Elusive with a Tag

Look at this.


I mean.  Come on.

How could David ever not like kittens?  Precious creatures.

I ordered the sequel to These is My Words.  Thanks for the suggestion, astute readers.  As I waited, I read a book Kate gave to me.  Kate is my child who is in college but she is still in high school.  Her book was required reading.  It was very different.  It was called The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.  It was an easy read.  It had bad words.  This is unfortunate, but such is life.  I felt it gave me some good insight on kiddos with autism, which perhaps will help me in my teaching career.  Maybe?  Perhaps?

The cute puppy, Charlie, ate HD’s glasses again.  I didn’t even drive him into town for it.  I just called, Bob. Do you remember Bob?  Sure you do.  Bob has been a part of my life for longer than this here blog.  Anyways, Bob is surely unimpressed with my mothering skills in the subject of eye glasses, but he is kind to me nonetheless.  He just had to help us a couple of months ago when Charlie ate them.

Me then:  Thank you so much for all of your help with this!  We will definitely not ever let the puppy have access to them again.

Me today:  Hi, Bob.  It’s me.  Taylor.  Remember?  Yeah.  The puppy ate the glasses again.

He is ordering new frames and will call me when they are in.  HD is handling this setback like a champ.  And he has a new and improved middle school attitude to match it.  He is thrilled that the only way we could fix his glasses was with a bandaid.  His eyes hurt, he cannot see, the bandaid is dumb . . . Just, whatever, man.

The Rental.

We are fixing it up.  When I say we, I mean, David, and I am just basically his project organizer and cheerleader.  He started sanding the wood floors tonight:


Fun fact:  I have always wanted to move back here, ever since we moved 10 years ago.  I LOVED that house.  I never wanted to sell it before.  I am feeling ok with it now.  I am ready to be done.  We will fix it up one more time and be done.

My knee.

I do not know what is going on.  I do not think I tore anything, but it hurts.  I have been resting.  Today, I went for a walk to check on the cows.


I live life on the edge.  I had Kate keeping watch at home with a cell phone in case I fell and couldn’t get up.  Again.

Yes.  I am 38.  Why do you ask?

Anyways, I found Elusive with a Tag and her calf.  This was as close as I could get.  For she wanted my head on a platter for merely being in the presence of her and her calf.


Do you see her?  She is the cow with a tag in her ear who doesn’t want to be looked at much.  Hence the name, “Elusive with a Tag.”  The cow in the left of the picture is our friend, “Elusive without a Tag.”  Observe that she does not have a tag.

Could we not be more clever with our bovine names?

Taylor:  David!  I get to name all the cows!  And the names will be fabulous, like Bessie and Matilda and Mildred!

David:  Whatever.

First round of cows:  Matilda, Rosie, Mildred, Babs, Hildy, Penny, Maisy, and Bessie.

Second round:  Purple Cow 8, Purple Cow 5, Elusive with a Tag, Elusive without a Tag, Miss America.

You may ask, “Taylor!  Why Miss America?”

Well.  Because she has one red tag and one blue tag.

I am not killing it in the name department over here.


I went on the walk and now my knee hurts something fierce, so I have been icing and propping and bemoaning life.

Yes.  I am 38.  Why do you ask?

My boys will not stop fighting nor eating.  I am plum at my witt’s end.  There is no end in sight.  I had to have a “Come to Jesus” meeting with them today regarding their poor attitudes.  They are full of much middle school angst.  They didn’t really feel moved by my speech, but they did hope to make/eat brownies soon after.

Did I tell you we bought 150 more pigs?

We bought 150 more pigs.

Happy Monday!

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2 Responses to Elusive with a Tag

  1. Calfkeeper says:

    Regarding bovine names: we too are creative with our dairy herd. “Spike” is the cow who shot out of the chute and never did get dehorned. She broke one horn off on her own somehow, but still has the other. RC was the Renegade Cow who was forever doing what she shouldn’t do. UT was Udder Tilts, SE was Split Ear, we also had Fluffy, the Black Witch, the Little Black Cow, Messy-who forever had to take a dump the minute she was in the milking parlor, and any number of others I forget. We now have an Anne-Shirley, who is one of those genetic hiccups…a red Holstein born to two black and white parents. And Lucy, her sister, also a red one.

  2. Beth says:

    I think the cat nap is the best part of your life.
    Pig wrestling/hurteling not.
    You are a wonder “teller”.

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