Shop Boy

David turned 42.  Usually, he is a total fuddy duddy on his birthday and doesn’t like to acknowledge the blessing he is to this earth.  But this year!  This year, he took the fam out to dinner.


Lucky us!

I made him his favorite huckleberry pie and all is well with the world.

David is now in a manager position at his company.  He has recently hired a young lad.  Young lad is not yet ready to be an apprentice, but he is known as “Shop Boy.”

Let’s talk about “Shop Boy.”

Shop Boy:  David?  How can I work my way up in this company?

David:  Huh?

Shop Boy:  Like.  How can I be an apprentice?

David:  Go above and beyond in the position you are in now.  Do an extra good job.

Shop Boy:  Like how?

David:  You know how I told you to wash one Journeyman’s van each morning?

Shop Boy:  Yeah?

David:  Wash two vans each morning.

Shop Boy:  But I don’t like to wash vans.


Shop Boy:

David:  Well.  I don’t know what else to tell you.

One day, David took Shop Boy to help him set up some temporary power poles.  This involves arm muscles.

On the way back in the truck, David noticed Shop Boy was admiring his own arms.

David:  What are you doing?

Shop Boy:  Looking at my arms!  I grew some muscles today!  Look!

David:  Yeah.  That’s not how that works.

Another day, David took Shop Boy to go, and spray paint the company name on some power poles.

On the way back in the truck, David noticed Shop boy was doing something strange with his hands.

David:  What are you doing?

Shop Boy:  Practicing.

David:  What are you practicing?

Shop Boy:  Spray painting.  I want to be as good as you someday.

Reader.  He was “air” spray painting.  With his hands.  And no spray paint can.  In a truck.

Let’s move on.

I am enjoying having Auntie Datenut close by.

Three cheers for David and the kids for helping create an apartment for us to move her to!

Upon occasion, I take her to town to do her errands and we have a lot of chit chat time and general fun.

One particular outing, I noticed she kept praising me.

And Reader.  I did not complain.

Auntie:  Taylor!  Did you know you look like a mix between Cindy Crawford and Brooke Shields?

Me:  I did not.


Me:  Thanks, Auntie.

We were at Costco, and she kept praising my ability to shop.  And I am a good shopper.  I always tell David I am very good at spending his money.

Me:  Oh.  Dino-Nuggs are on sale.  I always promise LD I will buy them when they are on sale.

Auntie:  Good!

Me:  They are $4 off a box.  I am going to buy 3 boxes.

Auntie:  Man.  That Dave don’t know how lucky he is.

Later, we are loading all the things into the back of my sweet Infiniti.  I slam my leg on the trailer hitch that was left on my car by one of the males who live in my house.

Auntie:  And you don’t get mad at David for leaving that on?

Me:  I never really thought about it.

Auntie:  Man.  That Dave don’t know how lucky he is.

And that whole outing got me wondering:  Does Dave know how lucky he is?


Let the records show:  I look not like Cindy Crawford.  Nor Brooke Shields.

I look like Taylor.


Let’s talk about Little Dude.

I was able to snap a picture of him when he was smiling.


Isn’t he cute?

Then he noticed me with my phone:


So manly.  So tough.

Hadley took the dudes to the beach for a little swim session.  And, oh!  LD’s leg is doing phenomenal after being run over by a skid steer.  He was checked out by a doc and cleared to resume normal activities . . .just in time for another medical emergency.

So.  As I was saying, Hadley took the dudes to the beach.  Because she is a nice sister and she is very Sadley that Kason is far, far away, so she is filling up her time.

While they were at the lake, LD attempted a backflip and smacked his head on a log.  Hadley and HD helped him swim back to shore.  Other beachgoers came up to my children, concerned, and one man told them that HD’s head hitting the log sounded like a watermelon hitting concrete.


Hadley called me and started to come home.  I called my pediatric nurse sister-in-law, Amy, and she said to get him to the ER to check for a brain bleed or any swelling.

I got him to the ER in a flash and he was checked out and good news-just a concussion.

But goodness gracious and great balls of fire.

Am I right?

Yes.  I am right.


Hadley started her first day of college classes.

In true Hadley fashion, she was running late in the morning.

Hadley:  Mom.  I want to go to my cycling class.  Can I come to your school later for a picture.

Me:  Fineeeeee.

Hadley arrives at school.  My amazing nieces are once again helping me.  And may I say, that because my nieces have helped me, I shall be the most prepared for the school year that I have ever been?!

Holla, E!  Holla, A!  Thank you, Babes!

Anyways, Hadley arrives at school and guess what!  She locked her keys in her car! So she is Madley Hadley and she doesn’t want her picture taken because she wanted to do her hair at my school (?) and her car is locked and she looks terrible, but I took her picture anyway.


Hadley.  First day of college picture.  Check.

David left Shop Boy and came to break into her car for her so she could make it to class on time.

Holla, Dave!


I have asked Kate for a first day of school picture, and I have yet to receive one.



I took the boys to their annual well-checks.

Can someone PLEASE remind me to never schedule them together again?  Like EVER?

Like, not ever, ever ever.

At the end, the doctor said something that I have heard many people say to me as I leave with those two yahoos.

“It’s ok, Mom.  You are doing a good job.”

Which makes me wonder . . . Am I doing a good job?


The puppy brothers are doing a lot better in life.  And I must admit, all 3 dogs love me the most because I spend the most time with them.

Well, the other day, I left Niko unattended for a while and I found him chewing on my underpants.

Yes!  My underpants!

So.  I spoke harshly to him.  And Reader.  He felt so bad, he put himself in a timeout.


AND . . . I love him.


Hadley came home tonight and was filling me in about all of her college classes and everything new in her life.  As she was chatting, I began to admire her earrings.  And I thought to myself, “Teller.  You have always wanted earrings like that!”


And then!  Then, I remembered I bought those earrings.  And I wore them once!  ONCE, READER.  And Hadley asked to borrow them and she has had them for at least one month, I KID YOU NOT.

Me:  Hadley!  When can I have my earrings back?!

Hadley:  Mooommmmmm.


I don’t wanna brag, but I am gonna.

I am the BEST at growing this Wandering Jew plant.  I stuck some starts in a trough thing on my porch a few weeks ago and look at it now!


Please.  Be jealous.


HD:  Hadley!  You are home!  Do you want to finish our movie?

Hadley: Sure.

HD:  Oh, wait!  It is almost 8pm.  Never mind!


Happy Tuesday, Reader!



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2 Responses to Shop Boy

  1. Cherish says:

    Aunt Dana likes me. I like her. We should have a lunch date, the three of us.

  2. RuthW in MD says:

    OOhhh, I can see why your students love you. You have such a warm welcoming smile! Shop Boy sounds like he is very young, not finished growing yet. Better buy another pair of earrings, she’ll never remember to give those back. Hmm, 8pm, too late for a movie?
    So fun to read a post from you!

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