  This is the first time I have ever picked one out.
  8. Me:  David!  I just want to shut the kids up in a room and not see all their mess.  If I have to walk into a trailer ONE MORE TIME and see LD’s underwear hanging from the window, I am going to flip my lid.
  9. My new trailer has a room.  With a door.  That I can close.  And pretend I don’t have boys.
  10. IMG-6775
  11. Reader.  It is nicer than my house.  We pick it up next weekend.
  12. I took a kitten with me to school.  Are we surprised?  No.  No, we are not.  Here is what I learned about kittens today:  They are super needy when they are not with their mamas.  How inconvenient.
  13. Meet Jack.


14.  I brought Jack into town so he could meet his new human-mama.  He had to stay in my classroom and I foolishly decided this would be fine.

15.  It was NOT FINE.

16.  He was all happy in his cage and then I had to go live on the Zoom with the first graders.  And by the way-have I told you how much I love first graders?  I mean, if you are looking for a new career, look into teaching first grade.  It is the best.  Ok.  Full disclosure:  it is exhausting and you won’t be wealthy, but you will be entertained and your heart will be full.

17.  And then while I was reading a story, Jack escaped and crawled up me.  As I was reading “Sheep in a Jeep” and teaching my beloved first graders that “ee” says long “e.”

18.  Beloved first graders had a journal writing prompt today.  It was:  The last time I laughed really hard was ____________.

Here is one of my precious first grader’s entries:


I believe it said:  The last time I was laughing really hard was today when the cat climbed up my teacher when she was reading me a story.

19.  I taught the aforementioned first graders that the word “weep” means to cry and encouraged them to use it in a sentence to their parents and knock the socks off their parents.

20.  One precious firstie waited several minutes after a Zoom meeting to ask me:

“Mrs. M.?  What was that fancy word that means “cry” again?”

Me:  Weep.

Firstie nodded and logged off.

21.  Have I mentioned that I enjoy first graders?

22.  I also love supportive and kind parents.  Seriously.  It makes all the difference.  Even if the teacher isn’t hitting grand slams, make them feel like you appreciate them.  It truly does help.  Teaching is hard.  Every teacher I have ever met wants to do their best for their students.

23.  I have this one parent.  She is an absolute blessing to me.  I had one of her precious boys last year and luckily, I have another precious son this year.  I believe they came from the south and they are so respectful.  They say “Yes, Ma’am” and make my heart melt.

24.  Sometimes precious mama gets confused and she talks to me on the zoom.  She always says, “Oh, excuse me, Mrs. M.  I look a-mess.”  And I think it is so funny because she is the most lovely person inside and out.  And when she is talking to me, I look like this:


And may or may not have a kitten crawling up me.

25.  David got a job promotion offer.  If he took it, we would have to move.  He doesn’t want it, but I would be ok if he took it.  I am proud of him.  He works hard.

26.  I went to get my hair did today.  I STILL do not have gray hair.

And I would also like to take this time to remind you that not only do I not have gray hair, but I have never had a cavity NOR a speeding ticket.

Have yourselves a nice Tuesday, alright?


Good Night.

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6 Responses to Excuse Me. I Look A-Mess.

  1. Cherishthejoy says:

    You’re the best. I miss you.
    Boys: I have 20 boys and 9 girls in my class. At least, it seems that way. Today, one of the boys heard me sigh and said, “you’re gonna have to get used to all these boys.” Hahah! I love 4th graders

  2. Joyce says:

    I’m glad you’re finding a new rhythm with this strange school year. I’m sure your first graders love you right back. And look at you buying land! Whoohoo!

  3. Zoe says:

    I’ve read about this trailer for a few posts, can you explain? What do you do with it? Haul stuff, live in it, what?
    I also teach first graders in our homeschool co-op. They are delightful.

  4. Calfkeeper says:

    There are few dull moments when teaching, I learned that from the stories my mom told when she was a teacher’s aide long ago.

    Yay to more cows!

  5. Ruth says:

    What?!?! NO cavities?? Amazing. I would have liked to see Jack crawling up you as you read to your class! That must have been the best day so far! (For the kids, I mean!)

  6. Beth says:

    When you need some alone time…there is the trailer , out the door. 🙂

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