Elusive withOUT a Tag

I feel like Little Dude and I are often in sync with each other.  We are the two humans who have the most compassion for animal kind on our property.

Yesterday, I was therapeutizing my knee in the hot tub.  And, no, therapeutizing is not a word.  I made it up!

I was in the hot tub and he was sitting on the deck visiting with me.  Naturally, he had Rio with him.  And I am going to tell you about the convo we had, because it is only he who I could have this convo with.

Me:  Dude.  Look at the cows  which one is the most beautiful?  Ignore personality.

LD (thinking seriously, because we take this seriously):  Hmmm.  That is a tough one.

Me:  It is Matilda.  I mean, she is a beaut.  She is a brat and a half, but she is stunning.

LD:  True.  Which one is the funniest?

Me:  What do you mean?

LD:  I mean, which one do you think is the most playful?

Me:  None of them.  They are a bunch of moody, no nonsense gals.

We share a chuckle and a fondness for our bovine friends.

If I had asked Hadley which cow was the prettiest, she would have said:
“Mom.  You have lost your mind.”


Well, too bad for her because LD and I enjoy our animal friends and speak of them fondly.


We are trying to sell things online.  I have listed some furniture and appliances from the rental.  I get many texts or emails that read:

“Is this still available?”

And I say


And then I never hear from them again.


And now, I must tell you that I truly believe there are people who spend all day answering these ads with the question:

“Is this still available?”

Just to mess with people.

It is a regular conspiracy!  And to prevent this, we even put directly into the ad this sentence:

If this ad is still up, the item is still available.

This deters no one.  I am at my witt’s end.  I live 45 minutes from the rental and so when I get a text at 8am that says:

“Is this still available?”

My mind is racing and re-planning my day so I can work in a trip to town, and then, nothing.


My knee is plum making me fussy.  I have no idea what is going on and I am fit to be tied.  I decided to call the doctor to make an appointment, just for kicks and grins, and he is three weeks out.  So, I will see him in three weeks.  And he will say what I always hear:

“Well.  You had seven surgeries.  It isn’t going to be normal.  You will need a knee replacement eventually, but you are too young.”

Woe unto me.


Elusive withOUT a tag had a calf today.  I made my boys walk out with me to check.   The Elusive gals are really quite furious if you come near their babies.  It is purely terrifying.  It is like evil lasers are shooting from their eyes with the intent to kill anyone who is within a 300 foot range of their young.

But lucky for you, I did grab this photo:


It is, admittedly, a terrible photo.  But remember the laser eyes!

There is a calf in the bottom left-ish area of the picture.  Elusive withOUT a tag is in the right side of the photo, wishing we were all dead.

The calf looks to be a reddish color.  Interesting.

Who is the father, Elusive withOUT a tag?  Hmmmm?


Happy Tuesday.

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3 Responses to Elusive withOUT a Tag

  1. Vicki says:

    Now I understand why my friend who used to live on a cattle ranch used a rifle scope to check out cows that had given birth from far far away in her living room.

  2. Beth says:

    A special child with a very good imagination. Wise.

  3. Joyce says:

    If I owned cows I would definitely name them and determine their dominant personality traits. Have a wonderful weekend!

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