Hating Cats for Three Days and Other Such Nonsense

I am a terrible blogger now.  I am going to be a good girl and blog tonight, even though I don’t have much to say.

Put on your party pants!

Handsome Dude has been hard to understand, per usual.  You may recall the “made me sausage” phrase of yesteryear.  Which was basically just what he said whenever he didn’t want to eat something . . . that it made him sausage.

You may ask, “Taylor!  What is the point of this ‘sausage’ story?!”

There is a point.

Handsome Dude still isn’t making any sense.  His teacher at school is pregnant.  She is in her first trimester.

And now, without further ado, I present to you:  An After School Convo.

(Fun fact!  Handsome Dude is now missing, like, all of the essential front teeth for making clear sounds.  Making him communicate all the more clearly.)

Me:  How was school, bud?

HD:  Not good.  We had to be quiet at the end of the day.  My teacher was nervous.

Me:  Nervous?

HD:  Yeah.  The baby makes her nervous.  We just had be quiet.

Me:  What?  Why was she nervous?

HD:  I don’t know.  I fink she just was.

(Fink=think.  Please.  Try to keep up.)

After careful deliberation, I believe his teacher was NAUSEOUS.

What say you?

We had some sad news tonight.  David, my ever brilliant and tactful husband, just randomly announced that he found two of our cute baby kittens dead today.



David.  The bearer of joyful information at the dinner table.

Apparently they fell in between some hay and were trapped.  It makes us sad, but have you read this blog?

Our property is where animals go to die.  So it was bound to happen.

Handsome Dude got extremely upset and ran downstairs.  David tried to talk to him, but he would only speak to me.  His mother.

Moms for the win!

HD:  Mom.  *sob* I fink *sob* we need to sell all the cats on our property.  I don’t want them anymore.

Me:  Buddy, you love the cats.  You don’t want to sell them.

HD:  Yes, I do.  *sob*  First Peter dies (Peter was our cat.  He died.  Obviously.), and now the two baby kitties.  That’s FREE (three.  keep up.  he has no teeth, people) dead cats.

Me:  I know.

HD:  Since there are free (three) dead cats, I am going to hate all cats for free (three) days.

Me:  You are not making any sense.

HD:  I will hate cats for three days.

Me:  Ok.

That boy.  Keeps us on our toes.

David decided to cut his own hair the other day.  Why?  Because he is stubborn and chose to do so.  But anyways, I noticed he gave himself a tail.

david hair

I was uncertain was to whether or not he wanted a tail.  I mean, you never know.  So, I mention it.  I even take this picture with my phone to prove it to him.

He doesn’t believe me.  He keeps the tail.  Because he is a slave to the current fashion trends.

So I gave up and let him have his tail.

At Thanksgiving, his brother notices his tail and brotherly mockery ensued.  The next morning, David re-cut his hair.  Apparently, Alex has way more power in my marriage than I do.

So, there’s that.

Oh!  We put up our tree!

Christmas tree 2013

My mom gave us one of her artificial trees this year.  I never though I would have a fake tree, but we just have a hard time actually getting a live tree.

You all remember the ill-fated Christmas Tree Hunt of 2011, yes?

The best part was my girls set the entire thing up (not decorated, just assembled the tree) while I finished painting.

And would you like to know what I was painting, good reader?


My house is now 100% rid of peach.

Seriously.  Glorious news.

Aren’t my girls helpful?  When I was all done painting, we decorated the tree.  It turned out pretty nicely.

I also made my own Christmas signs this year, inspired by some ideas on Pinterest of course.  They aren’t stellar by any means, but I think they are cute.  I just did them free hand.

Christmas sign

I used chalkboard markers.  They were easy to write with and I can just wash the phrase off and change the signs after Christmas.


We went to our town’s annual Christmas lighting ceremony a few days ago.  We were all able to look somewhat decent for a photo.

family 2013

It isn’t Christmas card worthy, but it is cute nonetheless.

That reminds me.  I still need to figure out a Christmas card photo.

Oh, joy!

The girls and I volunteered today at an event my mom was organizing.

Daisy Mae and I, collecting the money like pros.

dm mom

Sweet Pea, setting up the cookie decorating station.
sweet pea

Alright.  I have just been informed that Daisy Mae is throwing up.

Taylor out!


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7 Responses to Hating Cats for Three Days and Other Such Nonsense

  1. Melissa K says:

    Oh, no! Poor Daisy Mae! What was in those cookies?

    Cay-ute signs!

    We have our first ever artificial tree as well. I shunned the idea for years, but I’m already fairly positive I’m not going to regret it. I think I may have to give up my Grangeville card, though.

    Personally, I think David was trying to start a mullet, and now everyone has ruined it for him.

  2. B says:

    Your Christmas signs are EXCELLENT!
    I still say you look like the girls’ older sister or babysitter.
    Poor HD ..life is hard.
    David is trying to make them strong?
    Your girls are SO helpful, yes, yes they are.
    Artificial trees are easier and cheaper in the long run, I think.
    Just like not cutting firewood or having pigs or rabbits or hens , speaking of which,
    what are you doing with 10,000 eggs?

  3. Joyce says:

    I love your Christmas signs and your tree-so pretty! We gave in to the artificial tree a few years ago. We travel so much, and are often traveling around the holidays, so we needed to nix the watering. Your girls are growing up : )

  4. datenut says:

    Funniest Home Videos could really make you rich – with your lifestyle you could be making thousands! Like your sign and all your photos. thx wishing I didn’t learn about the demise of more animals. sad.

  5. Angie W. says:

    Love your signs! They would NOT look so lovely had I done them free hand–I am impressed. I think my son would understand HD. He also “hates” things or vehemently states he’s “never going to do xyz again” when the going gets rough, including things like eating, going to bed, playing with his Lego, playing with a sibling, going to Grandma’s. Whatever, son.

  6. Kendra d says:

    Love the signs!

  7. Rachel Spin says:

    A hearty congratulations on getting rid of all the peach walls! That took some hard work and patience. So sorry about the kitties. That would break my heart and I’m a grown up.

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