Tootling My Own Horn

I took HD to his annual eye exam last week.  This was his 11th year in a row of seeing this doctor.  Let’s call her, “Big City Doctor.”  Because.  She lives in the Big City.  Not the normal size city we are normally biding our time in.  Please, try to keep up.

And, Reader.  I like Big City Doctor.

Big City Doctor, and our favorite optician, Bob, will be the reason HD will enter society as a functioning adult.

Big City Doctor decided to reminisce a bit and looked back at his chart history.

Big City Doc:  So, we have been seeing him since he was 4?  How did you get to us?

Me:  Well, his eye started wandering when he was six months old so I talked to the pediatrician about it.  He referred me to an ophthalmologist close by.  He started in glasses at six months and we continued to see that doctor.  Around the time HD turned 3, that doctor told me he no longer needed glasses.  This concerned me, as HD’s eye was still wandering.  One day, after his bath, HD looked at me, extremely cross-eyed and proclaimed: “I see TWO mommies!”  So, I figured double vision was a bad sign.  Spoke with the pediatrician and he referred me to you.

Big City Doc:  I see . . .

Me:  When I called your office to set up the appointment, the receptionist informed me you were extremely booked and you might not be able to take him on as a patient.  She said she was going to show you his chart and let me know.  She called me back within a half hour and said you wanted to see him within the month.

Big City Doc:  Well, you have done a good job, Mom.  His vision is great, honestly, with his condition.  He is doing really well.

Me:  I think you are probably the one who did the good job.

Big City Doc:  Well, no, it was mostly you.  You caught it early and you kept taking him in and making sure he was wearing the glasses.  Usually with cases like his, the child loses vision in one eye and we cannot reverse it.  You did a good job.

Reader.  At that moment, I completely puffed up with pride.  And if you will permit me, I am going to now Tootle My Own Horn.

Yes!  I did do a good job!  And it wasn’t easy!  Long time readers might recall how difficult it was to keep toddler/preschool HD in a functioning pair of glasses.  And money was so much tighter then, and we had moved far from town.  We had a diesel Ford Excursion and diesel was close to $5 a gallon at the time (2010-2011 ish).  We were on one income, but whenever his glasses were broken, I would load the fab four into the big rig and go seek help from Bob.  And every time his little eye would wander, I felt like a failure, and I would panic.  I just wanted to make sure he didn’t end up with a lazy eye.

And, Reader.  I did it.

And thus concludes the Tootling of My Own Horn.

Thank you.


At LD’s well exam, the doctor informed him that he was in the 95th percentile for his height.

LD:  What does that mean?

Doc:  Well.  If you were in a room with 100 other fourteen-year-old boys, you would be taller than 95 of them.

Oh, this excited LD greatly.

LD, raised his hand in the air for the doctor to give him a high five, and shouted:  Let’s Go!

You know what else excited LD?  Hearing that HD was only in the 75th percentile.


I finally received a back to school photo of Kate:


She seems to be enjoying her new school and sent me this photo and asked-


“Do I look like a science major?”

David and I, but mostly David, just walked her through buying a car on her own in Kansas over the phone.  She wanted to FaceTime David so he could check the car out and she would send very reassuring messages to me, such as-

“Here is the location of where I am going to look at a car.  You know.  So you can find me in case they murder me.”

She found a car.  She is alive.  All is well.


This summer, I hatched some chicks and yesterday was chick moving day.  The whole fam came out to help!

We got all the chicks moved into the main chicken pen, except a rogue white one.

Everyone is all damsel-in-distress-y about touching a flappy chicken, but not LD.


He grabbed that thing like a boss.

Hero of the day.


David relayed this conversation he had with Shop Boy . . .

Shop Boy:  David?  When will we play games?

David:  Games?

Shop Boy:  You know.  Like team building games?  Games to get to know each other?

David:  Yeah.  We don’t do that.

Me, after David told me:  Oh, David, PLEASEEEEEEEEE.  Please get all the manly journeymen gathered into the shop and play “Never have I ever.”  Please!?

David:  Huh?


We went to the river this past weekend.  It was just a quick one night trip and we wanted to do a bit of yard work.

I snapped this photo of LD:


LD, later on:  Why are you, like, obsessed with me and taking my picture?

Me:  You are just THAT cute.

HD trimmed up some trees with a CHAINSAW.

I shudder.

I neglected to get the before picture, so you will just have to trust my word that he did a nice job.


The dogs and I played ball.  As we always do.


And they splashed around in the river a bit.


And I love them.


Today is my first official day back to school.  I am going to miss my morning walks with my dog friends.


I am looking forward to starting a new school year.  I will get my class list on Wednesday and meet the kids and their families on Wednesday night.  The kids start back on Tuesday.

My goal this year is to not let the beginning of the school year and all of its craziness defeat me.

Like it has every other year.

Wish me luck!


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3 Responses to Tootling My Own Horn

  1. RuthW in MD says:

    I wish you all the LUCK possible!! There might not be any LUCK left for anyone else, like an assistant teacher for your class, I’m wishing you so much LUCK!! GOOD LUCK!! Your horn tootle is an example of a great mom doing her job. I remember reading about those days of visiting Bob the optician. Hooray for your whole family!!

  2. Dawn says:

    The glasses thing took considerable dedication. You should be proud!

  3. Joyce says:

    I wish you luck! The start of the year is not for the faint of heart, parents or teachers! I remember all the glasses. So. many. glasses. High five mom!

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