The Million Dollar Wood Shed and Other Pointless Bits


I loathe them.  If you were reading my blog last year, you might recall that I spent most of my summer weeding my stupid, stupid, stupid, dumb garden.  I am bound and determined to not have a repeat of last summer.

There is more to life than weeding!  I am sure of it!

The astute reader might recall that we foolishly housed pigs in about 3/4ths of our garden.  As a result of this decision, 3/4ths of our garden is hazardous to plant in this season and will sit barren all summer long.

Epic fail.

The good news is this:  I only have to deal with weeding 1/4th of the garden!  The size of the entire garden is about 40ft by 100ft.

Since we had to wait until all the little piggies had turned into bacon, I didn’t get into the garden until last week.


Believe it or not, there are strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, and blackberry bushes somewhere in that jungle.

Here is a picture of the unusable section of the garden.

unusable garden 2013

It is a dry, barren, pig poop-filled wasteland.

Please take note of the bike that is ditched on the ground.  My boys are the cutest things ever.  Naughty?  Yes.  But also cute.  They live all day on their bikes.  They check on Handsome Dude’s pet bunny, “Ellie.”  They get the mail.  They check for eggs.

They got stuff to do, man.

Anyways.  David is too busy to deal with the garden during this time, so the task of weeding the jungle fell on yours truly.

And can we all stop a minute and be impressed with me?  I mean, really.  Those were a lot of weeds.  And my helpers spent more time bickering with each other than actually helping.  But we finished it in two days and on the second day, I told the kids that if we finished by lunch time, we could hit the beach.  And we did!

Here is our weeded garden:

garden 2013

After we weeded, we laid down newspaper and straw.  I am hoping to put a stop to any more massive weeding sessions.  Ain’t nobody got time for that.

I would also like the people to know that I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahblah operated a weed whacker and a mini-rototiller during this fun-filled weeding session.

I even pull-started both machines all by myself.

I’ll give you a moment to recover from your understandable shock.


David finished the wood shed this weekend.  Poor guy.  He has been working on that thing for a couple of months now.  He had to rip it all down and start over.

completed wood shed

I have named it, “The Million Dollar Wood Shed.”  On account of how many man-hours he has into this thing.

I would not have ripped it down and started over.  That would have infuriated me!  I would have thrown a fit, moped, and either:

A)  Just lived with the one that wasn’t “square”


B)  Hired somebody else to do it.

But he did it.  And he did not throw a fit.  Nor did he mope.


And now I must show you the most exciting picture ever!  (Remember, I am old now and strange things excite me)

 coop 2013

Look at my cute chicken coop!

IT HAS A HANGING BASKET!  As if life could not be any more exciting.  My mom and I made our own hanging baskets this year in an effort to save money.  I think they turned out nicely.  I made two for my Ruralville house and four for my rental.

Look at me with my big girl gardening pants on!

I am a little stressed as to how I am going to keep the rental baskets watered all summer long.  We rent the house out as a vacation rental during the summer so there will be times when I am only there once a week to water them.

This will probably kill the lovely hanging baskets.

I put a diaper in the baskets to help hold in the water.  Pinterest told me I should.

I put a water bottle with holes in the sides in the center of the basket to help with the watering.  Again.  Pinterest.

But will that be enough?

Only time will tell.

Alright!  I am off to town to work on the aforementioned rental.  We have been busy working on sprucing it up for summer.

Later, Gators.


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5 Responses to The Million Dollar Wood Shed and Other Pointless Bits

  1. Joyce says:

    I suppose this is not going to help you this year, but I did see that Miracle Gro makes a potting soil now that is supposed to retain more water, meaning you don’t have to water as often. I don’t know if it actually works, but we travel a lot so I’m thinking about trying it in some of my pots.

    Your chicken coop is cute : ) My hubs could not live with a non-square wood shed either. Have a nice week!

  2. datenut says:

    OMG! My niece is WonderWoman.

  3. Kendra says:

    Weeds stink for sure! Put down plastic garden liners. Love the hanging basket.

  4. The Miracle-Gro soil does work. It’s kind of amazing actually.

    Your chicken coop is darling and I am impressed with the perseverance you have for weeding.

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